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How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Answers: IELTS Listening Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The IELTS Listening section assesses your ability to understand spoken English in various contexts, ranging from everyday conversations to academic lectures. This crucial part of the IELTS exam evaluates your listening skills through a series of recordings played only once.


You will hear four recorded monologues and conversations. These recordings are divided into different sections, each with its own set of questions that increase in difficulty as you progress. The topics cover a wide range of everyday situations, academic discussions, and social interactions, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your listening comprehension abilities.


In How Long Has Sally Been Waiting audio, you will hear a conversation between two speakers discussing Sally's wait time for a specific event or appointment. The audio will provide details about when Sally arrived and the duration of her wait up to the moment of conversation.

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1. How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Answers

Find the audio for How Long Has Sally Been Waiting here. Listen to the audio carefully before attempting the questions that follow!

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2. How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Questions & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS Listening Answers about How Long Has Sally Been Waiting

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How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Answers




General Information

    This test has four sections, each containing four recordings and 40 questions, but this practice test contains one section with 10 questions of the overall IELTS Listening section.

  • You are not allowed to open this section unless asked to do so.
  • Listen to the instructions of each section carefully.
  • Answer all the questions
  • Be alert while listening to the audio
  • Take notes of the keywords while listening to the audio
  • You will be given only 10 minutes to write your answers on the separate answer sheet at the end of the test, for which you have to use a pencil.




How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Questions & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS Listening Answers about How Long Has Sally Been Waiting

Questions and Answers 1-5
  • Choose the correct letter, A, B or C



How long has Sally been waiting?– Example


A. five minutes
B. twenty minutes
C. thirty minutes– Correct Answer



1. What does Peter want to drink

A. tea
B. coffee
C. a cold drink


2. What caused Peter problems at the bank?

A. The exchange rate was down
B. He was late.
C. The computers weren’t working.


3. Who did Peter talk to at the bank?

A. an old friend
B. an American man
C. a German man


4. Henry gave Peter a map of?

A. the city
B. the bus routes
C. the train system


5. What do Peter and Sally decide to order?

A. food and drinks
B. just food
C. just drinks


How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Answers (1-5)


Type of Question: Multiple Choice Question


In this question type, you will listen to a recording and then choose the correct answer from a set of options (usually A to E). Each option corresponds to a possible answer related to the information you hear.

How to best answer this:


  • Read the instructions carefully to understand what you need to listen for.
  • Skim the options quickly before the recording starts to get an idea of what information you'll need.
  • Listen actively for keywords or synonyms related to each option.
  • Eliminate incorrect options as you listen, which can help you narrow down the correct answer.
  • Stay focused and use the time wisely to review your answers before moving on to the next set of questions.



1. C
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
Questions and Answers 6-8
  • Complete the notes below using words from the box.


Art Gallery







Tourist attractions open all day: 6. ________ and Gardens

Tourist attractions NOT open on Mondays: 7. ___________ and Castle

Tourist attractions which have free entry: 8. _______  and Markets



How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Answers (6-8)


Type of Question: Notes Completion


In this question type, you are required to fill in the blanks in a set of notes or a form based on the information you hear in the recording. These details could include names, dates, prices, times, locations, descriptions, or any other relevant information.

How to best answer this:


  • Quickly scan through the notes or form to understand the structure and types of information you need to listen for.
  • Identify keywords or phrases from the questions that indicate what type of information is needed to fill each gap.
  • Use contextual clues from the questions and any introductory information provided in the recording to predict what might fill the gaps.
  • Listen actively and capture the details provided in the recording. 
  • Ensure that your answers fit grammatically into the context provided in the notes or form. 
  • Pay attention to any word limits or instructions regarding the length of your answers.


6. Cathedral
7. Markets
8. Gardens
Questions and Answers 9-10
  • Complete the sentences below.
  • Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.



The first place Peter and Sally will visit is the 9. ____________

At the Cathedral, Peter really wants to 10. ___________


How Long Has Sally Been Waiting Listening Answers (9-10)


Type of Question: Sentence Completion


In this question type, you will hear a recording where gaps need to be filled with missing information. You will be given a sentence or a set of notes with gaps (blank spaces) that need to be filled in with missing words or numbers. Answers may consist of single words, phrases, or numerical information.

How to best answer this:


  • Quickly scan through the sentence and gaps before listening to predict what type of information you need to listen for.
  • Listen for keywords or synonyms that match the gaps in the sentence.
  • Try to anticipate possible answers based on the context and information provided in the recording.
  • Write your answers directly as you listen, ensuring they fit grammatically and contextually.
  • Verify your answers for spelling and grammar, as errors can affect your score.
  • Finalise your answers.


9. Art Gallery
10. Climb the tower/ see the view
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Q. How can I practise listening to different English accents?

Ans. To practise listening to different English accents, expose yourself to a variety of English media such as movies, podcasts, and news channels. Focus on understanding the intonation, pronunciation, and idiomatic expressions specific to each accent. Engaging with native speakers or language exchange partners from different regions can also help you improve your comprehension of diverse English accents.

Q. How are the IELTS listening recordings structured?

Ans. IELTS listening recordings consist of four sections, each increasing in difficulty. They cover a range of academic and everyday topics. You'll hear conversations, monologues, and discussions between native speakers. Each section is played only once. You'll have time to read questions before each recording and to review answers after each section. The recordings are designed to test your ability to understand main ideas, detailed information, attitudes, and speaker purposes.

Q. Which is the most difficult section of IELTS listening?

Ans. Many candidates find Section 4 of the IELTS Listening test the most challenging. It typically involves a lecture or a talk by a single speaker on an academic topic. The language used can be complex, and the speaker might present information at a fast pace. Understanding details, explanations, and examples in this section requires strong concentration and familiarity with academic vocabulary and concepts.