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Is There Anybody Out There Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Sep 04, 2024, 12:00

The IELTS Reading section assesses your ability to comprehend written English texts effectively. It comprises three passages of varying lengths(short to long) and increasing complexity, each followed by questions that test various reading skills. These skills include skimming, scanning for specific information, understanding main ideas, and identifying opinions, attitudes, and details.


The passage "Is There Anybody Out There" explores the ongoing scientific search for extraterrestrial life, examining different methods of detection and the potential implications of finding intelligent life beyond Earth. This practice test is highly beneficial for IELTS Reading preparation, specifically for those focusing on scientific subjects.

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1. Is There Anybody Out There Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below.

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2. Is There Anybody Out There Reading Question & Answers

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Is There Anybody Out There Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.




Is There Anybody Out There Reading Passage


Paragraph 1

Our basic curiosity is the fundamental reason for human search. This same curiosity about the natural world drives all pure science. We are curious about whether we are alone in the universe. We want to know if the right conditions are enough to bring out life or if there is anything special about Earth that fosters a variety of life forms that we see around us. The simple detection of radio signals is enough to satisfy our curiosity.  In this way, we can say that SETI is part of the pure science machinery which is continually expanding the horizons of knowledge. There are other reasons also why we are inquiring whether life exists elsewhere. For example, civilisation on earth started only a few thousand years ago, but our survival was disturbed by pollution and the nuclear war that has happened over the last few decades. Can we survive for a few more years, or we’ll be dead? The lifetime of a planet is about several billion years. If any other civilisation survived in our galaxy, then their ages will range from zero to several billion years. We’ll have a positive note just by knowing the existence of such civilisations as proof that long-term survival is possible. We might also gain some lessons on how to tackle threats like nuclear war or global pollution and the threats that we have not encountered as of now from the experience of older civilisations.

Paragraph 2

Most SETI scientists have two ground rules in the discussion of whether we are alone in the universe. First, most scientists ignore UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) as they don't have strong evidence which can be considered serious. It is still important to have an open mind since any convincing evidence could emerge in future. Second, we have a conservative belief that we are looking for a life form which is similar to ours, so it is difficult to recognise the life form as a life form if it does not resemble us. To put it another way, the life form we are looking for might have blue heads and five legs, but it nevertheless has similarities to us in that it must communicate with its fellows. It could be interested in the universe, living on a planet orbiting a star like our Sun, and likely it has chemistry based on carbon and water. 


Paragraph 3

Though we are making these sorts of assumptions, we have a limited understanding of other life forms. For example, we lack knowledge about how many stars have planets or how likely life arises naturally, given the appropriate conditions. When we look at the 100 billion stars in our galaxy and 100 billion galaxies, it is impossible to believe that at least one of the planets does not have a life form on it. Based on our limited knowledge about the conditions for carbon-based life, we can estimate that probably one in 100,000 stars might have a life-bearing planet orbiting it. Perhaps our nearest neighbour could be a thousand light-years away. It is almost like a next door in astronomical terms.

Paragraph 4

An alien civilisation could send information in a variety of ways across the galaxy. However, it requires too much energy to send the information, or it could be disturbed while travelling vast distances across the galaxy. In the frequency range of 1000 to 3000 MHz, radio waves travel the greatest distance. To date, All searches have focused on looking for radio waves in this frequency range. For now, various groups have done a number of searches, like Australian searches using the radio telescope at Parkes, New South Wales.  Still, nothing has been detected from the few hundred stars that have been searched. Since 1992, the scale of searches has increased tremendously, as the US Congress voted NASA $10 million per year for ten years to perform a thorough search for extraterrestrial life. For this project, a lot of money is being spent on developing the special hardware required to search multiple frequencies at the same time. The project consists of two parts. The first part is a targeted search by means of the world’s largest radio telescopes. The American-operated telescope was in Arecibo, and the French telescope was in France. This part of the project searches for signals in the frequency range of 1000 to 3000 MHz, in the nearest 1000 stars. The second part of the project is an undirected search which monitors all of the space with a lower one using the NASA Deep Space Network’s smaller antennas.

Paragraph 5

There is a substantial amount of debate about how we must react if we detect a signal from an alien civilisation. Everyone agrees that we must not respond immediately. Even if it is not possible to send a reply for a long distance at short notice, there are ethical questions emerging that should be addressed by the global community before sending the reply. Is it that we face a cultural shock if we encounter a superior and much older civilisation? Fortunately, there is no urgency about this. We are searching for stars which are hundreds of light-years away. So, it takes hundreds of years of time for their signal to reach us.  And it will take a few hundred years for our reply to reach them. Therefore, it is not important whether there is a delay of a few years or decades while the human race debates about whether to reply to them or perhaps draft a reply carefully.


Is There Anybody Out There Reading Question & Answers

Questions and Answers 1-5
  • The reading passage has five paragraphs, 1-5.
  • Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
  • Write the correct number, i-vii, as your answer to each question.


List of Headings

i. Limitations in Human Understanding

ii. Great Astronomers

iii. What should humans do if they got the signal from an alien civilisation

iv. Project for searching for the aliens' signals

v. How telescope contributes to finding the signals of an alien civilisation

vi. How can finding alien civilisation help humans

vii. Ground rules of SETI scientists

A. Paragraph 1

B. Paragraph 2

C. Paragraph 3

D. Paragraph 4

E. Paragraph 5


Is There Anybody Out There Reading Answers with Explanations (1-5)


Type of question: Matching Headings


In this question type, you will be asked to choose the correct heading for each paragraph from a list of headings provided. This type of question assesses your ability to understand each paragraph's main idea or theme.


How to best answer: 


  • Familiarise yourself with the list of headings before reading the paragraphs. This helps you know what to look for.
  • Identify the main idea or theme of each paragraph by looking for topic sentences or recurring themes.
  • Find keywords or phrases that are similar to those in the headings. This can help you make connections.
  • Eliminate incorrect options that don't match any paragraphs to narrow down your choices.
  • Skim and Scan each paragraph efficiently to get a context about the content.
1. vi



From paragraph 1: “Our basic curiosity is the fundamental —----- now from the experience of older civilisations.”


This paragraph suggests that discovering alien civilisations could provide hope and lessons on surviving threats like nuclear war or pollution, highlighting the potential benefits for humanity's long-term survival. Thus, we can conclude that the answer is vi.

2. vii



From paragraph 2:  “ Most SETI scientists have two ground rules in the discussion of whether we are alone in the universe—----planet orbiting a star like our Sun, and likely it has chemistry based on carbon and water.”

This paragraph outlines the ground rules followed by SETI scientists, emphasising their approach to UFOs and their criteria for identifying potential alien life forms. Thus, we can conclude that the answer is vii.

3. i



From paragraph 3: “Though we are making these sorts of assumptions, we have a limited understanding of other life forms. For example, we lack knowledge about how many stars have planets—- It is almost like a next door in astronomical terms.”


This paragraph begins with a statement about humanity's limited understanding of other life forms despite our assumptions. The author illustrates this with an example of our ignorance regarding how many stars have planets or how likely life is to emerge naturally. Thus, we can conclude that the answer is i.


4. iv



From paragraph 4: “An alien civilisation could send information in a variety of ways across the galaxy ---------- monitors all of space with a lower one using the NASA Deep Space Network’s smaller antennas.”


The answer to Paragraph 4 is iv because it starts by noting that NASA was allocated $10 million annually for ten years to search for extraterrestrial life. This NASA project is focused on detecting signals in the 1000-3000 MHz frequency range.


5. v



From paragraph 5: “There is a substantial amount of debate about how we must react if we detect a signal from an alien civilisation. Everyone agrees that we must —----------------- delay of a few years or decades while the human race debates about whether to reply to them or perhaps draft a reply carefully.”

This paragraph examines the ongoing debate on how humanity should respond to detecting a signal from an alien civilisation, emphasising the ethical dilemmas and logistical challenges involved in formulating a response over vast distances. Thus, we can conclude that the answer is v.

Questions and Answers 6-10
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet, write

  • YES if the statement agrees with the information given
  • NO if the statement contradicts the information given
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this


6. We need more than radio signals to satisfy our curiosity

7. We can gain from the experience of older civilisations to survive better

8. Most scientists believe in UFOs. 

9. We can easily detect alien signals as we have a great understanding of space.

10. ISRO has been trying to detect the signals of aliens for 20 years

Is There Anybody Out There Reading Answers with Explanations (6-10)


Type of question: Yes/No/Not Given(True/False/Not Given)


In this question type, you are required to determine whether the statements provided agree with, contradict, or are not mentioned in the reading passage. 


How to best answer: 

  • Understand what information is being presented and what is being asked.
  • Find relevant information in the reading passage that relates to the statement.
  • Determine if the statement agrees with, contradicts, or is not mentioned in the passage.
  • If the information is not explicitly provided in the passage, select 'Not Given' rather than making assumptions.
  • Base your answers solely on the information presented in the passage, avoiding personal opinions or outside knowledge.


6. No



From paragraph 1: “The simple detection of radio signals is enough to satisfy our curiosity. “



The author suggests that while detecting radio signals takes a long time, merely finding these signals would satisfy our curiosity.


7. Yes



From paragraph 1: ‘‘We might also gain some lessons on how to tackle threats like nuclear war or global pollution and the threats that we have not encountered as of now from the experience of older civilisations.”


This statement aligns with the author's view that we can learn from the experiences of older civilisations how to tackle threats like nuclear war or global pollution.


8. No



From paragraph 2: ‘Most SETI scientists have two ground rules in the discussion of whether we are alone in the universe. First, most scientists ignore UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) as they don't have strong evidence which can be considered serious.’


In the passage, the author notes that most scientists dismiss UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) due to a lack of strong evidence.


9. No



From paragraph 3: ‘‘Though we are making these sorts of assumptions, we have a limited understanding of other life forms. For example, we lack knowledge about how many stars have planets or how likely life arises naturally, given the appropriate conditions.’


The passage highlights our limited understanding of other life forms. Although we have many assumptions, more evidence is needed. We have no radio signals to aid our understanding of other life forms.

10. Not Given



From paragraph 4: ‘‘Since 1992, the scale of searches has increased tremendously, as the US Congress voted NASA $10 million per year for ten years to perform a thorough search for extraterrestrial life.”


From paragraph 1, line 4, we can infer that simply detecting radio signals is enough to satisfy our curiosity.

Questions and Answers 11-14
  • Answer the questions below.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.


11. Which signals can satisfy our curiosity?

12. Which machinery’s part is the SETI?

13. How many ground rules does SETI have?

14. How much does the US Congress vote for NASA per year to conduct a thorough search for extraterrestrial life?

Is There Anybody Out There Reading Answers with Explanations (11-14)


Type of question: Short answer 


In this task, you will be given a set of questions with missing information, typically sentences with blank spaces. You must complete each statement with one word or phrase (as instructed). 


How to answer: 


  • Read the questions first to understand what information you need to look for in the passage
  • Skim the passage and look for keywords 
  • You may have to look for synonyms or paraphrases to locate the answer 
  • Verify your answers and finalise them
11. Radio



From paragraph 4: ‘The simple detection of radio signals is enough to satisfy our curiosity.’



In paragraph 1, the author clearly states that detecting radio signals is sufficient to fulfil our curiosity about extraterrestrial life.


12. Pure science



From paragraph 1: “In this way, we can say that SETI is part of the pure science machinery which is continually expanding the horizons of knowledge.”


In Paragraph 2, the author identifies SETI as a component of the pure science machinery aimed at expanding knowledge.


13. Two



From paragraph 2: "Most SETI scientists have two ground rules in the discussion of whether we are alone in the universe."



The passage explicitly mentions that SETI scientists follow two specific ground rules in their discussions.


14. $10 million



From paragraph 4: “ Since 1992, the scale of searches has increased tremendously, as the US Congress voted NASA $10 million per year for ten years to perform a thorough search for extraterrestrial life.”


In paragraph 4, it is mentioned that the US Congress allocated $10 million annually to NASA for ten years to research extraterrestrial life.

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Q. Can I exceed the word limit for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. No, paying attention to the word limit in the test instructions for IELTS Reading is important. The test evaluates your ability to follow instructions accurately, so you may be penalised if you exceed the word limit. You must always check the instructions for each task and be able to supply several words that are not exceeded by this limit.

Q. Should I first read the passage or questions for my IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To understand what information is needed in a passage, it is recommended that you focus on the questions first of the IELTS Reading Test. This way, you can focus your reading and find the relevant details more effectively. However, some test-takers prefer a quick review of the passage before addressing these questions to gain an overall understanding. Experiment with both methods during practice sessions to determine which approach is best for you.

Q. What are the criteria for determining the IELTS Reading score?

Ans.  Reading is assessed on the IELTS task performance, evaluating the ability of candidates to meet the task requirements, coherence and cohesion, assessment of organisational skills, linguistic resource, assessment of vocabulary use, and grammatical range and accuracy, and assessing proficiency in a variety of grammatical structures. These criteria result in the overall band score between 0 and 9.