What is the full form of LOGO?

The full form of LOGO is Language of Graphics Oriented. Functional programming is done using the computer programming language LOGO. The Lisp language is adapted into LOGO. Programming language LOGO was created as an artificial language for expressing calculations made by a machine, particularly a computer. The major uses of programming languages are to explain the functioning of algorithms, to write programmes that control the behaviour of machines, and to facilitate human communication.

LOGO is an acronym for Language of graphics-oriented. The term “LOGO” refers to a symbol that serves as a company’s or brand’s official public identifier. The logo may be an abstract image or a wordmark-representing symbol. A worldwide logo can often serve as a brand, trademark, or corporate name.

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The organization’s logo serves as a global representation of Hewlett-Packard.

A coin’s emblem also identifies the nation to which it belongs.

The logo’s Genesis

The logo first appeared when coins were employed as a form of payment in the sixth and seventh centuries (c. 600 BCE). Each coin contained a mark or emblem designating the nation or kingdom to which it belonged. A logo was also employed in cylinder seals back then (c.2300 BCE).

A logo would represent a kingdom or dynasty in the shape of an animal, a bird, or any other sign embroidered on coins or fabric throughout the sixth century. By 1890, Around 700 lithographic printing businesses and 2000 employees were working on it in the US at the time.

The logo was refined into printing technologies, watermarks, and silver hallmarks in the early 18th and 19th centuries. The introduction of photography and lithography into the advertising sector in the late 19th century promoted the usage of logos on a global scale. The Bass red triangle was the first logo to be protected as a trademark in 1876.

Seven varieties of logos

  • Monogram logos
  • Wordmarks
  • Pictorial marks
  • Abstract marks 
  • Mascots
  • The combination marks
  • The emblem

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Utilizing a Logo

A logo represents a company. The logo gives a business a distinctive feel and identification through the fusion of typography and pictures.

Monogrammed symbols

This includes trademark initials, such as hp, Hbo, wb, LG, etc. These are the initials of well-known companies. They were able to identify their brand internationally with simply 2 or 3 letters. Since just initials are used in this situation, the typeface in which they are printed is crucial. When printed on business cards or any other platform, it should be readable and appealing to the eye in order to draw attention and facilitate better promotion.

A wordmark

This font-based logo design concentrates on the name of the primary firm or corporation, such as Nescafe, Disney, Canon, or Google.

These are the names of the firms and companies in their proper forms, but they are displayed in various fonts and styles to give them a fashionable appearance.

Photographic Marks

This logo is made up of icons or visual elements. The brand can be recognised just by looking at the image. For instance, the Twitter bird or the Puma panther.

These companies are so well-known and well-established that all one needs to do to recognise them is look at a single image. The biggest challenge here is choosing an image and a colour because it will affect the entire company’s reputation and ability to continue to exist.

Indeterminate logomarks

This logo is an abstract visual mark or design. It might be a geometric abstraction that stands in for your company. For instance, Chanel has a proper C and a C facing the other way, with coordination in between.

These abstract marks are effective because they reduce the business or brand to a single, distinctive image. The choice of the abstract image is made in order for it to express the message that the organisation or business wants to send through its symbol.


A cartoon or colourful character that serves as the brand’s spokesperson makes up a mascot logo like the McDonald’s joker and the cartoon face on Pringles with a moustache and a bow tie. For families and kids, this produces a pleasing and attractive environment.

The Composite Mark

A wordmark or lettermark is combined with a pictorial, abstract, or mascot mark in this way. Examples are Red Bull, which combines a wordmark with a bulls-pictorial mark, and Lacoste, which combines a wordmark with a crocodile-pictorial mark.

The versatility of these types of logos enhances the value of the brand and attracts our attention to the brand.

The Symbol

An icon or symbol without a letter or wordmark makes up the emblem logo, such as badges, coins, and seals.

These kinds of symbols have a traditional appearance, making them a popular choice for many educational institutions, research institutions, and governmental bodies. It has a timeless design that even the motor industry appreciates. For instance, the logo used to represent BMW or the distinctive insignia used to designate Oxford University.

LOGO Programming Language: What Is It?

The programming language LOGO was initially created as a teaching aid. The functional programming language Lisp has a dialect called LOGO. Interactive, modular, adaptable, and expandable describe the LOGO language.

The fundamental objective of LOGO is to instruct kids in programming through clear-cut processes and instructions. In most cases, LOGO is used as an interpreting language.

Background of LOGO

Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert developed LOGO for the first time at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), a research company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1967. Artificial intelligence, mathematical logic, and developmental psychology are the intellectual foundations of LOGO. LOGO language permits the use of virtual Turtles for instantaneous visual feedback and debugging. At MIT, a functioning turtle robot prototype was created in 1969. The actual floor turtle comes after a showcase turtle. From the fundamental ideas prior to the first turtle, the present LOGO concept hasn’t altered all that much. The first turtle was actually a floor roamer that was tethered.

The value of a LOGO

LOGO was first intended as a tool to assist kids in learning a crucial skill—the ability to learn how to learn—which is still crucial today. It was not intended to produce software of an industry-grade standard. The industry has required a number of new linguistic elements that are unrelated to assisting learners. The design of many other languages is based on abstract computer science notions, but the design of LOGO is based on how humans learn. The fundamental tenet of LOGO is that learning, not teaching, should be the primary emphasis of education and that learning is most effective when the student is actively involved in a construction project. The LOGO language is intended to be a tool, not a topic to be learned.

Benefits of LOGO

As soon as the LOGO environment launches, programming may get underway quickly, thanks to LOGO. Every command entered will be executed instantly, providing quick feedback on whether the command accomplished the desired result or not. LOGO’s affiliation with Turtle Graphics is another perk. Turtle graphics is essentially a quick and effective set of commands used to control a turtle-themed screen item. Turtle graphics’ basic concept is programming a turtle with instructions that cause it to move around the screen while drawing lines everywhere it goes. One can instruct the computer to draw a line on the screen with a few keystrokes. FD 100, for instance, signifies a turtle stroll.

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