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This Marvellous Invention Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The IELTS Reading section is designed to evaluate your ability to understand, analyse, and interpret written texts. It comprises three passages, each followed by a series of questions designed to test your ability to identify main ideas, locate specific information, understand implied meanings, and draw logical inferences. With a total duration of 60 minutes to complete the entire Reading section, efficient time management is crucial. You'll need to allocate your time wisely across the three passages and avoid spending too much time on any single question.


The "Marvellous Invention" passage delves into the fascinating realm of technological innovation, exploring the evolution and impact of groundbreaking inventions on society. Through this passage, you'll gain insights into the revolutionary advancements that have shaped the modern world, prompting reflection on the transformative power of human ingenuity and creativity.

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1. This Marvellous Invention Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 

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2. This Marvellous Invention Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about This Marvellous Invention

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This Marvellous Invention Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





 This Marvellous Invention Reading Passage



Paragraph A

Language must be given honourable mention among all of humanity's many creations. Our material existence may have been changed by other discoveries like the wheel, agriculture, and sliced bread, but the development of language is what gave rise to the human race. All other inventions are insignificant in comparison to language because language is the foundation of all human achievement. Without language, humans would not have been able to begin our ascent to unmatched dominance over all other animals and even over nature.


Paragraph B

Language is important, but not just because it was the first. Although it is based on a concept of brilliant simplicity, it is a tool of extraordinary sophistication in its own right: "This marvellous invention of making out of twenty-five or thirty sounds that infinite diversity of statements which, although in themselves having no likeness to what is in our mind, allow us to expose to others its full secret, and to make known to those who cannot fathom it all that we envisage, and all the many stirrings of our soul." No one has subsequently praised the magnitude of this achievement more eloquently than the famed French grammarians of the Port-Royal convent near Versailles, who did it in 1660. There is only one problem in all of these hymns of praise, however, as the devotion to each language's singular achievement obscures a little but crucial incongruity. The greatest innovation of mankind is language, except that it was never created. Our interest in language stems from this apparent paradox, which also holds many of its secrets.


Paragraph C

Language frequently appears to be so expertly crafted that it is difficult to picture it as anything other than the refined workmanship of a master craftsman. How else could this instrument produce such a large amount of sound from just thirty-two meagre sound bites? These mouth shapes—p, f, b, v, t, d, k, g, sh, a, e, and so on—amount to nothing more than a few careless spits and sputters, meaningless noises that are incapable of expression or explanation. However, if you run them through the gears and cogs of the language machine and arrange them in some very precise order, there is nothing that these useless streams of air cannot accomplish, from unravelling the fundamental order of the cosmos to signifying the endless boredom of existence.


Paragraph D

The most amazing thing about language, though, is that everyone can use it; they don't need to be geniuses. Everyone, from pre-modern foragers in the subtropical savannah to post-modern thinkers in the sprawling suburbs, can weave these meaningless sounds together into an unlimited number of delicate perceptions, all seemingly without exerting the least effort. However, because language's victories are typically taken for granted in daily life, it is precisely this misleading ease that makes language a victim of its own success. The wheels of language move so smoothly that one rarely thinks to pause and think about all the inventiveness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick. Language hides the arts.


Paragraph E

Often, the marvel of language design is only realised when one becomes alienated by foreign tongues and all of their bizarre and unusual aspects. Some languages have the power to construct words that are so long that they are literally impossible to breathe, expressing in one word what it would take an English speaker a full phrase to utter. To give one example, the Turkish phrase şehirliliçtiremediklerimizdensiniz literally translates to "you are one of them who we can't change into a town-dweller." (In case you were wondering, this monstrosity is actually just one word, not just a bunch of words crammed together; most of its constituent parts can't even support itself.)


Paragraph F

If you think that's a one-off freak, think of Sumerian, which was used by people who established writing and allowed for the recording of history some 5,000 years ago on the Euphrates riverbanks. In comparison to the Turkish colossus above, a Sumerian phrase like munintuma'a ('when he had made it suited for her') could appear relatively trim. Contrarily, the economical compactness of its construction, not its length, is what makes it so stunning. The term is made up of various slots, each of which corresponds to a distinct semantic component. Due to this sophisticated design, even the lack of sound may be used to portray a specific idea. Single sounds can even be used to provide useful information. The answer would have to be nothing if you were to inquire as to which portion of the Sumerian term corresponds to the pronoun "it" in the English translation "when he had made it acceptable for her." But not just nothing—the nothing that occupies the empty space in the middle, to be exact. The technology is now so refined that, when positioned precisely in a given location, even an inaudible object can perform a specific task. Who could possibly have come up with such a nifty contraption?


This Marvellous Invention Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about This Marvellous Invention

Questions and Answers 1-6
  • Reading Passage has six paragraphs: A-F.
  • Choose the correct heading for paragraph A-F from the list of headings below.
  • Write the correct number, I-VII.



List of Headings


I. Language variations highlight how outstanding they are.


II. how a small number of sounds can be arranged to represent a wide variety of meaning


III. why various languages don't use the same sounds


IV. Apparently, conflicting linguistic traits


V. Even a moment of silence has value.


VI. Why the development of language is the most significant one ever


VII. the shared capacity for language


  1. Paragraph A 
  2. Paragraph B 
  3. Paragraph C 
  4. Paragraph D  
  5. Paragraph E  
  6. Paragraph F 



This Marvellous Invention Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)


Type of question: Matching Headings


In this question type, you will be asked to choose the correct heading for each paragraph from a list of headings provided. This type of question assesses your ability to understand the main idea or theme of each paragraph.


How to best answer: 


  • Familiarise yourself with the list of headings before reading the paragraphs. This helps you know what to look for.
  • Identify the main idea or theme of each paragraph by looking for topic sentences or recurring themes.
  • Find keywords or phrases that are similar to those in the headings. This can help you make connections.
  • Eliminate incorrect options that don't match any paragraphs to narrow down your choices.
  • Skim and Scan each paragraph efficiently to get a context about the content.



1. VI




From paragraph A: "Language must be given honourable mention among all of humanity's many creations. Our material existence may have been changed by other discoveries like the wheel, agriculture, and sliced bread, but the development of language is what gave rise to the human race."


Paragraph A discusses why the development of language is considered the most significant creation ever, highlighting its role in the rise of the human race and its dominance.


2. IV




From paragraph B: "Language is important, but not just because it was the first. Although it is based on a concept of brilliant simplicity, it is a tool of extraordinary sophistication in its own right:"


Paragraph B delves into the sophistication of language, highlighting its brilliance beyond being merely the first creation, showcasing its extraordinary complexity and functionality.


3. II




From paragraph C:  “How else could this instrument produce such a large amount of sound from just thirty-two meagre sound bites? These mouth shapes—p, f, b, v, t, d, k, g, sh, a, e, and so on—amount to nothing more than a few careless spits and sputters, meaningless noises that are incapable of expression or explanation.”


Paragraph C explores the apparent contradiction in the simplicity of language sounds and the complexity of their arrangements, emphasising how language uses a small set of sounds to convey a vast array of meanings.


4. VII




From paragraph D: “The most amazing thing about language, though, is that everyone can use it; they don't need to be geniuses. Everyone, from pre-modern foragers in the subtropical savannah to post-modern thinkers in the sprawling suburbs, can weave these meaningless sounds together into an unlimited number of delicate perceptions, all seemingly without exerting the least effort.”


Paragraph D discusses the universality of language, highlighting how it can be utilised by people across different cultures and intellectual capacities, making it an accessible tool for communication and perception.


5. I




From paragraph E: “Often, the marvel of language design is only realised when one becomes alienated by foreign tongues and all of their bizarre and unusual aspects.”


Paragraph E discusses how the marvel of language becomes apparent when encountering foreign languages, highlighting the unique and sometimes bizarre aspects of different linguistic systems.


6. V




From paragraph F: “Due to this sophisticated design, even the lack of a sound may be used to portray a specific idea.”


Paragraph F explores the intricate design of language, showcasing how even the absence of sound can convey specific ideas, emphasising the sophistication and versatility of linguistic systems.

Questions and Answers 7-10
  • Complete the summary using the list of words, A-G, below.
  • Write the correct letter, A-G.



The importance of language


The development of the wheel had a significant impact on  7........ facets of life, but no other invention had an impact as 8....... as language. Despite having only a few sounds, the language is very 9....... It seems that language is 10..... to use. But its sophistication is frequently disregarded.


  1. difficult
  2. complex
  3. original
  4. admired
  5. material
  6. easy
  7. fundamental


This Marvellous Invention Reading Answers with Explanations (7-10)


Type of question: Summary completion


Under this task, you will be given a summary with incomplete sentences. However, you will not be given any list of words/phrases to choose the missing information. You must refer to the main passage to fill in the missing information. 


How to answer: 


  • Read the summary to understand what information it’s missing
  • Identify keywords and locate them in the main passage to find missing words 
  • Review the context of the words you’ve chosen to match the summary
  • Finalise your answers


7. E




From paragraph A: “Our material existence may have been changed by other discoveries like the wheel, agriculture, and sliced bread, but the development of language is what gave rise to the human race. All other inventions are insignificant in comparison to language because language is the foundation of all human achievement.”


The passage emphasises the foundational role of language in human achievement, contrasting it with other inventions like the wheel, which primarily affect material aspects of life.


8. G




From paragraph A: “Our material existence may have been changed by other discoveries like the wheel, agriculture, and sliced bread, but the development of language is what gave rise to the human race. All other inventions are insignificant in comparison to language because language is the foundation of all human achievement.”


Language is portrayed as easy to use and fundamental, contrasting with other inventions like the wheel, which might have significant impacts but are not as universally accessible and versatile.


9. B




From paragraph B: “Although it is based on a concept of brilliant simplicity, it is a tool of extraordinary sophistication in its own right:”


Despite its simple concept, language is depicted as difficult or complex due to its extraordinary sophistication, as highlighted in the passage.


10. F




From paragraph D: “However, because language's victories are typically taken for granted in daily life, it is precisely this misleading ease that makes language a victim of its own success. The wheels of language move so smoothly that one rarely thinks to pause and think about all the inventiveness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick. Language hides the arts.”


The paragraph suggests that the sophistication and complexity of language are often overlooked, indicating its material importance despite its seeming ease of use.

Questions and Answers 11-14
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet, write

  • YES if the statement agrees with the information given
  • NO if the statement contradicts the information given
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this



11. Human beings might have achieved their present position without language.


12. The Port-Royal grammarians did justice to the nature of language.


13. A complex idea can be explained more clearly in a sentence than in a single word.


14. The Sumerians were responsible for starting the recording of events.



This Marvellous Invention Reading Answers with Explanations (11-14)



Type of question: Yes/No/Not Given(True/False/Not Given)


In this question type, you are required to determine whether the statements provided agree with, contradict, or are not mentioned in the reading passage. 


How to best answer: 

  • Understand what information is being presented and what is being asked.
  • Find relevant information in the reading passage that relates to the statement.
  • Determine if the statement agrees with, contradicts, or is not mentioned in the passage.
  • If the information is not explicitly provided in the passage, select 'Not Given' rather than making assumptions.
  • Base your answers solely on the information presented in the passage, avoiding personal opinions or outside knowledge.


11. No




From paragraph A:  "Without language, humans would not have been able to begin our ascent to unmatched dominance over all other animals and even over nature."


Language is portrayed as indispensable for human advancement, suggesting that without it, humans wouldn't have achieved their current status, contradicting the statement.


12. Yes




From paragraph A: "Without language, humans would not have been able to begin our ascent to unmatched dominance over all other animals and even over nature."


The Port-Royal grammarians are praised for their acknowledgment of language's significance, aligning with the claim made in the statement.


13. Not Given




From paragraph: N.A.


The passage doesn't directly address whether a complex idea can be explained more clearly in a sentence than in a single word, so the writer's stance on this is not provided.


14. Yes




From paragraph F: "If you think that's a one-off freak, think of Sumerian, which was used by people who established writing and allowed for the recording of history some 5,000 years ago on the Euphrates riverbanks."


The passage clearly states that Sumerians used their language to record history, supporting the claim.

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Q. What are some good resources for improving my reading skills in general?

Ans. Explore resources like Project Gutenberg and Medium for a wide variety of reading materials. Your local library can give you personalised book suggestions. For easy access to books and audiobooks, you might want to use apps like Kindle or Goodreads. Websites such as Khan Academy or Newsela offer exercises that match your reading level to help you understand what you're reading better.

Q. How can I stay calm and focused during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To do well in the IELTS reading test, it's important to stay calm and focused. You can achieve this by practising mindfulness, managing your time effectively, staying hydrated, staying relaxed, carefully reviewing questions, and maintaining a positive mindset. Following these strategies will help you perform at your best.

Q. Can I retake the IELTS Reading test alone?

Ans. Yesyou can retake individual sections of the IELTS test, such as reading, separately. This means you can just focus on the specific section you want to improve without having to redo the entire test.