
IELTS Writing Task 1

Friend Promotion Congratulations

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Letter Writing

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5 unique answers with expert feedback



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Your friend recently got promoted as the Vice President of his company.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

• congratulate him on his promotion

• invite him home for dinner

• share some recent updates of your life with him

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ……………..,

Top rated answers

Here are the 5 highest scoring answers by real-users for this IELTS Writing Task 1 Letter Writing topic.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

24 days ago

Dear Steve, I hope you are doing well. I want to extend my heartiest congratulations to you on your desired promotion as the Vice President of the company. I am overjoyed on your achievement. Everyone in our friends' circle was talking about the diligence and dedication that you have put over the couple of years to attain this position in the organisation. I remember the last presentation that you shared with me to discuss the advantages and disadvatages of it. It was remarkable and well thought of. Your accomplishment is well deserved and I am eagerly waiting to see you shine even brighter on the new role. In addition, I am planning to host a dinner for you and our close friends at my residence on coming Saturday which is 15th December to commemorate your recent advancements. Moreover, I would like you know that I have recently started taking Special Education lessons from a renowned institute and planning to join an International school for the children under the spectrum. I am looking forward to meet you in person and raise a toast for your latest achievement. Best wishes, Sudeshna Chakravarty

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

29 days ago

Dear Jay, How have you been? I heard about you getting promoted to the position of Vice President at your company. I am very proud and elated to hear about this news, and I am sure you will do great work for your firm in the future. To celebrate your promotion, I was planning to invite you for dinner at my house this coming weekend. If you are available, please let me know so that we can plan something accordingly. If you are curious about how I have been, I would like to give you some good news as well. My brother is getting married to his long-time girlfriend on the 26th of next month! I am very excited about their marriage as my sister-in-law is also expecting to have a baby in the next four months. I am so surprised by how we both are celebrating some special moments in our respective lives at the same time. I would also like to invite you to my brother's wedding, and I am already preparing to visit you next week to deliver the invitation personally. I will see you soon. Goodbye. Your true friend, XYZ

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

29 days ago

No answer text available

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 month 7 days ago

Dear Vikas, Congratulations on your success in getting promoted to the post of Deputy General Manager at your organization. I was filled with joy when i heard you had secured the coveted title, as per experience, the promotion is difficult to come by. Nonetheless, I have always had faith in your capabilities and was convinced that this prestigious post would not elude you any further. To celebrate this wonderful occasion and milestone achievement in your career, i cordially invite you home for a dinner party I am planning in the coming week. Enough months have elapsed since we last spent time together. I would like to share that I have secured a wonderful bride for myself and we plan on getting married soon. Furthermore, I have bought a new home for my parents and am planning to relocate them closer to where I am living currently. Much more is to be discussed about, that i cannot wait to share with you. Thanking You, Yours Sincerely, Bharath.M

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 month 8 days ago

Dear Younis, I hope you're doing well,as soon as I heard that you have got promoted as the Vice President of your company I couldn't wait but to write you a letter and I can't me more happy about you. As you've been working tirelessly since the day you joined the company and finally I can say that hardwork really pays off.I'm really happy for you and your family,and congratulations on this huge achievement.As it has always been a dream of yours and I can say that you thoroughly deserve this. As you achieved this milestone I'm inviting you for dinner in next week as the following week is a holiday of Christmas and we can make this more memorable. Although both our lives have been really busy with our work schedule,and lately I have joined new company as the previous company was not paying good salary and in addition to that work schedule was really tiring and after coming from work I didnt get enough time with my family.After so much consultations with my family I joined the new company as it not only provides good salary but also work hours are also less. I hope to hear from you soon Yours Faithfully, Younus

All Answers

Here are all the answers by real-users practicing writing for IELTS writing Task 1 Letter Writing on our IELTS Prep App.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

24 days ago

Dear Steve, I hope you are doing well. I want to extend my heartiest congratulations to you on your desired promotion as the Vice President of the company. I am overjoyed on your achievement. Everyone in our friends' circle was talking about the diligence and dedication that you have put over the couple of years to attain this position in the organisation. I remember the last presentation that you shared with me to discuss the advantages and disadvatages of it. It was remarkable and well thought of. Your accomplishment is well deserved and I am eagerly waiting to see you shine even brighter on the new role. In addition, I am planning to host a dinner for you and our close friends at my residence on coming Saturday which is 15th December to commemorate your recent advancements. Moreover, I would like you know that I have recently started taking Special Education lessons from a renowned institute and planning to join an International school for the children under the spectrum. I am looking forward to meet you in person and raise a toast for your latest achievement. Best wishes, Sudeshna Chakravarty

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

29 days ago

Dear Jay, How have you been? I heard about you getting promoted to the position of Vice President at your company. I am very proud and elated to hear about this news, and I am sure you will do great work for your firm in the future. To celebrate your promotion, I was planning to invite you for dinner at my house this coming weekend. If you are available, please let me know so that we can plan something accordingly. If you are curious about how I have been, I would like to give you some good news as well. My brother is getting married to his long-time girlfriend on the 26th of next month! I am very excited about their marriage as my sister-in-law is also expecting to have a baby in the next four months. I am so surprised by how we both are celebrating some special moments in our respective lives at the same time. I would also like to invite you to my brother's wedding, and I am already preparing to visit you next week to deliver the invitation personally. I will see you soon. Goodbye. Your true friend, XYZ

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

29 days ago

No answer text available

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 month 7 days ago

Dear Vikas, Congratulations on your success in getting promoted to the post of Deputy General Manager at your organization. I was filled with joy when i heard you had secured the coveted title, as per experience, the promotion is difficult to come by. Nonetheless, I have always had faith in your capabilities and was convinced that this prestigious post would not elude you any further. To celebrate this wonderful occasion and milestone achievement in your career, i cordially invite you home for a dinner party I am planning in the coming week. Enough months have elapsed since we last spent time together. I would like to share that I have secured a wonderful bride for myself and we plan on getting married soon. Furthermore, I have bought a new home for my parents and am planning to relocate them closer to where I am living currently. Much more is to be discussed about, that i cannot wait to share with you. Thanking You, Yours Sincerely, Bharath.M

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 month 8 days ago

Dear Younis, I hope you're doing well,as soon as I heard that you have got promoted as the Vice President of your company I couldn't wait but to write you a letter and I can't me more happy about you. As you've been working tirelessly since the day you joined the company and finally I can say that hardwork really pays off.I'm really happy for you and your family,and congratulations on this huge achievement.As it has always been a dream of yours and I can say that you thoroughly deserve this. As you achieved this milestone I'm inviting you for dinner in next week as the following week is a holiday of Christmas and we can make this more memorable. Although both our lives have been really busy with our work schedule,and lately I have joined new company as the previous company was not paying good salary and in addition to that work schedule was really tiring and after coming from work I didnt get enough time with my family.After so much consultations with my family I joined the new company as it not only provides good salary but also work hours are also less. I hope to hear from you soon Yours Faithfully, Younus

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