
IELTS Writing Task 1

Olympics Participation Analysis

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Line Graph


Task 1

You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the participants who have entered Olympics since it began.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Top rated answers

Here are the 5 highest scoring answers by real-users for this IELTS Writing Task 1 Line Graph topic.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

19 days ago

The provided graph illustrates the information about the number of participants, who have qualified Olympics since from its beginning. Initially, it revealed that Olympics was started in 1924 and continuously held after every decade till 2004. During first Olympic, the strength of total participants were approximately 3500 in which, the role of women was negligible as compared to men. In next three Olympics, this figure rise with the difference of 1000 each. Apart from this, the given graph depicted that female participation is almost less in each Olympic. Additionally, there is dramatic shift in total participants since in 2004, it reached to 12000 from 3500 in 1924. Although, there was a significant change in first 4 Olympics but, there is drastic shift in numbers of participants in last Olympics, which was 4000 approximately. Overall, the given graph is very informative and helps to enhance the insights into male and female participation in Olympics games.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

19 days ago

The graph illustrates the number of participants who have entered the Olympics since it began. The X axis denotes the year beginning from 1924-2004 and the Y axis represents the number of participants. The red line denotes the female participants. In the year 1924 the female participants were approximately closer to 200 in number and as the years passed there was a steep increase, from 1944 to 1984. In the year 1944, there were close to more than 1000 participants. In the year 1984, the count touched to 2000 and there was an exceptional increase in the year 2004 reaching 5800 participants. However, the male participants were larger in number than female participants. In the year 1924 there were close to 2500 and in the year 1944, 4500 males participated. In the year 1964 there were nearly 5800 males and in 2004 slightly more than 6000 participants participated in the Olympics almost touching the female participants count. Total number comparing the year 1924 to 2004, there was an exceptional increase in the number of participants ranging from 3800 to 12,000.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

19 days ago

The line graph illustrates the number of male and female participants who have entered Olympics since it began in 1924. In the inaugral year of Olympics, the total number of athletes was around 3500 where the number of male and female individuals were 1500 and 500 respectively. In the year 1944, there was a gradual increase in the total number of participants standing at 6000 while male and female participants marked some surge to 5000 and 1000 respectively. Over the period of 20 years, male participation marked steady growth to 6000 as well as females to 2000 while the total number was 8000. In the next 20 years, there was significant rise in the participation of females, rising from 2000 to nearly 6000 where males maintained steady growth, around 6500 participants. The total number of participants marked the highest growth till now in the the history of Oylmpics, showed a jump of 4000 participants, standing tall at 12000.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

19 days ago

The line graph above illustrates the number of participants who participated in the Olympics from 1924 to 2004. There are three categories- male, female and total. The total sums up the overall participation in the Olympic events. In 1924 males dominated the overall tally with around 3000 participants while the female count was around 500. Over the next 20 years the males and females saw a steady growth with participants shooting upto 5000 and 1000 respectively. Due to which the overall tally saw a rapid increase in participants. Next 40 years from 1944 to 1984 the number of participants grew linearly in both categories while males still keeping the lead by 4000 participants. But, from 1984 to 2004 the female participants had a surge in the number of participation which almost touched the tally of male participants , who saw negligible growth. As of year 2004 the males participation was around 6500 whereas females participants were around 5500. Throughout the years the total population saw a linear growth but the great number of participants where surged during the time interval between 1984 to 2004 due to the rapid growth of the female participations during this time period. In 2004 total participation constitutes of 12000 participants.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

20 days ago

The line chart shows the number of participants who entered the Olympics from 1974 to 2004. A cursory glance is enough to say that the male participants outnumbered the female participants all these years. The X-axis represents the number of participants and the Y-axis represents the timeline with an interval of 20 years each. The red and blue lines denote the number of male and female contestants. The green line sums up the entire count of both parties. The number of female participants was below 2000 until it hit the mark in 1984. After which the numbers shot up to 5800 in 2004. It increased more than 5 times compared to 1924, with only a small difference from the total male participants. The number of male competitors grew exponentially from 3000 to 5000 in 1944. The count then increased gradually during the next few years. The total count initially followed the same growth pattern as the male partcipants, and started increasing from1984 due to active involvement of female competitors in the games.

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