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How Does the Biological Clock Tick Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

Preparing effectively for the IELTS Reading section is crucial for success, as it assesses your ability to comprehend texts and answer questions within a limited time frame. This section consists of three passages, each followed by questions of various types, such as multiple choice, matching headings, and True/False/Not Given.

The upcoming passage, "How Does the Biological Clock Tick," explores the intricate mechanisms of our internal timekeeping system. It delves into the biological processes that regulate our daily rhythms, shedding light on the factors influencing these cycles and their implications for human health and behaviour. Engage with the text to uncover insights into how our biological clocks function and the significance of maintaining their synchronisation.

By employing effective reading strategies and dedicating time to practice, you can enhance your ability to navigate through challenging texts and accurately answer questions on test day. Embrace the opportunity to deepen your understanding of "How Does the Biological Clock Tick," and prepare yourself for the intellectual journey ahead in the IELTS Reading section.

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1. How Does the Biological Clock Tick Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 


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2. How Does the Biological Clock Tick Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about How Does the Biological Clock Tick

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How Does the Biological Clock Tick Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Why Being Bored is Stimulating Reading Passage



Paragraph A 

As humans, we have a limited lifetime. This is universally acknowledged as being "biologically" plainly obvious. "Nothing is immortal!" However, whenever we hear this phrase, we generally think of technological objects that have been manufactured artificially and undergo normal wear and tear during their utilization. As a consequence, the object eventually stops functioning and thus becomes useless (death in the biological sense). But are technological device deterioration and loss of functionality and the demise of living beings identical or comparable.



Paragraph B

Our "dead" products are closed systems that are "static." It is always the foundational material that comprises the item, which, in the normal course of events, deteriorates and "ages." According to the rules of physical chemistry and thermodynamics, "Agei" should occur in this situation. Even though a living creature is subjected to precisely the same rule, the output is not always inevitable. Because an organism is an open, dynamic system in which new material is constantly flowing, it can grow old without aging as long as it can regenerate itself. Thus, there is a constant dynamic balance between the production of fresh substances and the elimination of old material. The substance that a body is made of is constantly changing. Thus, our bodies constantly exchange old molecules for new ones, much like a spring whose form and motion are almost always maintained while its water molecules are constantly changing.



Paragraph C

So, getting old and dying shouldn't be considered inevitable, especially since the body has many ways to heal itself. A biological system does not, in theory, need to grow old and die. Nonetheless, a limited lifespan, aging, and ultimately death are universal aspects of living. The cause of this is simple to understand: In nature, existing species either adapt to their surroundings or give way to entirely new forms. These have new traits due to alterations in the genetic material (mutations). During the length of their individual lives, they are assessed for optimum or better adaption to environmental circumstances. The system requires space for new and improved life; immortality would disrupt it. The fundamental issue with evolution would be this.



Paragraph D

Every living organism has a very distinct and unique life cycle. There are noticeable variances in lifespan amongst species, but still, the parameter is roughly constant within each species. For instance, there has been no significant change in the typical lifespan of mankind over thousands of years. Even though more and more individuals are living to a ripe old age because of advancements in medicine and nutrition, the typical upper limit for most people still seems to be 80 years. Another argument against the basic wear and tear concept is that the period in which an organism's age ranges from a few days (or perhaps a couple of hours for unicellular organisms) to many thousands of years, as in the case of mammoth trees.




Paragraph E

If a person's life expectancy is a biological trait that is genetically determined, it is logically essential to suggest the presence of an internal clock that somehow monitors and regulates the aging process and ultimately decides death is the final step in a predefined program. Similar to how long a species lives, there is a clear mathematical link between body mass and metabolic rate. This relation is "inverted" in terms of lifespan: the bigger the organism, the lower its metabolic rate. In addition to being accurate for birds, this relationship is also valid for all other organisms on average within the systematic unit (plants, animals, and unicellular organisms).




Paragraph F

Crocodiles and tortoises are two examples of animals that age gradually over time by using their energy "frugally." Prey birds and parrots are often kept captive. As a result, they aren't able to "experience life," and as a consequence, they live long lives in confinement. Bats and hedgehogs are two examples of animals that conserve energy through lethargy or hibernation and live significantly longer than animals that are continuously active. Mice's metabolic rate could be lowered by consuming extremely less food (hunger diet). They may then outlive their well-fed companions by two times. Compared to males, women age more visibly (roughly around 10%). If you compare the two genders' metabolic rates, you'll find that the shorter lifespan of men may be partly explained by the high metabolic rate of men. In other words, they live life very energetically—more passionately, but for a short time.    




Paragraph G

From the above, it follows that judicious utilisation of energy reserves would help to prolong life. Extremely demanding sports may lead to the most efficient cardiovascular performance, but they most definitely do not extend life. Getting sufficient sleep, relaxing, and having a generally calm and balanced nature can lower metabolic rates. With a bit of self-observation, critical self-control, and, most importantly, logical consistency, each one of us can construct his or her own "energy-saving plan." Experience will illustrate that adopting such a lifestyle not only elongates life span but also promotes good health. This last element really should not be neglected.


How Does the Biological Clock Tick Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about How Does the Biological Clock Tick

Questions and Answers 1-6
  • Reading Passage has seven paragraphs, A-G
  • Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-G from the list of heading below.
  • Write the correct number, i-x, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

    List of Headings


    i. The process of aging in men and women

    ii. Fundamental variations in the aging process of objects and living beings

    iii. Extending your life

    iv. The biological clock

    v. Energy consumption

    vi. The repairing of genetic material

    vii. Constraints of life span

    viii. Why is death advantageous

    ix. Steady life duration in spite of improvements

    x. The development methods of various species



    Example: Answer

    Paragraph A: v


    1. Paragraph B

    2. Paragraph C

    3. Paragraph D

    4. Paragraph E

    5. Paragraph F

    6. Paragraph G


    How Does the Biological Clock Tick Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)



    Question Type:  Matching Headings


    In this question type, you are provided with a list of headings, usually in the form of short phrases or sentences, and you need to match each heading to the corresponding paragraph or section of the reading passage.

    How to best answer the question:


    • Before attempting to match the headings, it's essential to read the passage thoroughly. 
    • The headings should capture the main idea or theme of each paragraph or section.
    • Once you understand the main ideas of the passage, scan each paragraph for specific details that align with the headings. 
    • Cross out any options that don't match the content of the paragraphs, even if they seem somewhat related.
    • The headings should follow a coherent order that reflects the organisation of the text.
    • If you're unsure about a particular match, try to eliminate options that clearly don't fit. 



    1. ii



    Paragraph B

    Our 'dead' products are closed systems that are 'static.' It is always the foundational material that comprises the item, which, in the normal course of events, deteriorates and 'ages.'



    Paragraph B discusses the fundamental differences between the aging process of inanimate objects (like technological devices) and living beings. It contrasts closed, static systems of objects with open, dynamic systems of organisms that constantly regenerate, illustrating why aging in living beings is not simply a result of wear and tear.


    2. vii



    Paragraph C

    So, getting old and dying shouldn't be considered inevitable, especially since the body has many ways to heal itself. A biological system does not, in theory, need to grow old and die.



    Paragraph C explores the concept that aging and death, while seemingly inevitable, serve a purpose in the biological realm. It argues that mortality is advantageous for species evolution, as it allows adaptation to new environmental conditions through genetic mutations and natural selection.


    3. ix



    Paragraph D

    Every living organism has a very distinct and unique life cycle. There are noticeable variances in lifespan amongst species, but still, the parameter is roughly constant within each species.



     Paragraph D addresses the steady lifespan within species, noting that despite advancements in medicine and changes in lifestyle, the average lifespan of humans has remained relatively constant over millennia. This paragraph discusses why there is a limit to lifespan within each species.


    4. iv



    Paragraph E
    If a person's life expectancy is a biological trait that is genetically determined, it is logically essential to suggest the presence of an internal clock that somehow monitors and regulates the aging process and ultimately decides death is the final step in a predefined program.



    Paragraph E introduces the concept of the biological clock, suggesting the presence of internal mechanisms that regulate aging and determine lifespan based on genetic and metabolic factors. It discusses the relationship between body mass, metabolic rate, and lifespan.


    5. v



    Paragraph F

    Crocodiles and tortoises are two examples of animals that age gradually over time by using their energy 'frugally.' ... They may then outlive their well-fed companions by two times.



    Paragraph F talks about energy consumption and its impact on lifespan, giving examples of different animal species and how their metabolic rates affect their longevity. It emphasizes that conserving energy can extend lifespan in various organisms.


    6. iii



    Paragraph G

    From the above, it follows that judicious utilisation of energy reserves would help to prolong life. Extremely demanding sports may lead to the most efficient cardiovascular performance, but they most definitely do not extend life.




    Paragraph G discusses lifestyle choices that can potentially extend life, such as managing energy reserves effectively through activities like sufficient sleep, relaxation, and balanced living. It advocates for behaviors that promote longevity and good health.

    Questions and Answers 7-10
  • Complete the notes below.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.


    7. ______ would create a serious issue for the concept of evolution.
    8. _______ and 9. ________ are the principles according to which objects grow older.
    Organisms can 10. _____ better to their surroundings because of mutations.



    How Does the Biological Clock Tick Reading Answers with Explanations (7-10)




    Type of question: Note Completion



    In note completion questions, you are required to fill in the gaps in notes or summaries using information from the reading passage. This task assesses your ability to find specific details within the passage and requires you to understand and identify the main points. 


    How to best answer the question



    • Understand what specific information you need to fill in the blanks.
    • Quickly read through the passage to get a general understanding of its main ideas, key points, and the context surrounding the information you need to complete.
    • Pay attention to keywords or phrases in the notes provided. 
    • Once you've identified the keywords, scan the passage to locate the section that contains the information needed to complete the notes. 
    • Be prepared for the information in the passage to be paraphrased or expressed using synonyms. 
    • Ensure that the completed notes fit logically within the context of the passage. 




    7. Immortality



    Paragraph C 

    Immortality would disrupt it.



    This line explains that the concept of immortality would create a serious issue for the process of evolution, as it would prevent the necessary space for new life forms to emerge.


    8. Physical chemistry/Thermodynamics



    Paragraph B
    According to the rules of physical chemistry and thermodynamics, 'Agei' should occur in this situation.



    This line states that the rules of physical chemistry and thermodynamics are the principles that dictate the aging process of objects.


    9. Physical chemistry/Thermodynamics



    Paragraph B 

    According to the rules of physical chemistry and thermodynamics, 'Agei' should occur in this situation.



    Reiterates that physical chemistry and thermodynamics are fundamental principles according to which objects age, emphasizing their role in the aging process.


    10. Adapt



    Paragraph C 

    During the length of their individual lives, they are assessed for optimum or better adaption to environmental circumstances.



    This line indicates that organisms can adapt better to their surroundings due to genetic mutations, which enhance their survival and evolution.


    Questions and Answers 11-14
    Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
    In boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet, write

    • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
    • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
    • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage




    11. Approximately 90 percent of the human body is replaced by new substances, within seven years.
    12. The concept of wear and tear applies to artificial things as well as biological systems.
    13. Saving and storing energy helps prolong a human being’s life.
    14. In theory, it is feasible that a living organism may grow old without aging.




    How Does the Biological Clock Tick Reading Answers with Explanations (11-14)



    Question Type:  Yes/No/Not Given



    In this task, you are presented with a statement, and your task is to determine if it agrees with the information in the passage (Yes), contradicts the information in the passage (No), or if there is insufficient information in the passage to decide (not given).


    How to best answer the question:



    • Read the statement carefully to ensure you understand exactly what it is saying. 
    • Pay attention to details such as dates, numbers, and specific information.
    • Scan the passage to find the section where the relevant information is likely to be located. 
    • Focus on finding evidence that either supports or contradicts the statement.
    • Yes: If the statement agrees with the information in the passage.
    • No: If the statement contradicts the information in the passage.
    • Not Given: If there is no information in the passage that confirms or contradicts the statement.




    11. Not Given






    There is no information in the passage that specifies or discusses the replacement of approximately 90 percent of the human body within seven years. Therefore, the answer is "Not Given."


    12. No



    Paragraph B

    But are technological device deterioration and loss of functionality and the demise of living beings identical or comparable.



    Paragraph B explicitly compares the deterioration of technological devices (wear and tear) with the aging process of living beings, questioning whether they are identical or comparable. This implies that the concept of wear and tear applies differently to artificial things (technological devices) and biological systems (living beings), hence the answer is "No."


    13. Yes



    Paragraph G

    From the above, it follows that judicious utilisation of energy reserves would help to prolong life.



    Paragraph G discusses how saving and storing energy through a balanced lifestyle can lower metabolic rates and potentially prolong life, affirming that saving energy does indeed help in extending a human being's life. Therefore, the answer is "Yes."


    14. Yes



    Paragraph B
    Because an organism is an open, dynamic system in which new material is constantly flowing, it can grow old without aging as long as it can regenerate itself.



    Paragraph B explains that due to organisms being open and dynamic systems with the ability to regenerate, it is theoretically feasible for them to grow old without exhibiting typical signs of aging. This supports the statement that in theory, a living organism may grow old without aging, making the answer "Yes."

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    Q. What are some common misconceptions about the IELTS Reading test?

    Ans.  Common misconceptions include the belief that you need to understand every word in the passage, read the entire passage thoroughly, or that the questions are always straightforward. In reality, you can use skimming and scanning strategies, and questions often require critical thinking and inference.


    Q. Are there any specific resources recommended for improving reading skills for the IELTS?

    Ans. Yes, use resources such as Project Gutenberg for classic literature, Medium for contemporary articles, and apps like Kindle or Goodreads for a variety of reading materials. Practice comprehension exercises on websites like Khan Academy and Newsela to improve your reading proficiency.



    Q. How important is vocabulary in the IELTS Reading test?

    Ans. Vocabulary is crucial in the IELTS Reading test as it helps you understand the passage and answer questions accurately. Focus on learning academic and topic-specific vocabulary, and practice using context clues to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar