Part-Time Jobs in Ireland for Students: Top Opportunities & Salary

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How much can you earn from part time jobs in Ireland? You’d be wrong if you guessed anything lower than INR 64,000 to INR 77,000 monthly! Recent statistics show that the average part-time wage for students in Ireland can range from approximately INR 900 to INR 1,350 per hour.

By working 40 hours a week (during holidays), you could earn between INR 72,000 and INR 108,000 per month

If you are studying or planning to study in Ireland, you’ll need a helping hand with finances, and that’s where part-time jobs can be your best friend. According to a 2023 survey by Eurostudent, 76% of international students in Ireland engage in part-time work to help manage their living expenses.

Also, by honing your networking abilities, you’ll not only become a master of connections but also open the door to exciting financial opportunities!

Part-time Jobs in Ireland – Key Highlights

Benefits of Part-Time Jobs in IrelandFlexible work hours
Skill development
Financial support
Websites to Find JobsIndeed
Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs in IrelandIT Support
Customer Service Representative
Marketing Assistant
Average Hourly Pay (INR)Ranges from INR 900 to INR 1,500
Part-time Jobs for Students in Dublin IrelandRetail Associate
Customer Service Representative

Part-time jobs are a popular choice for students in Ireland. They offer a way to manage living expenses and gain valuable work experience. Understanding the regulations and benefits of part-time jobs can help students maximise their opportunities while balancing their academic responsibilities.

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Guidelines for part-time jobs in Ireland for international students

International students in Ireland can work on-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the school semester and full-time during official breaks. Off-campus work may require special authorisation, depending on the visa status. These guidelines help you manage expenses and gain work experience without compromising your studies.

On-Campus Work: International students on a student visa can work on-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the school semester.

Off-Campus Work: Depending on your visa status, Off-campus work may require special authorisation.

During Breaks: During official school breaks, international students can work full-time.

These regulations are in place to ensure students prioritise their studies while gaining valuable work experience and managing their expenses through Ireland’s part-time jobs for students.

Also Read: Cost of Living in Ireland 2024

Online Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

Online part-time jobs are a great way for international students in Ireland to gain work experience and earn some extra income. According to a 2023 report by Statista, the number of remote job listings in Ireland has increased by 30% over the past year, reflecting the growing trend towards flexible work arrangements.

Moreover, the average hourly wage for online part-time jobs in Ireland ranges from approximately INR 900 to INR 1,800.

Types of Online Jobs

Part-Time Jobs in Ireland for Students: Top Opportunities & Salary
  • Freelance Work: Includes writing, graphic design, web development, and more.
  • Virtual Internships: Offer practical experience in various fields, often providing valuable industry connections.
  • Remote Part-Time Positions: Roles such as virtual assistants, online tutors, and customer service representatives.

Understanding the potential earnings from online part-time jobs in Ireland can help you make informed decisions about your employment options.

Also read: Ireland Study Visa

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Part-Time Jobs in Ireland for Students: Top Opportunities & Salary

Importance of Part-Time Jobs in Ireland to Manage Expenses

Part-time jobs in Ireland are vital for international students, helping them manage their living expenses while studying. Given the comparatively higher tuition, housing, and day-to-day living costs, these jobs can be essential for financial stability.

According to the Irish Council for International Students, the average annual cost of living for an international student in Ireland is approximately INR 10,80,000 to INR 13,50,000 per year. Part-time jobs pay approximately INR 70,000 per month by working the maximum 20 hours per week allowed during the academic term.

Skill Development

  • Work Experience: Gaining work experience while studying helps build a strong resume, making students more attractive to future employers.
  • Skill Acquisition: Students acquire practical skills such as time management, teamwork, and communication, which are valuable in any career.

Networking Opportunities

  • Building Connections: Part-time jobs in Ireland allow students to network with professionals and peers, which can benefit their career opportunities after graduation.
  • Cultural Integration: Working part-time helps international students integrate into the local culture and community, enhancing their overall study abroad experience.

Suggested Read: Canada vs Ireland: Which is Better for Indian Students?

Finding Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

Online job portals are one of the most effective ways to find part-time jobs in Ireland. According to a 2024 report by Zety, job boards are the source for 52.17% of all job applications, highlighting their significant role in the job search process.

Websites like LinkedIn and provide extensive listings of part-time positions suitable for students, offering user-friendly interfaces and advanced search filters to help you find the perfect job quickly and efficiently​​.


  • Job Search: LinkedIn allows you to filter job searches by type, including part-time roles. You can search for positions in specific locations or industries.
  • Networking: Connect with professionals in your field of interest. Engaging with posts, joining relevant groups, and directly messaging potential employers can open doors to job opportunities.
  • Profile Optimization: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete and professional. Highlight relevant skills, experiences, and education to attract potential employers.

  • Company Reviews: offers insights into company cultures, salaries, and employee reviews. This can help you find companies that are suitable for part-time work.
  • Job Listings: Like LinkedIn, has a search function where you can look for part-time jobs. It also allows you to filter by location and job type.
  • Salary Information: Here are average salaries for part-time positions in various companies, which can help you set realistic expectations.

Using University Resources for On-Campus Employment

Universities in Ireland offer various resources to help students find part-time jobs on campus. According to the Association of Higher Education Careers Services (AHECS), campus career services support over 400,000 higher-education students, including 50,000 who are preparing for graduation

These services are crucial, as they provide job listings, resume workshops, and interview preparation sessions that help students secure employment while balancing their academic responsibilities. 

Student unions often host job boards with listings for part-time opportunities and organise networking events, allowing students to connect with potential employers and receive peer support in navigating the job application process​​.

Career Services

  • Job Listings: Most universities have a dedicated career services office that posts student job openings. These include on-campus positions such as teaching assistants, research assistants, and administrative roles.
  • Resume Workshops: Career services often provide workshops and one-on-one sessions to help students craft effective resumes and cover letters.
  • Interview Preparation: Many career centres offer mock interviews and interview preparation resources to help students succeed in securing part-time jobs.

Student Unions

  • Job Boards: Student unions often have job boards with listings of part-time job opportunities both on-campus and in the local community.
  • Networking Events: Attending events organised by the student union can help students meet potential employers and learn about job openings.
  • Peer Support: Student unions often facilitate peer mentoring programs where experienced students can advise on finding and applying for part-time jobs.

Top 6 Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

Choosing among part-time jobs in Ireland can be overwhelming, especially considering the diverse opportunities available and the high cost of living.

According to a 2023 report by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ireland’s average cost of living has risen by 5.8% over the past year. While this may seem daunting, understanding these expenses can help you better plan and manage your finances.

Accommodation and transportation are the most significant yet manageable expenses. Still, Ireland’s vibrant culture, excellent educational opportunities, and part-time work options can make it a worthwhile investment in your future.  The minimum wage in Ireland is approximately INR 1,000, providing a baseline for part-time earnings.

To help you navigate this, here are some of the best part-time jobs available, along with their average hourly wages:

Job TitleAverage Hourly Wage (INR)
Retail AssociateINR 1,100
Customer Service RepresentativeINR 1,200
Delivery DriverINR 1,300
IT SupportINR 1,500
Marketing AssistantINR 1,200
BaristaINR 1,000

Also read: Cost of Living in Ireland 2024

Thinking about studying in Ireland but not sure where to start? Leap Scholar‘s experienced counsellors provide personalised advice and assistance to ensure you make the best decisions for your future.

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Top 9 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

Certain part-time jobs in Ireland offer higher pay rates for international students seeking to maximise earnings. According to a 2023 report by GradIreland, part-time students can earn up to around 40% more in roles requiring specialised skills than standard part-time positions.

These high-paying roles provide substantial income and valuable experience and skill development, enhancing employability post-graduation

Here are some of the highest paid part-time jobs you can consider.

Part-Time Jobs in IrelandAverage Hourly Wage (INR)
Sales AssistantINR 1894
TutorINR 2254
Library AssistantINR 1443
Jobs at Restaurants/ Bars/ CafesINR 902
Community Support WorkerINR 2164
Call Center AgentINR 992
BabysittingINR 857
Industrial CleanerINR 992
Administrative AssistantINR 1353

Top 5 Work From Home Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

The rise of remote work has significantly expanded opportunities for part-time employment, especially for international students in Ireland. According to a 2023 report by FlexJobs, 55% of remote workers reported higher productivity and improved work-life balance compared to traditional office settings. 

Amcham states that Ireland has the largest proportion of remote workers in the EU, with the proportion of employees who sometimes or usually work from home jumping to 36.2% in 2023.

These roles offer flexibility and give students valuable experience in various industries. 

Here are the top 5 work-from-home part-time jobs in Ireland.

Job TitleApproximate Hourly Wage (INR)
Content CreatorINR 1,270
Administrative AssistantINR 1,376
Bookkeeping ClerkINR 1,650 to INR 3,300
Virtual AssistantINR 1,417
Online TutorINR 2,312

When seeking part-time jobs, international students must ensure that any job undertaken complies with their visa conditions, which typically allow for up to 20 hours of work per week during the academic term.

Eligibility Criteria for Student Jobs in Ireland

Finding part-time work as a student in Ireland can greatly enhance your educational experience and help you manage living expenses. According to a report by the Higher Education Authority, over 70% of international students in Ireland engage in part-time employment. Here are the eligibility criteria you need to meet:

Visa Requirements

  • Non-EU/EEA students need a valid Stamp 2 student visa, allowing up to 20 hours of work per week during term time.
  • Up to 40 hours per week during holidays.

Enrollment Status

  • Must be enrolled in a full-time course recognised by the Irish Department of Education and Skills.

Age Requirement

  • Must be at least 18 years old.


  • Obtain a Personal Public Service (PPS) number for tax purposes.
  • Ensure compliance with Irish tax regulations, including PAYE (Pay As You Earn) and USC (Universal Social Charge).

Health Insurance

  • Non-EU/EEA students are required to have private health insurance.

Academic Performance

  • Some institutions may require students to maintain satisfactory academic performance to continue working part-time.

Part-Time Job Salary in Ireland – Citywise

Understanding the salary range for part-time jobs can help students plan their finances better. According to, the average part-time salary in Ireland is approximately INR 80,000. Here’s a breakdown of part-time job salaries in different cities, including Dublin:

CityJob TitleHourly Wage (INR)
DublinRetail AssociateINR 1,000 – INR 1,200
BaristaINR 900 – INR 1,100
Customer Service RepresentativeINR 990 – INR 1,170
CorkRetail AssociateINR 900 – INR 1,100
BaristaINR 800 – INR 1,000
Customer Service RepresentativeINR 950 – INR 1,150
GalwayRetail AssociateINR 850 – INR 1,050
BaristaINR 800 – INR 950
Customer Service RepresentativeINR 900 – INR 1,100
LimerickRetail AssociateINR 850 – INR 1,000
BaristaINR 800 – INR 950
Customer Service RepresentativeINR 900 – INR 1,050


Online part-time jobs in Ireland offer international students a flexible way to earn income and gain valuable work experience while managing their academic responsibilities. These roles provide the convenience of working from home, enabling students to balance their studies and work more effectively.

By taking advantage of various job search platforms and understanding the potential earnings, students can find suitable opportunities for their skills and schedules.

  • Flexibility: Work from the comfort of your home and set your own hours.
  • Income: Earn between INR 900 to INR 2,250 per hour, depending on the job.
  • Skill Development: Gain experience in diverse fields like content creation, virtual assistance, and online tutoring.
  • Convenience: Save time and money on commuting, allowing more focus on academics.

Balancing work and study is essential to success in both areas, making online part-time jobs ideal for international students in Ireland.

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Q. What are the benefits of part time jobs in Ireland for international students?

A. Part-time jobs in Ireland offer numerous benefits to international students. They provide a steady income source, helping students manage living expenses such as rent, food, and other personal costs. These jobs offer valuable work experience, enhancing students’ resumes and making them more attractive to future employers. Students develop practical skills like time management, communication, and teamwork, which are essential in any career.

Q. Can international students work part-time online jobs in Ireland?

A. International students can work part-time online jobs in Ireland, subject to certain conditions. 

Students on a student visa can typically work up to 20 hours per week during the academic term. Online part-time jobs offer flexibility, allowing students to work from anywhere and manage their academic responsibilities effectively. These jobs can include virtual assistants, content writers, and customer service representatives. Students must ensure that their employment does not violate their visa conditions.

Q. What are some popular online part-time jobs in Ireland?

A. International students can pursue several popular online part-time jobs in Ireland.
Virtual Assistant: INR 900 – INR 1,260 per hour.
Content Writer: INR 1,080 – INR 1,800 per hour.
Online Tutor: INR 1,350 – INR 2,250 per hour.
Customer Service Representative: INR 990 – INR 1,170 per hour.
Graphic Designer/Digital Marketer: INR 1,260 – INR 1,620 per hour.

Q. How can international students find part-time jobs in Ireland?

A. International students can find part-time jobs in Ireland through various resources. Online job portals like LinkedIn, Indeed, and list numerous part-time opportunities suitable for students. Universities also offer career services that help students find on-campus and off-campus jobs. These services include job boards, resume workshops, and interview preparation sessions. Networking is another effective way to find jobs, as connecting with peers, professors, and professionals can lead to job referrals.

Q. Are there specific regulations for international students working part-time jobs in Ireland?

A. There are specific regulations that international students must follow when working part-time jobs in Ireland. Students on a student visa can work up to 20 hours per week during the academic term and full-time during official school breaks. Off-campus employment may require special authorisation, depending on the visa status.

Q. What is the average hourly wage for online part-time jobs in Ireland?

A. The average hourly wage for online part-time jobs in Ireland varies depending on the role and industry. 
Content creators can earn around INR 2,000 per hour
Virtual assistants typically earn between INR 900 and INR 1,200 per hour. 
Online tutors can expect to make about INR 1,200 per hour. 
Customer service representatives usually earn around INR 1,000 to INR 1,200 per hour
The overall average for online part-time jobs in Ireland is about INR 1,200 per hour. These wages provide a substantial income to help students manage their expenses.

Q. What are some challenges international students might face with online part-time jobs in Ireland?

A. International students might face several challenges when taking on online part-time jobs in Ireland. One common issue is managing time effectively, as balancing work, studies, and personal life can be difficult. Time zone differences may also pose a challenge, especially if the job requires collaboration with people in different parts of the world. Additionally, finding reliable internet connectivity is crucial for performing online jobs efficiently. Language barriers might be another obstacle, particularly in roles that require extensive communication.

Q. How can international students balance part time jobs in Ireland with their studies?

A. Balancing part-time jobs in Ireland with studies requires effective time management and planning. Students should prioritise their academic responsibilities and create a schedule allocating specific work and study hours. Communicating with employers about academic commitments is essential to ensure flexible working hours. Tools like calendars and planners can help keep track of deadlines and work shifts.

Q. What are the best part time jobs for students in Dublin, Ireland?

A. Dublin offers a variety of part-time jobs that are well-suited for students. Some of the best options and their hourly wages include:
Retail Associate: Working in shops like Penneys, Brown Thomas, and local boutiques.

Average Salary: INR 900 – INR 1,080
BaristA. Positions at coffee shops such as Starbucks, Insomnia, and local cafes.
Average Salary: INR 810 – INR 990
Customer Service Representative: Opportunities at companies like PayPal and local call centres.
Average Salary: INR 990 – INR 1,170
Tour Guide: Leading tours at historical sites and museums around Dublin.
Average Salary: INR 1,080 – INR 1,350
Library Assistant: Working at university libraries like Trinity College and University College Dublin.
Average Salary: INR 900 – INR 1,080

These jobs offer flexibility, allowing students to balance work with their studies.

Q. How can international students in Ireland find part-time jobs?

A. International students can find part-time jobs in Ireland through several resources:
University Career Services: Most universities have career services that post job listings and provide career counselling.
Online Job Portals: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and are popular for finding part-time work.
Networking: Joining student and professional networks can lead to job referrals and opportunities.
Student Unions: Many student unions have job boards and host job fairs.
Local Businesses: It can also be effective to visit local shops, restaurants, and businesses in person to inquire about vacancies.

Q. What are the highest paying part-time jobs in Ireland for students?

A. Some of the highest paying part-time jobs for students in Ireland include:

IT Support: Providing technical support can pay around approximately INR 1,800.
Digital Marketing Specialist: Social media management and online marketing roles pay approximately INR 1,700.
Data Analyst: Working with data analysis tools and methods can earn approximately INR 1,700.
Freelance Graphic Designer: Designing graphics for various clients can cost approximately INR 1,600.
Financial Assistant: Assisting with financial tasks can earn around approximately INR 1,600.

Q. What types of part-time jobs are available for students in Ireland?

A. Students in Ireland can find various part-time jobs that fit their schedules and skill sets. Common options include:
Retail Assistant: Working in stores like Dunnes Stores, Tesco, or local boutiques.
Hospitality Staff: These include waitstaff, baristas, and receptionists in cafes, restaurants, and hotels.
Tutoring: Providing academic assistance to peers or younger students.
Customer Service: Positions in call centres or as customer service representatives for various companies.
Administrative Assistant: Supporting office operations in universities or businesses.

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