
IELTS Writing Task 2

Cyber Crime Reasons And Solutions

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Problem and Solution

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4 unique answers with expert feedback


Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

With the advent of the internet and most sectors going online, cyber crime is on a rise as

What are the reasons for this?

What can be done to curb the increase in cyber crime?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words. 

Top rated answers

Here are the 4 highest scoring answers by real-users for this IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem and Solution topic.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 month 16 days ago

In the world where internet has occupied a prominent place, the cyber crime has come in as a compliment with it. Internet usage has become inevitable in every person's life as almost all the sectors taking the online platforms for operations. To comprehend the reasons of cyber crime, let us dive deeper into the subject. Firstly, it is the insufficient regulation of internet usage that would stand as a reason. Lack of knowledge and lack of right education can be considered as the second reason for this. Access of internet to illegal and criminal recepients is also majorly leading to cyber crimes. In some cases, missing parental guindance is also paving path to these crimes. Children without appropriate awareness are also misusing internet and are landing up in troubles. A decent solution for this problem is to frame and excecute stringent and strict guidelines on internet usage. This responsibility falls on the government. These regulations can bring in a drastic difference in the number of cyber crimes. As well, educating children appropriately on the right usage and safety measures like maintaining confidentiality of personal details such as the passwords and pin codes, not using cameras while communicating with strangers, will play a crucial role. Whe it comes to organisations, it is very important to have suspicious sites blocked. Timely audit of all the systems, tools and apps being used within the organisation can help in having a better security. In today's internet-driven world, it is very essential for every individual to have knowledge about the risks involved in using internet so that proper measures of safety can be taken. Specially, women and children need to aware of the probable troubles.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 3 days ago

Long before the introduction to the internet we were able to recongise our criminals through their faces. However, today the digital world has rendered unseen crimes like cyber crimes a reality. Since then, there has been a steep incline of such felonies across the board and I believe that we can control this as responsible citizens. There are several ways in which these felonies can take place. To begin with, most of data provided by individuals themselves is vastly unprotected and left open to theft and fraud. Additionally, we face a lot of unauthorised distribution of personal information by many scoial media firms and websites. For example, Facebook had to fight a majot lawsuit in 2017 due to the mismangament of user data by a private organistion called Cambridge Analytica that was creating algorithm for ads. In the light of that, we have methods to protect ourselves and be more self-aware about such crime. On first hand, our data can be protected by the use of VPNs and Anti-virus software for which we have to pay. These platforms help detect malovalent behaviours and notify us when something goes wrong. On second hand, people could be educated by the government or others in the ways of using and posting their personal data onto platforms which can make them vulnerable to felons. For instance, many gullible people who lack the knowlegde of how to use social media can have their accounts hacked and information distributed on the "Dark Net" which can affects their friends and family. In conclusion, it must be taken into account the neccessary awareness is lacking around such malpractices and it not knowing how to overcome it can make everyone highly insecure. Furthermore, People need to put in all required barriers to protect themselves instead of only relying on organistions and other legal systems.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 16 days ago

The word has witnessed tremendous advancement with the advent of the Internet. While on one side, it has proved to be a boon for modernization, there has been an increase in the cyber crime crates globally. This essay wil enumerate the reasons for the rising trends and the potential solutions to curbe the same. To begin with, Cyber crime is a form of crime which is performed by an entitities against an individualization/ organization through their digital footprints. Criminals target the individuals/ orgranization for monetary gains either through direct access to their bank account or by blackmailing them against a personal piece of information. In many cases cyber is also performed for other reasons, which include, but are not limited to fulfilling sadistic hunger or achieving personal benefits. Alot of times, individuals that are targeted are inititally unaware of the trap and fall into they predators hands through fishing links or downloading viruses. Other times, individuals voluntarily share their personal information, including bank accounts, passwords, one-time pins and others because of blind trust in the other person. For instance, there have been an increasing number of cases reported amongst women on matrimonial platforms who were exposed to criminals in the face of their future alliance. In an emotional, they end sharing their personal financial details which leads to enormous cyber crimes in the future which are neither tracked nor reversible. To sum up, the main reasons cyber crime is on the rise, is because of unsafe sharing of content online, blind trust in people that we have met online, and the lack of adequate measures against these hackers. I believe the best way to curb the increase in cyber crime is to firstly, install antivirus apps within the systems. It's also advisable to never trust anyone on the internet and not provide them any personal or financial details. Furthermore, one should be extremely careful while accessing doubtful website or links sent by strangers. The government should also impose strict measures against cyber criminals and enable the compensation of victims. To conclude the essay, internet and cyber crimes will always run parallel. Raising awareness amongst people and imposing strict measures against cyber criminals can help curb ther currest rise in the cyber crime across the world.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

3 months 3 days ago

As digitalization plays a crucial role in numerous sectors all over the world, data breaches and online threats have risen increasingly nowadays. Many factors influence this activity and some believe that with the proper regulations and guidance from technological institutions, a solution can be reached to restrict those problems in the long run. This essay will discuss the causes and control in a better way as a better solution for them. To begin with, data breaches induce hackers to read and steal data in a tactical way from enormous organisations. To be precise, no technical knowledge from people and expertise on this issue leads to many crime activities online and people lose valuable information in a short time. For instance, many foreign hackers steal data from government institutions as those are critical for businesses and individuals. Furthermore, there is no proper security protocol in place, which in turn directs online crime to be done effortlessly by hackers. Thus, several factors affect the data misuse and vital information of many customers shared across the globe by miscreants. On the other hand, policy regulation by lawmakers and government institutions gives a viable solution to these issues. There should be more awareness created among the people, who are the ones who need to know about this problem periodically and what sort of solution can make them feel better and give way for good economic growth. Moreover, there are more safety mechanisms in place like encryption and decryption of data before sending and receiving between them. For example, creating strong user credentials and data storage in multiple layers aids organizations in keeping the data safe, especially in this digital era. Hence, collaboration among the nations and better safety protocols leads to saving the data effectively. In conclusion, although there are data breaches and failures occur among organizations, proper solutions and awareness can control this issue from online hackers.

All Answers

Here are all the answers by real-users practicing writing for IELTS writing Task 2 Problem and Solution on our IELTS Prep App.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

1 month 16 days ago

In the world where internet has occupied a prominent place, the cyber crime has come in as a compliment with it. Internet usage has become inevitable in every person's life as almost all the sectors taking the online platforms for operations. To comprehend the reasons of cyber crime, let us dive deeper into the subject. Firstly, it is the insufficient regulation of internet usage that would stand as a reason. Lack of knowledge and lack of right education can be considered as the second reason for this. Access of internet to illegal and criminal recepients is also majorly leading to cyber crimes. In some cases, missing parental guindance is also paving path to these crimes. Children without appropriate awareness are also misusing internet and are landing up in troubles. A decent solution for this problem is to frame and excecute stringent and strict guidelines on internet usage. This responsibility falls on the government. These regulations can bring in a drastic difference in the number of cyber crimes. As well, educating children appropriately on the right usage and safety measures like maintaining confidentiality of personal details such as the passwords and pin codes, not using cameras while communicating with strangers, will play a crucial role. Whe it comes to organisations, it is very important to have suspicious sites blocked. Timely audit of all the systems, tools and apps being used within the organisation can help in having a better security. In today's internet-driven world, it is very essential for every individual to have knowledge about the risks involved in using internet so that proper measures of safety can be taken. Specially, women and children need to aware of the probable troubles.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 3 days ago

Long before the introduction to the internet we were able to recongise our criminals through their faces. However, today the digital world has rendered unseen crimes like cyber crimes a reality. Since then, there has been a steep incline of such felonies across the board and I believe that we can control this as responsible citizens. There are several ways in which these felonies can take place. To begin with, most of data provided by individuals themselves is vastly unprotected and left open to theft and fraud. Additionally, we face a lot of unauthorised distribution of personal information by many scoial media firms and websites. For example, Facebook had to fight a majot lawsuit in 2017 due to the mismangament of user data by a private organistion called Cambridge Analytica that was creating algorithm for ads. In the light of that, we have methods to protect ourselves and be more self-aware about such crime. On first hand, our data can be protected by the use of VPNs and Anti-virus software for which we have to pay. These platforms help detect malovalent behaviours and notify us when something goes wrong. On second hand, people could be educated by the government or others in the ways of using and posting their personal data onto platforms which can make them vulnerable to felons. For instance, many gullible people who lack the knowlegde of how to use social media can have their accounts hacked and information distributed on the "Dark Net" which can affects their friends and family. In conclusion, it must be taken into account the neccessary awareness is lacking around such malpractices and it not knowing how to overcome it can make everyone highly insecure. Furthermore, People need to put in all required barriers to protect themselves instead of only relying on organistions and other legal systems.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

2 months 16 days ago

The word has witnessed tremendous advancement with the advent of the Internet. While on one side, it has proved to be a boon for modernization, there has been an increase in the cyber crime crates globally. This essay wil enumerate the reasons for the rising trends and the potential solutions to curbe the same. To begin with, Cyber crime is a form of crime which is performed by an entitities against an individualization/ organization through their digital footprints. Criminals target the individuals/ orgranization for monetary gains either through direct access to their bank account or by blackmailing them against a personal piece of information. In many cases cyber is also performed for other reasons, which include, but are not limited to fulfilling sadistic hunger or achieving personal benefits. Alot of times, individuals that are targeted are inititally unaware of the trap and fall into they predators hands through fishing links or downloading viruses. Other times, individuals voluntarily share their personal information, including bank accounts, passwords, one-time pins and others because of blind trust in the other person. For instance, there have been an increasing number of cases reported amongst women on matrimonial platforms who were exposed to criminals in the face of their future alliance. In an emotional, they end sharing their personal financial details which leads to enormous cyber crimes in the future which are neither tracked nor reversible. To sum up, the main reasons cyber crime is on the rise, is because of unsafe sharing of content online, blind trust in people that we have met online, and the lack of adequate measures against these hackers. I believe the best way to curb the increase in cyber crime is to firstly, install antivirus apps within the systems. It's also advisable to never trust anyone on the internet and not provide them any personal or financial details. Furthermore, one should be extremely careful while accessing doubtful website or links sent by strangers. The government should also impose strict measures against cyber criminals and enable the compensation of victims. To conclude the essay, internet and cyber crimes will always run parallel. Raising awareness amongst people and imposing strict measures against cyber criminals can help curb ther currest rise in the cyber crime across the world.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

3 months 3 days ago

As digitalization plays a crucial role in numerous sectors all over the world, data breaches and online threats have risen increasingly nowadays. Many factors influence this activity and some believe that with the proper regulations and guidance from technological institutions, a solution can be reached to restrict those problems in the long run. This essay will discuss the causes and control in a better way as a better solution for them. To begin with, data breaches induce hackers to read and steal data in a tactical way from enormous organisations. To be precise, no technical knowledge from people and expertise on this issue leads to many crime activities online and people lose valuable information in a short time. For instance, many foreign hackers steal data from government institutions as those are critical for businesses and individuals. Furthermore, there is no proper security protocol in place, which in turn directs online crime to be done effortlessly by hackers. Thus, several factors affect the data misuse and vital information of many customers shared across the globe by miscreants. On the other hand, policy regulation by lawmakers and government institutions gives a viable solution to these issues. There should be more awareness created among the people, who are the ones who need to know about this problem periodically and what sort of solution can make them feel better and give way for good economic growth. Moreover, there are more safety mechanisms in place like encryption and decryption of data before sending and receiving between them. For example, creating strong user credentials and data storage in multiple layers aids organizations in keeping the data safe, especially in this digital era. Hence, collaboration among the nations and better safety protocols leads to saving the data effectively. In conclusion, although there are data breaches and failures occur among organizations, proper solutions and awareness can control this issue from online hackers.

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