
IELTS Writing Task 1

Olympics Participation Analysis

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Line Graph

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10 unique answers with expert feedback


Task 1

You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the participants who have entered Olympics since it began.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Top rated answers

Here are the 5 highest scoring answers by real-users for this IELTS Writing Task 1 Line Graph topic.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 day ago

A glance at the image meticulously illustrates the individuals, who have enrolled for the Olympics, from the beginning. Furthermore, the X-axis depicts the years from 1924 to 2004, whereas, the Y-axis delineates the number of players from 0 to 14000. Overall, the males have significantly partcipated at the initial stage, while women is the least to enlist. However, this trend has changed for over the period, where women and men have similar contribution at the end of 2004. Scrutinizing further into the details, in 1924, male has participated maximum for around 3000, besides, female has minimum contribution of 200. Apparently, male has a huge spike of 2000 in 1944. Ultimately, they have soared steadily till 2004 they reached 6200. On the other hand, females have a steady growth from 200 to 2000 for the six decades. Additionally, there is a drastic growth in female enrollment from 2000 to 5800 for the last twenty years. Eventually, this leads to the upsurge in the total participants starting from 2200 to 12000 for over the time.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

4 days ago

The given line graph represents the total number paticipants who have entered Olympics since 1924. The graph has three lines in different colours dentoting green for the total cummilative number, blue for male and red for female paticipants respectively. Comparing the two significant groups in the line graph, its is evident that there are more male participants than female participants since the begining of Olympics. However, over the years there is a steady incline in the number of female paticipants. It spiked close to the number of male participants between the years 1984 - 2004. The count of male participants had jumped up during the inital years, later on there was no sudden spike in their count even though it increased at a steady pace. Overall, the total number of participants have increased three folds since the begining, especially with the spike in number of female participants in recent years. Hence, its safe to expect a steady increase in the upcoming years.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

5 days ago

The line graph depicts the number of people who have been an active part in of enrolling in the Olympics over the last century beginning from 1924, and culminating at 2004. The figure shows the trend over the years, at every two decades of interval. The number of sports enthusiasts is shown along the vertical axis. At a glance, it can be appreciated that there has been a general uptrend in the participation across the genders. Albeit, initial years had a minimal joining that was just shy of 4000 humans, over time it rose cumulatively touching the mark of 12,000 people. Although in the beginning, there was gradual rise among overall paticipants, the event saw massive success in the last 20 years. It can be noted that there has always been an upper hand in the number of male sports person, but the growth is rather plateaued over the years. Starting from 3000 attendees taking part in the formative years of the event, the recent statistics has shown to just surpass 6000 men. This comes in contrast to their counterpart, that is, female participants have shown keen interest in the Olympics. At the dawn, hardly negligible engagement was seen. This trend gradually paced up over the years. An exponential growth can be seen in these last 20 years. In conclusion, if this trend continues, it can be predicted that we can assume higher female enrollment in the near future.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

5 days ago

The given line graph depicts how many candidated interested in joining olympics since their opening. Overall, the chart illustrates that from the start till now the participants number are only increased with not slight downward deflection. A glance at the picture makes it clear that since 1984 olympians involvement were significantly raised till 2004 from 3000 to 12000 people. Moreover, there was sharp inclination noticed between 1984 and 2004. Moreover, the chart illustrates that female individuals participation elevated considerably over a period of 80 years since it began with a total of nearly 5000 in 2004. On further analysing, mostly males were the one highly interested in games throughout all the years. To be precise, it had 3000 players in 1984 while in 2004 it comprised of nearly 7000 gamers. Although female players had increased over the period they never surpassed the male participants. By observing the graph, there may be a chance where women lead men players in few years.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

17 days ago

The line graph illustrate the number of males and females participated in the Olymics games since its started organising from the year 1924 to 2004. Overall, it is observed from the graph that proportion of male participated in the game was increased steadly over the years but females participation shows a rapid increase in the recent decade. Firstly, total number of people participated in the game have seen a gradual increase since it started in 1924 and have been increasing till 2004 but considering the male to female ratio, male participation skyrockted from around 2500 to approximately 4500 from 1924 to 1944.In constrast to females, have been increased slightly only. From the year 1944 to 1984, both males and females participants increased which ultimately increased the total participation rate to 8000. But after the year 1984 there was huge and humoguous increase in females who joined in the game almost trippled from 2000 to around 6000. Hence in the beginning years of the Olympic male showed increased participation but in the later year female outperformed the number of males.

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