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Amateur Naturalists Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:49

In the IELTS Reading section, you will encounter three passages accompanied by 40 questions in multiple-choice, matching headings, and True/False/Not Given formats. This segment lasts 60 minutes and challenges your ability to grasp critical information, discern main ideas, and infer implications effectively.


To excel in the IELTS Reading section, employ effective strategies such as skimming to identify key themes like the contributions of amateur naturalists to scientific discovery and conservation efforts. Scan for specific details such as their field observations, methodologies, and impact on biodiversity conservation. Regular practice with sample questions and exposure to diverse question types will refine your skills for test day.


Prepare for an insightful exploration of "Amateur Naturalists Reading Answers," which delves into the contributions of everyday enthusiasts to the study and preservation of natural environments. Explore how amateur naturalists' observations and data collection have enriched scientific knowledge and influenced conservation practices. Gain insights into their significant role in documenting biodiversity, monitoring environmental changes, and fostering public awareness, shaping our understanding and stewardship of the natural world.

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1. Amateur Naturalists Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 


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Amateur Naturalists Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Amateur Naturalists  Reading Passage 



Paragraph A 

Tim Sparks takes a little notepad with a leather cover and slips it out of an envelope. Notes on beekeeping were written in this book by the late Walter Coates of Kilworth, Leicestershire, between the years 1941 and 1969, and the pages are beginning to yellow. He adds it to the mountain of gardening diaries, birdwatchers' lists, and local journals that are already on his desk. According to him, "We're unearthing approximately one huge new record happening each month," and "I still get astonished." Approximately two centuries advance to Coates, a landowner named Robert Marsham from Norfolk in the east of England got the ball rolling by noting the life cycles of the plants and animals that lived on his estates, such as the date that the first wood anemones flowered, the date that the oak trees first sprouted leaves, and the date that the rooks started nesting. Over the course of 211 years, subsequent Marshams have continued to compile these notes.



Paragraph B


These kinds of records are being put to use today in ways that the people who originally created them could not possibly have anticipated. Ecologists who are interested in the timing of biological processes, sometimes known as phenology, are finding that these data sets, along with others like them, are proving to be invaluable. Researchers are able to explain how, for example, variations in temperature affect the onset of spring by merging the records with climatic data. This enables ecologists to make greater predictions about the impact of climate change. A comparatively small group of researchers went through the records that had been kept for hundreds of years by thousands of amateur naturalists. In addition, more organised projects have just begun, which has resulted in an excessive amount of feedback. Sparks, a climate researcher at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Monks Wood, has stated that "the degree of attention is almost alarming." 



Paragraph C


When Sparks's coworker retired, the Marsham data were given to him, and this is when he first became aware of the army of "closet phenologists," as he refers to them. Now a significant portion of his work is devoted to the process of pursuing leads from one past data frame to another. As word of his quest spreads, people start pointing him in the direction of other historical records, and an increasing number of people who consider themselves to be amateur phenologists come forward. His work is made easier by the British predilection for recording and collecting information. For example, a man from Kent handed him kitchen calendars that spanned 30 years and on which he had written the date when the magnolia tree in his neighbor's yard blossomed.



Paragraph D


Other scholars have uncovered data from just as peculiar a source of information. Rafe Sagarin, an ecologist at Stanford University in California, conducted research on the records of a betting contest not too long ago. In the contest, participants attempted to guess the exact time at which a notably erected wooden tripod would fall through the surface of a thawing river. Sagarin's research was published in the journal Ecology. Since 1917, the competition has been held yearly on the Tanana River in Alaska. An examination of the results revealed that the thaw now begins five days sooner than it did when the competition first began.



Paragraph E

Overall, such records have shown that natural phenomena now occur earlier across much of the northern hemisphere, from the opening of leaves to the return of migratory birds and the emergence of hibernating insects. Data can also predict future nature changes. Amateur records could aid conservation alongside climate change predictions. Terry Root, an ecologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, compared wildfowl counts from 1955 to 1996 with climate data and future warming predictions. Her analysis suggests that predicted 10. droughts might reduce pond breeding numbers. "Global warming will likely reduce North American waterfowl," she says.



Paragraph F

However, not all professionals are willing to use amateur data. 11.  "A lot of scientists won't touch them because they're too riddled with difficulties," Root says. Because various people have different opinions about what constitutes, say, an open snowdrop. "The most concerning aspect of ad hoc observations is how precisely and methodically they were collected," says Mark Schwartz of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who researches plant-climate interactions. "We need to know exactly what a person has been seeing; if they just say, 'I noticed when the leaves came out,' it might not be very valuable." Measuring the arrival of fall can be especially difficult because 12. determining when leaves change colour is a more subjective process than noting when they appear.



Paragraph G

The contribution that amateurs can provide is often seen favorably by phenologists. According to Sagarin, they "get at the raw strength of science: meticulous observation of the natural world." Professionals understand the value of meticulous quality control, though. Root, for instance, conducts a collector interview to assess the calibre of an amateur archive. "You must always be on guard since even insignificant events like vacations might skew the results. Many documents are disregarded by me because they are not rigorous enough, "she claims. Others contend that some of the issues with amateur data can be resolved with the appropriate statistics.



Paragraph H


Arnold van Vliet, an environmental scientist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, is 13. developing statistical methods to take into account the uncertainty in amateur phenological data. Professional researchers are currently working to develop standardised recording protocols in order to better capture the passion of amateur phenologists, as evidenced by former records. They anticipate that well-planned research will produce a volume of findings that is sufficient to mask the peculiarities of different recorders. The information is easy to get and can show a range of species over time and space. Without hiring an army of watchers, says Root, "it's really difficult to collect information on a wide geographic scale."



Paragraph I


Phenology is another tool that can be used to hammer home the points being made about climate change. Sparks claims that 14. the general public recognises the importance of these documents since they are able to comprehend the content. It can also demonstrate potentially unpleasant repercussions, such as the discovery that more rat infestations are reported to local councils in warmer years, as he adds, which is an example of how this phenomenon might be illustrated. In addition, encouraging participation from others is beneficial to the organisation's public relations. "It empowers them to think that the data they've been gathering as a hobby may be utilised for something scientific," says Root. "People are excited to think that the data they've been collecting as a hobby might be used for something."


Amateur Naturalists Reading Answers & Questions

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Amateur Naturalists 

Questions and Answers 1-3

  • Complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
  • Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.



1. Walter Coates's records largely contain the information of ______

2. Robert Marsham is famous for recording the ______ plants on his land of animals

3. According to some phenologists, global warming may cause the number of waterfowl in North America to drop significantly due to increased ______



Amateur Naturalists  Reading Answers with Explanations (1-3)



Type of question: Sentence Completion


To answer sentence completion questions accurately, read the given sentence carefully and identify the missing word or phrase. Then, consider the context to determine the most suitable answer option that completes the sentence appropriately. Choosing the option that best fits the context will help you answer sentence completion questions accurately.



How to best answer the question


  • Carefully read the incomplete sentence and try to understand what information is missing.
  • Pay attention to the context and any clues provided in the sentence or the surrounding text.
  • Choose the option that best completes the sentence based on the information from the reading passage.


1. Bee-Keeping




Paragraph A

Notes on beekeeping were written in this book by the late Walter Coates of Kilworth, Leicestershire, between the years 1941 and 1969...




Walter Coates's records primarily contain information related to beekeeping, as noted in the passage.


2. Life Cycles




Paragraph  A

Robert Marsham from Norfolk in the east of England got the ball rolling by noting the life cycles of the plants and animals that lived on his estates...




Robert Marsham is renowned for recording the life cycles of plants and animals on his estates, focusing on the timing of biological processes.


3. Droughts




Paragraph E

Her analysis suggests that predicted 10. droughts might reduce pond breeding numbers.



According to phenologists like Terry Root, global warming may lead to reduced numbers of waterfowl in North America due to increased droughts impacting their habitats.


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Questions and Answers 4-7
  • Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. Write your answers in boxes 4-7 on your answer sheet.



4. Why do a lot of scientists discredit the data collected by amateurs?


A. Amateur data is not reliable.
B. Amateur observers are not careful in recording their data.
C. Scientific methods were not used in data collection. 
D. Amateur data is produced by the wrong candidates.



5. Mark Schwartz used the example of leaves to illustrate that


A. amateur records can't be used.
B. amateur records are always unsystematic.
C. valuable information is often precise.  
D. the color change of leaves is hard to observe.



6. How do the scientists suggest amateur data should be used?


A. Using improved methods
B. Applying statistical techniques in data collection
C. Using raw materials
D.  Being more careful in observation 



7. What's the implication of phenology for ordinary people?


A. It empowers the public. 
B. It promotes public relations. 
C. It warns people of animal infestation.
D. It raises awareness about climate change in the public.



Amateur Naturalists  Reading Answers with Explanations (4-7)




Question Type: Multiple Choice 


Multiple Choice questions in the IELTS reading test present you with a question followed by a set of options from which you must choose the correct answer. Typically, there are three or four options to choose from. You must carefully read the question and each option before selecting the correct answer.


How to best answer this question:


  • You must comprehend the passage to select the most accurate option.
  • Efficient skimming and scanning help locate relevant information quickly.
  • Some options may be designed to mislead you, so it's crucial to base your choice on evidence from the passage.
  • Multiple-choice questions can be time-consuming if you dwell on each option too long. Manage your time wisely to ensure you can attempt all questions.


4. A




Paragraph F

A lot of scientists won't touch them because they're too riddled with difficulties,



Many scientists discredit amateur data because they consider it unreliable due to various difficulties and inconsistencies in how the data are collected.


5. C




Paragraph F

The most concerning aspect of ad hoc observations is how precisely and methodically they were collected,




Mark Schwartz uses the example of leaves to illustrate that valuable information from amateur records can often be precise if collected methodically and accurately.


6. B




Paragraph H

Others contend that some of the issues with amateur data can be resolved with the appropriate statistics.




Scientists suggest that amateur data should be used by applying statistical techniques to mitigate the challenges associated with its collection.


7. D




Paragraph H

Phenology is another tool that can be used to hammer home the points being made about climate change.




The implication of phenology for ordinary people is that it raises awareness about climate change, as it demonstrates how natural phenomena are affected by environmental changes.


Read more about A Guide on Most Common English Words Used in Daily Life!

Questions and Answers 8-14

  • The reading passage has nine paragraphs A-I. Which paragraph contains the following information?
  • Write the correct letter A-I in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.



8. The definition of phenology

9. How Sparks first became aware of amateur records

10. How people reacted to their involvement in data collection

11. The necessity to encourage amateur data collection

12. A description of using amateur records to make predictions

13. Records of a competition providing clues to climate change

14. A description of a very old record compiled by generations of amateur naturalists



Amateur Naturalists  Reading Answers with Explanations (8-14)



Type of question: Matching Features


In the task of "Matching Features," you typically need to pair related items based on certain criteria. This could involve comparing characteristics, identifying connections, or linking items that complement each other. The specific approach will depend on the task's context. 


How to best answer the question


  • Start by identifying the key aspects of each item and then clearly demonstrate how they align or differ. 
  • Providing specific examples or evidence to support your comparisons can strengthen your answer. 
  • It's also essential to ensure that your response is organised and easy to follow, so consider using a structured format such as a table or a side-by-side comparison.


8. B




Paragraph B

Ecologists who are interested in the timing of biological processes, sometimes known as phenology,




Paragraph B contains the definition of phenology as the study of the timing of biological processes in relation to climate and seasonal changes.


9. C




Paragraph C

When Sparks's coworker retired, the Marsham data were given to him,




Paragraph C describes how Tim Sparks first became aware of amateur records when he inherited the Marsham data from his coworker.


10. I




Paragraph I

People are excited to think that the data they've been collecting as a hobby might be used for something.



Paragraph I discusses people's positive reaction to their involvement in data collection, feeling empowered that their hobby could contribute to scientific understanding.


11. G




Paragraph G

The contribution that amateurs can provide is often seen favorably by phenologists.



Paragraph G talks about the necessity and value of encouraging amateur data collection, highlighting the favorable view professionals have towards amateur contributions.


12. E




Paragraph E

Data can also predict future nature changes




Paragraph E describes how amateur records are used to predict future changes in natural phenomena like the earlier occurrences of seasonal events due to climate change.


13. D




Paragraph D

Other scholars have uncovered data from just as peculiar a source of information.




Paragraph D discusses records from a betting contest on the Tanana River, which provides clues to climate change through observations of river thawing.


14. A




Paragraph A

Over the course of 211 years, subsequent Marshams have continued to compile these notes.




Paragraph A describes the very old record compiled by generations of amateur naturalists, specifically noting Robert Marsham's ongoing documentation of plant and animal life cycles.



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Q. How can I practice for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. You can practice for the IELTS Reading test by reading a variety of English texts, such as newspapers, magazines, and online articles. Additionally, you can take practice tests to familiarise yourself with the test format and timing. It's also helpful to work on improving your skimming and scanning abilities to effectively locate information within the passages.

Q. Is it helpful to underline key points in the passages?

Ans. Yes, underlining key points in passages can be helpful for better understanding and retention. It can serve as a visual aid, making important information stand out. However, it's important not to overdo it and only underline the most crucial points to avoid information overload. Additionally, it's essential to complement underlining with other active reading strategies for maximum effectiveness.

Q. Can I use a dictionary during the Reading test?

Ans. No, you generally cannot use a dictionary during the Reading test. The purpose of the test is to assess your ability to comprehend and analyse written passages without external aids. Using a dictionary would defeat the purpose of evaluating your reading skills. It's important to rely on your own abilities to understand the text and answer the questions based on your interpretation.