TOEFL, or Test of English as a Foreign Language, is a widely accepted proficiency exam conducted by ETS to test the skills of candidates wanting to study abroad. TOEFL writing score ranges between 0 and 30 depending upon how well an individual performs in integrated and independent writing tasks.
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A candidate must present 500 to 600 words compositely within 50 minutes in the sections. One may keep reading the article to learn in detail about the TOEFL writing scoring system.
Overview of TOEFL Writing Section
Before understanding the scoring system, candidates must know about the two writing tasks they have to face:
Integrated Writing Task (20 minutes): Here, applicants must read a short paragraph, listen to a short audio clip, and then create an essay to summarise what they have learned.
Independent Writing Task (30 minutes): Under this task, candidates need to share their opinion based on personal experience related to a specific topic.
What is the TOEFL Writing Scoring System?
Once candidates finish their writing section, the examiners score it on a scale from 0 to 5. These are called raw scores. Then examiners base these raw scores to calculate an average and score it between 0 and 30. This forms their official writing score, which will appear on a candidate’s score result.
One can refer to the below table to find the TOEFL writing score conversion list:
Writing Raw Score Average | Scaled Score |
5.00 | 30 |
4.75 | 29 |
4.50 | 27 |
4.25 | 25 |
4.00 | 24 |
3.75 | 22 |
3.50 | 21 |
3.25 | 20 |
3.00 | 18 |
2.75 | 17 |
2.50 | 15 |
2.25 | 14 |
2.00 | 12 |
1.75 | 11 |
1.50 | 10 |
1.25 | 9 |
1.00 | 8 |
- | 7 |
- | 5 |
- | 4 |
- | 0 |
However, it is not enough to know only about the TOEFL writing raw score conversion system. One must also know how to score best. For this purpose, we have shared the marking criteria test-takers follow.
TOEFL Writing Marking Scheme
The table below shows a summary of TOEFL writing rubrics that will help a candidate identify by including what points they can obtain the desired score.
Marking Rubrics of TOEFL Integrated Writing Task
The TOEFL writing marking scheme is different for integrated writing tasks and independent writing, even though their score scales range from 0 to 5. The marking scheme for the former one is below:
TOEFL Essay Score | Rubric Notes |
5 | -Successful selection of the most important information available in the passage and audio clip -The structure of the essay is on point -Information has been presented in the essay accurately with negligible grammatical errors and in a logical manner |
4 | -A considerable selection of most important information is provided in the passage and audio clip -Have only minor inaccuracy and vagueness in the essay content -Lacks clarity in some part |
3 | -Topics of the passage are well connected with the audio clip containing general information -Does not contain all the key points -Contains grammatically inaccurate and incomplete sentences |
2 | -Contain some relevant information extracted from passage and clip but are marked by significant -There are multiple spelling errors -The language level is below standard, and the topic is misinterpreted |
1 | -Usage of extremely low level of language -Contains very little meaningful information |
0 | -Not an essay, just a mere copied sentence from the passage with heavy grammatical mistakes |
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Marking Rubrics of TOEFL Independent Writing Task
The marking scheme for TOEFL independent writing task will be carried out as follows:
TOEFL Essay Score | Rubric Notes |
5 | -It is highly related to the prompt -It addresses the topic in an excellent way with details and examples -Written in a logical manner -It depicts strong language skills with no grammatical mistakes |
4 | -Address the topic well but may not be fully elaborated -Contains a well-structured flow of content -There are some noticeable grammatical mistakes, but they do not interfere with meaning -Shows good grip over vocabulary and language |
3 | -The essay somewhat addresses the topic -There is a considerable usage of examples and contains details -Contains occasional unrelated sentences -Have inconsistency in writing -Standard vocabulary with accurate sentences |
2 | -Not well-connected to the question provided -Does not contain enough examples and details -The idea of the topic is unclear -Sentences contain some error -Lack of choosing the right word -Contains many general sentences |
1 | -No connection with the prompt -Irrelevant details present in the essay -Lack of organising the content flow -Contains multiple grammatical errors -Usage or inaccurate or unjustified examples -Limited vocabulary |
0 | -Not written, just copied sentences from the prompt -Wrong sentence usage -No relation to the prompt |
What is a Good TOEFL Writing Score?
There are two evaluation criteria on which TOEFL writing is ranked. It includes scaled and raw writing scores. The more number one is able to secure in this ranking system, the good it is considered.
Percentile Ranking | Scaled Writing Score | Raw Writing Score |
90th | 27 | 9 |
75th | 25 | 8 |
50th | 22 | 7 |
25th | 19 | 6 |
10th | 15 | 4.5 |
By looking at the above ranking system, a good score will be anything that lies above the average, i.e., 50th percentile ranking. This means if an individual gains a 22 in the Scaled writing score, it is a good score. However, an excellent writing score will go above the 90th percentile, 27 on a scaled writing score.
What is the Process of Scoring the Test?
The scoring process is done by a centralised scoring network rather than a test centre. In other words, the test-takers have set up a computer application to take care of the reading and listening section. In addition, the speaking and writing section score is looked after by an automated AI scoring system that caters to:
- Minimise biased scoring that may occur with a face-to-face interview
- Offer an accurate and wholesome picture of candidates
- Maintain high quality and consistency
The TOEFL writing section is an exam that tests a candidate's ability to speak, write, listen, and read English at an academic level. Passing it can open a pathway for students to study abroad. So, applicants looking to study in foreign must know all about the TOEFL writing score system, test structure and marking criteria to improve their chances of passing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the passing and failing score of the TOEFL writing exam?
There is no such thing as a passing or failing score in the TOEFL writing exam. Every university has set its own score requirement that a candidate must obtain to secure a seat in their institute. So, one must inquire about the requirement and perform accordingly.
What are the different writing levels set for the scoring system?
If it is an advanced level of writing, it will get a score between 24 and 30. For high-intermediate, it is 17 to 23. For low intermediate, it is 13 to 16, and for basic, it is 7 to 12. However, when it goes beyond basic, applicants get between 0 and 6.
What are the other sections candidates have to face in the TOEFL exam?
Apart from writing, there are sections including reading, listening and speaking tasks. The candidates must complete these sections within 54 - 72 minutes, 41 to 57 minutes, and 17 minutes to clear the exam and become eligible for study abroad.
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