What is the full form of DVT?

The full form of DVT is Deep Vein Thrombosis. It is comparable to a blood clot that develops in a vein deep within your body, usually in the thigh or lower leg. It may also occur in a variety of other body parts.

These clots typically form when a vein is weak, blood flows poorly, or blood no longer circulates in a vein. Most of those it affects are over 50. DVT is a potentially fatal illness. Therefore, anyone who notices any symptoms should get medical attention right once.

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Typical symptoms of DVT

  • Swelling, usually on one side of the foot, ankle and leg.
  • Ache, including cramping in the impacted part of the leg.
  • Severe foot or ankle discomfort.
  • Redness in the affected region.
  • Warm feelings over the region impacted.

Reasons for DVT

  • The key elements that might raise the risk of thrombosis development:
  • Injured vein due to the injury like fracture of the bone
  • Obesity appears to put additional strain on the veins throughout the legs or pelvis.
  • Family Background of DVT Usage of medication for birth control
  • Undergoing replacement therapy of hormone therapy
  • Continuous bed rest during hospitalization.
  • Inflammatory disorder of the bowel
  • Heavy smoking habit
  • Sitting for a prolonged time, like travelling or driving for long periods, or a watchman’s work.

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DVT’s Complications

Pulmonary embolism

It takes place when a blood clot fragment stops a blood vessel that transports blood to the lung after it breaks off and starts to circulate in the bloodstream.

Post-thrombotic syndrome

Chronic venous insufficiency follows DVT. As a result of the DVT’s impact on the vein valves, blood begins to circulate in the lower leg rather than rising as it should. It can occasionally result in long-term discomfort, oedema, and ulceration.

Limb ischemia

It occurs in severe DVT instances. Due to the blood clot, which appears to hinder blood flow in the arteries and so restricts the delivery of oxygen to the affected area, the pressure in the vein rises quite a bit in this scenario. It usually hurts and can lead to gangrene and skin sores.

Prevention of DVT

  • Stop sitting for long periods or standing idle
  • Make a change towards lifestyles
  • Periodical exercise
  • Stop smoking
  • Holding the optimal body weight
  • Including a balanced diet
  • Enhance the intake of fluids

Test for DVT

The doctor will perform the following diagnostic tests to determine DVT if he suspects you may have DVT.

  • D-Dimer

It is a blood test used to find blood clot components that have begun to dissolve and are moving through the bloodstream. The blood clot in the vein is a sign that there are many fragments present.

  • Venogram

In this treatment, a specific dye is injected into the veins of the foot, and an X-ray of the veins is acquired to determine whether a vein clot is evident. It is a great way to find blood clots that are under the knee.

  • Doppler ultrasound

In this method, sound waves are utilised to follow the blood as it passes through the blood arteries. The best place to look for broad blood clots is much above the knee.

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