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Talk About A Traditional Object Of Your Country: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • What is it?
  • How is it made?
  • When did you first try it?
  • Why do you like it?
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Band 6-7

Well, this is an interesting question. There are many types of traditional objects are present in my country. And if you ask anyone, then I prefer to say about a mirror. A particular mirror that is produced by some local communities in my native place. It was truly inspiring. They put a lot of effort for making mirrors. And it is traditionally a very big place in our country. You know, if any kind of occasions occur, people provide this mirror as a gift. And this shows the value of our tradition as well as culture. In recent time, our president who meet another president on that occasion, and he provide this mirror as a gift. I don't know, I truly inspired a lot. You know, every traditional object has its own value. We truly admire that matter very properly. And the way of preparation is very difficult. And it needs so much of talent as well as patience. This was made by some local communities and who devoted their time and energy for making these sorts of objects. And the ingredients are quite sacred. They didn't provide an opportunity to explore their facts. But it's truly unbelievable fact because they are making the mirror from a clay. And you know, it was truly admirable factor and it is really captivated. Once I was a child, I visited such a place in my along with my mother. It was a red letter day in my life because I couldn't forget that matter the way of preparation. They showed the preparation, but in between they hide some matter. So that is the technique that they followed.

Band 6-7

The traditional object that I would like to mention is a Tia. In my country India, the Tia is a part of almost every household across the country. It is made in a similar way to a candle, but it is made of using household items unlike wax. The significance of it is in the roots of Indian culture, in our history, in our present as well as the future prospect. The light displays the overcome of darkness by light and it also illuminates the path for our future. In religious essence as well, the Tia is considered a sign of prosperity and the main base of how a person tackles the darkness and gets through the dark time. The Tia is found on special occasions in more abundance. The festival of Diwali, considered the festival of light, finds numerous Tias, Divas being enlightened in all the households all over India and across the globe. Which makes it one of the most traditionally rich and serene objects of our country.

Band 6-7

So the traditional object in my country that I really like is the architecture of Taj Mahal, I would say. It's really beautiful the way it has been made. All that white exquisite marble that has been used at that era of that time was simply a really fantastic job that everybody did that time and it was built during the Mughal Empire in India by a person called Shah Jahan who was the ruler that time and he built this when her wife died, Mumtaz, and he built the Taj Mahal to bury her wife in a really beautiful manner and it was a show of love and I would say Taj Mahal in itself is an epitome of love that he showed to the world that how much he loved his wife and how I got to know about all this I went on a school trip with my teachers and I went there and I just saw that Mumtaz grave there and it made me really emotional when I saw that like a person with so much love could do for a person who has died just for making a good resting place for her loved one and it is the reason I loved it another is one of the nine wonders in the world second it's really beautiful the way it has been architect the way it has been seen the calligraphy on that Taj Mahal everything is so epic and so precise and sharp it's like

Band 6

My traditional object in my country is like Rasgulla. It is made from wheat and maida. It is very delicious and beautiful and I love to eat. So it is always be a part of our festival. This food is very viral in our city. So people are really enjoy to eat this type of food and mostly in the functions or in the marriage ceremony, occasional programs, this food is served in a huge way. So I consider Rasgulla is a traditional food in our country, in our city.
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