
IELTS Writing Task 2

Organic Farming Advantages

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Advantage and Disadvantage

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5 unique answers with expert feedback



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Organic farming is considered a form of regenerative agriculture which is a prominent strategy to save the planet.

Do the advantages of this method of farming outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Top rated answers

Here are the 5 highest scoring answers by real-users for this IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantage and Disadvantage topic.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

19 days ago

Nowadays, farming is done using the fertilizers and pesticides which cause a lot of issues. However, organic farming is valued as a effective strategy to save the planet. The advantages of organic farming are decreased use of fertlizers which improve soil and crops quality and demerits are extra care to be taken for the crops. I believe benefits of organic farming outweigh the demerits. In organic farming, farmers do not use the fertilizers and pesticides which improves the soil quality. They use the natural manure of animals such as goats and hens to replace synthetic fertilizers which improves soil quality. The improved soil helps farmer to cultivate different crops seasonally. Additionally, the natural manure also helps in the healthy growth of crops. For instance, with organic farming the crops are less prone to diseases because natural manure gives minerals which can fight back with diseases. The major drawbacks of organic farming is farmers need to take a lot of care while farming. They need to monitor and keep track of the essential resources needed for the growth of crops. Moreover, this farmimg takes extra time for crops to yield as it uses natural resources which lack the important minerals compared to the artificial pesticides. Time increased for yieding crops impacts the farming cycle. In conclusion,the organic farmimg increases the quality of soil which helps to grow and improve crops health. The downsides are increased time for yielding crops. However advantages outweigh the demerits of organic farming and this farming helps to save the planet.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

20 days ago

Organic farming is considered as giving a new life to agriculture which is an important factor to save the planet. The method has more merits than demerits. Agriculture is an important aspect for the growth of various types of plants and vegetables. Farmers undergo through thick and thin for taking care of their farms. The first step involved is Harvesting of seeds. Additionally, water is added in large quantities for proper growth. Farmers use harmful chemicals, fetilizers and pesticides over the plants and vegetables to protect them from insects and ants. These harsh chemicals are life threatning causing various diseases in many people. Furthermore, they causes soil erosion which is affecting the quality of land. Nowadays Organic farming is adopted by many farmers. It means there will be no use of harsh chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. This practice is considered as a boon since, it has contributed in giving new life to agriculture. Hence, a prominent step to save the earth. Contrastingly, people have become health conscious and are looking for such products in market which are organic in nature. Organic jaggery and various types of pulses are traded in market under such name. Adoption of organic farming means vegetables and plants are grown fully in natural way without use of any harsh chemical substances. In addition, this practice is not affecting the quality of land and causing soil erosion. In my view this practice has more advantages than disadvantages. However, it is not causing any harm to human as well as planet. The strategy must be adopted by farmers.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

20 days ago

Organic farming can unarguably be considered as the most ecofriendly and sustainable method of farming. Organic farming encourages the use of natural fertilizers and methods that support green revolution paving way for environmental sustainability for our uture generation. Lets now look at a few prominent ways of organic farming. Crop rotation: In the crop rotation method, three or more crop types are planted alternatevely. This method is perticularly helps to fix the soil that is defficient of certain types of nutrients. Farmers usually use ecofriendly fertilizers to increase the productivity of the crops. Terrace Farming: This type of farming is adopted in hilly and slopy areas. The land is constructed in a step like fashion to prevent soil erotion during rainfall, the steps acts as a space to hold water for the plants growth. Planting legumes and nitrogen fixing between primary crops is another significant method to improve soil fertility and the overall yeild of the paddy. Modern method of farming where excess use of fertilizers are used lead to significant hazard to the flora of the region. Eutrophication is a comman problem that farmers face due to the use of excessive use of chemical fertilizers. As science expands its horizon over agriculture, due to the greedy requirements of humans like seedless grapes, for increased productivity of a seasonal fruit or a vegetable gene manipulation on plants are performed to produce likable versions of fruits and vegetable leading to harmful health hazards in humans and animals consuming them. Such practices have to be banned by the government or the government must order strict ethical regualtion on such practices to protect the over all ecosystem and its beings. From the above stated examples one can safely say that organic farming is sustainable way for a bright future.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

23 days ago

It is said that, organic farming is one of the prominent strategy for regenrative agriculture inorder to save the planet. This essay will look into the benefits and drawbacks of this method of farming and present my opinion. In the one hand, farming by organic means posses many advantages. It is believed that, this method of agriculture has special abilities to replenish nutrients in the soil. Using organic manures such as, animal wastes, plant wastes and so on, will act as a suppliment for the improvement of soil quality. Furthermore, these natural methods don't harm the environment as chemical fertilizers do. For example, many communities in the northern India have been using neem as a fertilizer for their farming over the past two decades. A recent research in their fields founded that the soil quality has increased by 43% and yields from the farming is much higher compared to the year 2000. On the other hand, there are certain disadvantanges that we should not ignore. In comparison with chemical based farming methods, organic farming doesn't have a upper hand. It takes years or decades to get the expected results. Similarly, threats from insects, is one of the major concern. For Instance, certain pests influence the desired yields of many crops; they could feed on the crop and destroy it. Organic farming doesn't have many ways/methods to act aganist it. In conclusion, even though sustainable farming has many drawbacks, on the long run - this method of farming could reguvenate the soild and can produce great quality outputs without relying on chemicals or fertilizers.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

23 days ago

Today, people are thinking organic farming is one of the best strategy to save the mother Earth as it not harmful and considered as a regenerative type of agriculture however, it has it own benefits and losses compared to other types of farming. On the one hand, organic farming does not use any artificial fertilizers which can decrease the amount of product produced in a farm and lead to shortage of food which can turn into a disaster. Similarly, it is also seen many times in organic farming, because of not using any pesticide or insecticide, the crop got destroyed as well as products from organic farming are expensive compared to other type of farming products. On the other hand, excessive use of fertilizers, insecticide and pesticides converted the fertile land into a barren land however, organic farming uses manure in place of fretilizer which increase the fertility of soil without destroying it. In addition to, no use of artificial chemicals lead to a healthy enviornment for living bengs which can not be attained in non-organic farming. Moving forwards, organic farming play a crucial role in recycling the barren lands and decreasing the land pollution and water polluction. For example, regions of Alwar, Rajasthan, India which were considered bareen regain their fertility by methods of organic farming in seven to ten years. Though, organic farming may lead to shortages and losses however, use of fertilizer, insecticide and pestiside may create a greater danger. Therefore, organic farming is a suitable method for saving the morther Earth from the harmful effects of polluction.

All Answers

Here are all the answers by real-users practicing writing for IELTS writing Task 2 Advantage and Disadvantage on our IELTS Prep App.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

19 days ago

Nowadays, farming is done using the fertilizers and pesticides which cause a lot of issues. However, organic farming is valued as a effective strategy to save the planet. The advantages of organic farming are decreased use of fertlizers which improve soil and crops quality and demerits are extra care to be taken for the crops. I believe benefits of organic farming outweigh the demerits. In organic farming, farmers do not use the fertilizers and pesticides which improves the soil quality. They use the natural manure of animals such as goats and hens to replace synthetic fertilizers which improves soil quality. The improved soil helps farmer to cultivate different crops seasonally. Additionally, the natural manure also helps in the healthy growth of crops. For instance, with organic farming the crops are less prone to diseases because natural manure gives minerals which can fight back with diseases. The major drawbacks of organic farming is farmers need to take a lot of care while farming. They need to monitor and keep track of the essential resources needed for the growth of crops. Moreover, this farmimg takes extra time for crops to yield as it uses natural resources which lack the important minerals compared to the artificial pesticides. Time increased for yieding crops impacts the farming cycle. In conclusion,the organic farmimg increases the quality of soil which helps to grow and improve crops health. The downsides are increased time for yielding crops. However advantages outweigh the demerits of organic farming and this farming helps to save the planet.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

20 days ago

Organic farming is considered as giving a new life to agriculture which is an important factor to save the planet. The method has more merits than demerits. Agriculture is an important aspect for the growth of various types of plants and vegetables. Farmers undergo through thick and thin for taking care of their farms. The first step involved is Harvesting of seeds. Additionally, water is added in large quantities for proper growth. Farmers use harmful chemicals, fetilizers and pesticides over the plants and vegetables to protect them from insects and ants. These harsh chemicals are life threatning causing various diseases in many people. Furthermore, they causes soil erosion which is affecting the quality of land. Nowadays Organic farming is adopted by many farmers. It means there will be no use of harsh chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. This practice is considered as a boon since, it has contributed in giving new life to agriculture. Hence, a prominent step to save the earth. Contrastingly, people have become health conscious and are looking for such products in market which are organic in nature. Organic jaggery and various types of pulses are traded in market under such name. Adoption of organic farming means vegetables and plants are grown fully in natural way without use of any harsh chemical substances. In addition, this practice is not affecting the quality of land and causing soil erosion. In my view this practice has more advantages than disadvantages. However, it is not causing any harm to human as well as planet. The strategy must be adopted by farmers.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

20 days ago

Organic farming can unarguably be considered as the most ecofriendly and sustainable method of farming. Organic farming encourages the use of natural fertilizers and methods that support green revolution paving way for environmental sustainability for our uture generation. Lets now look at a few prominent ways of organic farming. Crop rotation: In the crop rotation method, three or more crop types are planted alternatevely. This method is perticularly helps to fix the soil that is defficient of certain types of nutrients. Farmers usually use ecofriendly fertilizers to increase the productivity of the crops. Terrace Farming: This type of farming is adopted in hilly and slopy areas. The land is constructed in a step like fashion to prevent soil erotion during rainfall, the steps acts as a space to hold water for the plants growth. Planting legumes and nitrogen fixing between primary crops is another significant method to improve soil fertility and the overall yeild of the paddy. Modern method of farming where excess use of fertilizers are used lead to significant hazard to the flora of the region. Eutrophication is a comman problem that farmers face due to the use of excessive use of chemical fertilizers. As science expands its horizon over agriculture, due to the greedy requirements of humans like seedless grapes, for increased productivity of a seasonal fruit or a vegetable gene manipulation on plants are performed to produce likable versions of fruits and vegetable leading to harmful health hazards in humans and animals consuming them. Such practices have to be banned by the government or the government must order strict ethical regualtion on such practices to protect the over all ecosystem and its beings. From the above stated examples one can safely say that organic farming is sustainable way for a bright future.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

23 days ago

It is said that, organic farming is one of the prominent strategy for regenrative agriculture inorder to save the planet. This essay will look into the benefits and drawbacks of this method of farming and present my opinion. In the one hand, farming by organic means posses many advantages. It is believed that, this method of agriculture has special abilities to replenish nutrients in the soil. Using organic manures such as, animal wastes, plant wastes and so on, will act as a suppliment for the improvement of soil quality. Furthermore, these natural methods don't harm the environment as chemical fertilizers do. For example, many communities in the northern India have been using neem as a fertilizer for their farming over the past two decades. A recent research in their fields founded that the soil quality has increased by 43% and yields from the farming is much higher compared to the year 2000. On the other hand, there are certain disadvantanges that we should not ignore. In comparison with chemical based farming methods, organic farming doesn't have a upper hand. It takes years or decades to get the expected results. Similarly, threats from insects, is one of the major concern. For Instance, certain pests influence the desired yields of many crops; they could feed on the crop and destroy it. Organic farming doesn't have many ways/methods to act aganist it. In conclusion, even though sustainable farming has many drawbacks, on the long run - this method of farming could reguvenate the soild and can produce great quality outputs without relying on chemicals or fertilizers.

Band 6-7

IELTS Learner

23 days ago

Today, people are thinking organic farming is one of the best strategy to save the mother Earth as it not harmful and considered as a regenerative type of agriculture however, it has it own benefits and losses compared to other types of farming. On the one hand, organic farming does not use any artificial fertilizers which can decrease the amount of product produced in a farm and lead to shortage of food which can turn into a disaster. Similarly, it is also seen many times in organic farming, because of not using any pesticide or insecticide, the crop got destroyed as well as products from organic farming are expensive compared to other type of farming products. On the other hand, excessive use of fertilizers, insecticide and pesticides converted the fertile land into a barren land however, organic farming uses manure in place of fretilizer which increase the fertility of soil without destroying it. In addition to, no use of artificial chemicals lead to a healthy enviornment for living bengs which can not be attained in non-organic farming. Moving forwards, organic farming play a crucial role in recycling the barren lands and decreasing the land pollution and water polluction. For example, regions of Alwar, Rajasthan, India which were considered bareen regain their fertility by methods of organic farming in seven to ten years. Though, organic farming may lead to shortages and losses however, use of fertilizer, insecticide and pestiside may create a greater danger. Therefore, organic farming is a suitable method for saving the morther Earth from the harmful effects of polluction.

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