What is the full form of WBC?

The full form of WBC is White Blood Cell. Leukocytes are another name for WBC. They are the first defence line in the human body against all infections. The WBC produces a different protein called an antibody that can identify and fight against foreign invaders, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

There are distinct granule-like features in the cells’ WBC. WBCs make up 1% of the total blood volume and are colourless because of the absence of haemoglobin. Because they do not contain agranulocytes, they are known as granulocytes.

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Various WBC kinds

Whether granules are present, the WBC can be divided into five categories.


Lymphocytes, which range in size from 8 to 10 micrometres and are frequently referred to as natural killer cells, are essential for producing antibodies and bodily defence. An average human body contains 10 to 12 lymphocyte cells. WBC, also known as lymphocytes, are colourless cells that grow in lymphoid tissue. These cells play an important role in the immune system. The two primary types of lymphocytes are

  • B lymphocytes
  • T lymphocytes

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The nucleus of monocyte cells normally measures 12 to 20 micrometres in diameter, is half-moon or kidney-shaped, and takes up 3 to 8% of WBCs. Monocytes are the immune system’s trash cans. The main jobs that monocytes do are,

  • Entering tissues, moving dead cells, and
  • Protecting oneself from bloodborne infections
  • They reach tissue infection locations quickly


Neutrophils are the most common type of pus-containing cells and are typically detected in the bloodstream. The majority (60–70%) of WBCs are neutrophils with a diameter of 10–12 micrometres. The cytoplasm contains small granules, and the nucleus is lobed with 2 to 5. In addition to helping lysosomes break down bacteria, neutrophils also operate as strong oxidants. Only neutral dyes can stain neutrophils. The first immune system cells that respond to an invasion, such as a virus or bacterium, are frequently neutrophils. The WBCs are created in the bone marrow daily and have a lifespan of up to 8 hours.


Eosinophils are leukocyte cells that are part of the immune system and are in charge of controlling allergic and asthmatic reactions as well as parasitic infections in vertebrates. Small agranulocytes, known as eosinophilic cells, which produce 2 to 4% of all WBCs and are abundant in the digestive system, are generated in the bone marrow.


The least frequent granulocytes, comprising 0.01 to 0.3% of WBC, are basophils. Large cytoplasmic granules found in them are essential for establishing an immune response that is non-specific to infections, for triggering allergy reactions by releasing histamine, and for dilation of blood vessels. WBCs contain between 20 and 25 per cent basophils. These WBC are known as basophils because they have the ability to stain when exposed to basic dyes, which causes airway inflammation and bronchoconstriction in people with asthma.

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