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Twist in the Tale Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:26

In the IELTS Reading section, your ability to understand complex concepts is tested through three passages, each accompanied by questions in formats like multiple choice, matching headings, and True/False/Not Given. Lasting 60 minutes, this segment challenges you to grasp key information, identify main ideas, and infer meaning effectively.


To excel in the IELTS Reading section, employ effective strategies such as skimming for main ideas and scanning for specific details. Regular practice with sample questions and exposure to diverse question types will refine your skills for test day.


Prepare for an enlightening exploration of "Twist in the Tale: Reading Answers," which delves into unexpected plot twists and their impact on narratives. Explore how surprise elements can change the course of a story, adding depth and intrigue. Understand the techniques authors use to craft twists that keep readers engaged and the implications these twists have on the overall storytelling experience.


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1. Twist in the Tale Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 

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2. Twist in the Tale Reading Answers Question & Answers

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Twist in the Tale Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Twist in the Tale Reading Passage 



Paragraph A 

Less than three years ago, doom merchants were predicting that the growth in video games and the rise of the Internet would sound the death knell for children’s literature. But contrary to popular myth, children are reading more books than ever. A recent survey by Books Marketing found that children up to the age of 11 read on average for four hours a week, particularly girls.


Paragraph B


Moreover, the children’s book market, which traditionally was seen as a poor cousin to the more lucrative and successful adult market, has come into its own. Publishing houses are now making considerable profits on the back of new children’s books and children’s authors can now command significant advances. ‘Children’s books are going through an incredibly fertile period,’ says Wendy Cooling, a children’s literature consultant. ‘There’s a real buzz around them. Book clubs are happening, sales are good, and people are much more willing to listen to children’s authors.’


Paragraph C


The main growth area has been the market for eight to fourteen-year-olds, and there is little doubt that the boom has been fuelled by the bespectacled apprentice, Harry Potter. So influential has J. K. Rowling’s series of books been that they have helped to make reading fashionable for pre-teens. ‘Harry made it OK to be seen on a bus reading a book,’ says Cooling. ‘To a child, that is important.’ The current buzz around the publication of the fourth Harry Potter beats anything in the world of adult literature.


Paragraph D


‘People still tell me, “Children don’t read nowadays”,’ says David Almond, the award-winning author of children’s books such as Skellig. The truth is that they are skilled, creative readers. When I do classroom visits, they ask me very sophisticated questions about use of language, story structure, chapters and dialogue.’ No one is denying that books are competing with other forms of entertainment for children’s attention but it seems as though children find a special kind of mental nourishment within the printed page.


Paragraph E


‘A few years ago, publishers lost confidence and wanted to make books more like television, the medium that frightened them most,’ says children’s book critic Julia Eccleshare. ‘But books aren’t TV, and you will find that children always say that the good thing about books is that you can see them in your head. Children are demanding readers,’ she says. ‘If they don’t get it in two pages, they’ll drop it.’


Paragraph F


No more are children’s authors considered mere sentimentalists or failed adult writers. 'Some feted adult writers would kill for the sales,’ says Almond, who sold 42,392 copies of Skellig in 1999 alone. And advances seem to be growing too: UK publishing outfit Orion recently negotiated a six-figure sum from US company Scholastic for The Seeing Stone, a children's novel by Kevin Crossley-Holland, the majority of which will go to the author.


Paragraph G


It helps that once smitten, children are loyal and even fanatical consumers. Author Jacqueline Wilson says that children spread news of her books like a bushfire. 'My average reader is a girl of ten,’ she explains. ‘They’re sociable and acquisitive. They collect, they have parties - where books are a good present. If they like something, they have to pass it on.’ After Rowling, Wilson is currently the best-selling children’s writer, and her sales have boomed over the past three years. She has sold more than three million books, but remains virtually invisible to adults, although most ten- year-old girls know about her.


Paragraph H


Children’s books are surprisingly relevant to contemporary life. Provided they are handled with care, few topics are considered off-limits for children. One senses that children’s writers relish the chance to discuss the whole area of topics and language. But Anne Fine, author of many award­winning children’s books is concerned that the British literati still ignore children’s culture. ‘It’s considered worthy but boring,’ she says.


Paragraph I


think there’s still a way to go,’ says Almond, who wishes that children’s books were taken more seriously as literature. Nonetheless, he derives great satisfaction from his child readers. ‘They have a powerful literary culture,’ he says. ‘It feels as if you’re able to step into the store of mythology and ancient stories that run through all societies and encounter the great themes: love and loss and death and redemption.’


Paragraph J


At the moment, the race is on to find the next Harry Potter. The bidding for new books at Bologna this year - the children’s equivalent of the Frankfurt Book Fair - was as fierce as anything anyone has ever seen. All of which bodes well for the long-term future of the market - and for children’s authors, who have traditionally suffered the lowest profile in literature, despite the responsibility of their role.



Twist in the Tale Reading Answers Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about twist in the tale

Questions and Answers 1-7

  • Reading passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.
  • Look at the following list of people A-E and the list of statements (Questions 1-7).
  • Match each statement with one of the people listed.

  • Write the appropriate letters A-E in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.



1. Children take pleasure in giving books to each other.

2. Reading in public is an activity that children have not always felt comfortable about doing.

3. Some well-known writers of adult literature regret that they earn less than popular children’s writers.

4. Children are quick to decide whether they like or dislike a book.

5. Children will read many books by an author that they like.

6. The public do not realise how much children read today.

7. We are experiencing a rise in the popularity of children’s literature.


A Wendy Cooling

B David Almond

C Julia Eccleshare

D Jacqueline Wilson

E Anne Fine



Twist in the Tale Reading Answers with Explanations (1-7)



Question Type:  Matching Information


Matching Information questions in the IELTS Reading test require you to find specific details within a passage and match them to the appropriate paragraph. These questions test your ability to locate and understand specific information quickly. You will be given a list of statements and asked to identify the paragraph (labeled A, B, C, etc.) in which each piece of information is found.


How to best answer the question:


  • Quickly skim through the passage to get a general idea of the content and structure. 
  • Read the statements carefully. Underline or highlight key terms or phrases that will help you identify the relevant information in the passage.
  • Go through each paragraph systematically and match it with the statement that best fits the content. 


1. D.




Paragraph G 


They collect, they have parties - where books are a good present.



Paragraph G mentions that children enjoy collecting books and often give them as presents during parties. This behaviour shows that children take pleasure in sharing books with each other, making answer D the correct choice.


2. A.



Paragraph C 

“Harry made it OK to be seen on a bus reading a book," says Cooling.



Paragraph C discusses how the Harry Potter series made it socially acceptable for children to be seen reading in public, even on buses. Before Harry Potter, children might have felt uncomfortable about reading in public, but his popularity changed that perception, making answer A correct.


3. B.




Paragraph F "


Some feted adult writers would kill for the sales,' says Almond.



In Paragraph F, David Almond comments on how some well-known adult writers envy the sales figures of successful children's authors. This indicates that there are adult writers who regret earning less than popular children's writers, making answer B the correct choice.


4. C.




Paragraph  E 


Children are demanding readers. If they don’t get it in two pages, they’ll drop it.



Paragraph E explains that children are quick to decide whether they like a book or not. The statement "If they don’t get it in two pages, they’ll drop it" indicates their quick judgment, supporting answer C as the correct choice.


5. D.




Paragraph G 


Once smitten, children are loyal and even fanatical consumers.



Paragraph G describes how children become loyal and enthusiastic consumers once they find an author or series they like. They tend to read many books by the same author, demonstrating their loyalty, which aligns with answer D.


6. B.




Paragraph D 


People still tell me, 'Children don’t read nowadays,'' says David Almond.




In Paragraph D, David Almond discusses the misconception that children don't read anymore. This indicates that there is a public perception that contradicts the reality of how much children actually read, making answer B the correct choice (False, as there is information available on the passage).


7. A .




Paragraph B 


Children's books are going through an incredibly fertile period,' says Wendy Cooling.



Paragraph B discusses the current popularity and growth of children's literature, as mentioned by Wendy Cooling. The statement reflects the rise in the popularity of children's books, making answer A the correct choice (True, as there is information available in the passage).

Read more about Dictation Words for IELTS: Practice and Preparation!


Questions and Answers 8-10

  • Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the reading passage, answer the following questions.
  • Write your answers in boxes 8-10 on your answer sheet.


8. For which age group have sales of books risen the most? 

9. Which company has just invested heavily in an unpublished children’s book?  

10. Who is currently the best-selling children’s writer?



Twist in the Tale Reading Answers with Explanations (8-10)



Type of Question: Short Answer


Short answer questions in the IELTS Reading section require you to read a passage and answer questions using a limited number of words, typically no more than two or three. These questions test your ability to locate specific information within the text and understand detailed facts.


How to best answer this question:


  • Identify keywords in the question and scan the passage to locate the relevant section.
  • Once you find the keywords, read the surrounding sentences to grasp the context and find the precise answer.
  • Ensure your answers adhere to the word limit specified in the instructions.
  • Regular practice with past IELTS reading materials will improve your ability to quickly locate and identify relevant information.


8. 8-14 years/yrs/ (year-olds)




Paragraph C 


The main growth area has been the market for eight to fourteen-year-olds...




Paragraph C explicitly states that the main growth area in the children's book market has been for children aged eight to fourteen years old, making this age group the one where sales of books have risen the most.


9. Orion




Paragraph F 


UK publishing outfit Orion recently negotiated a six-figure sum from US company Scholastic...




In Paragraph F, it is mentioned that Orion, a UK publishing outfit, negotiated a significant investment from Scholastic, a US company, for the unpublished children's book "The Seeing Stone" by Kevin Crossley-Holland. This indicates that Orion has recently invested heavily in an unpublished children's book.


10. J.K. Rowling




Paragraph  G 


After Rowling, Wilson is currently the best-selling children’s writer...




Paragraph G states that Jacqueline Wilson mentions J.K. Rowling as the current best-selling children's writer. This information makes J.K. Rowling the correct answer for the best-selling children's writer.


Read more about Dictation Words for IELTS: Practice and Preparation!


Questions and Answers 11-14

  • Reading Passage 1 has ten paragraphs A-J.
  • Which paragraph mentions the following (Questions 11-14)?
  • Write the appropriate letters (A-J) in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.



11. the fact that children are able to identify and discuss the important elements of fiction

12.  the undervaluing of children’s society

13. the impact of a particular fictional character on the sales of children’s books

14. an inaccurate forecast regarding the reading habits of children        


Twist in the Tale Reading Answers with Explanations (11-14)



Question Type:  Matching Information


11. D




Paragraph D


'People still tell me, “Children don’t read nowadays”,' says David Almond...


In Paragraph D, David Almond discusses how children ask him sophisticated questions about language, story structure, chapters, and dialogue during his classroom visits, indicating that children are able to identify and discuss important elements of fiction.


12. H




Paragraph H 


But Anne Fine, author of many award-winning children’s books is concerned that the British literati still ignore children’s culture...




Paragraph H discusses Anne Fine's concern that the British literati (the literary intellectuals) undervalue children's culture, suggesting that there is an undervaluing of children's society.


13. C




Paragraph C 


The main growth area has been the market for eight to fourteen-year-olds, and there is little doubt that the boom has been fuelled by the bespectacled apprentice, Harry Potter...




In Paragraph C, it is stated that J.K. Rowling's series of books, particularly Harry Potter, has had a significant impact on making reading fashionable for pre-teens and fueling growth in the children's book market, thereby impacting sales.


14. A




Paragraph A


Less than three years ago, doom merchants were predicting that the growth in video games and the rise of the Internet would sound the death knell for children’s literature...




Paragraph A discusses how there were predictions that video games and the Internet would negatively impact children's reading habits, but the reality, as stated later, is that children are reading more books than ever, proving those predictions inaccurate.

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Q. What types of questions can I expect in the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. The test includes a variety of question types such as multiple choice, matching headings, True/False/Not Given, matching information, sentence completion, summary completion, and short answer questions.

Q. How should I manage my time during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. It's crucial to allocate your time wisely. Skim through the passage quickly to understand its structure and main ideas. Spend more time on questions that require detailed reading and comprehension.

Q. Should I read the entire passage thoroughly?

Ans. Not necessarily. Skimming the passage to get an overview of the main ideas and then scanning for specific details related to questions can save time. Focus on understanding the question requirements clearly.