What is the full form of TRP?

The full form of TRP is Television Rating Point. TRP is a metric used to measure a show’s popularity on television. It is used to assess which television programme has received the most viewers. TRP measures public interest and reveals the effectiveness of a given programme. A programme with a high TRP indicates that many people are watching it. Since their advertisements are placed with higher TRPs throughout the show, the data is crucial for marketers. A device called a “people metre” linked to TVs in the homes of a small number of viewers can be used to calculate TRP. These numbers are interpreted as surveys of TV owners across a range of demographic and geographic categories.

Various Methods to determine TRP

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There are two techniques to measure the TRP value:

  • Picture Matching Method

After data is gathered from survey households and used to calculate national ratings, this technique uses a people metre to continuously track the tiny bit of the picture being watched on a TV set.

  • Frequency Monitoring Technique

A people metre is used in this method to determine the time and programme that an audience sees on a certain day. The average is calculated over 30 days and gives the audience information about the viewership for a certain channel.

The pitcher-matching strategy is more accurate than the method of measuring frequencies.

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