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Describe Your Favourite Book: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

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  • What book is it?
  • Who wrote this book?
  • What is it about?
  • Explain why this is your favourite book.
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Band 6-7

Well, my favorite book is The Alchemist written by Paulo Coelho. It is a story about a boy who wants to experience life and know about the elixir of life, which I think is the meaning or essence of life. And I really love how the story unfolds and it makes me sit at the edge of the seat while reading it, although I know what happens in the end, every time I read the book, it makes me tensed and nervous, but it really has a happy ending. So when I keep reading, it makes me feel better. I've read the book almost three to four times and every time it opens a new perspective in me, I understand the book differently every time I read it. So that is my favorite book. And also I've read various other books that didn't appeal me as much as The Alchemist appealed me. It's the story about a boy and a girl who get separated in their ways and when the boy goes on to find life, he remembers the girl and he experiences the girl's laughter and sweet talks in the air around him. That is one beautiful scenario I love from the book and it is written especially beautifully by the author, describing the essence of life is not anything but finding yourself in the journey of letting go.

Band 6

I would like to talk about my favorite book, The Secret, it was a wonderful book written by Rhonda Byrne and also it was the book which made me inspired and gives an opportunity to manifest the things and make them occur in my real world. Whatever I had learned from the book is, I would like to start, implement and likewise the things are going to occur in the same manner. The book describes all about the social well-being of the person and also wealth, health and everything what we can achieve. Moreover, the mastery of reading this book had gained an expertise in manifestation and visualization and also describing of events that need to be occurred in future likewise by planning and also doing the things in consistency. The secret is in everything like what we think we will become. The motto of this book tells us an opportunity to take rather than the opportunity will comes. The visualization also plays a major role predominantly in human beings' lives. For instance, if a man is expecting to become rich, the thoughts he need to make in a positive manner instead of ignoring the beliefs and also that occur in negative manner.

Band 6

We all love some books, right? For me, one of my favorite book is The Alchemist. It is written by Paolo Coelho and it is one of his best-selling books. It is about life's journey, like how we grow and how we overcome all these hurdles in life. Moreover, in his book, Paolo Coelho included very interesting aspects about how journeys can be interesting. It is really motivating. It gives us thoughts or we can say food for thought. It engages us till the very end and we feel like we are traveling with the main character. It is actually something related to magical realism, we can say. And everyone who read this book should like it. That's just my opinion, but there may be people who doesn't like so. Anyway, The Alchemist is one of my favorite book that I have ever read. And its writer, Paolo Coelho, made a really, really great thing by writing this book.

Band 6

My favorite book is Gulliver the Traveler. The book is written by Mr. William Wordsworth. It is a very beautiful story. A man who has an unexpected journey with unexpected destinations. When he reached after some thunderstorm in the sea. Unexpected islands where he can see small people like an ant around him and talking with him. So he was totally shocked to see that a new world, new island, new people like people whose height like an ant, like a small ant. So it is a very wonderful story. The story is very awesome and authentic.

Band 6

So, a book that I like, it's not really a book, or rather a comic book, or a manga as they say in Japanese, is Attack on Titan, also which, in Japanese it is known as Shingeki no Kyojin, but translated to Attack on Titan, so, written by Hajime Isayama, who's a writer a Japanese comic writer, or a manga as they say, and, so, the reason I like this book is because it is a story about a boy who fights the oppression, the oppressive world he's in, fights for freedom basically, and I really sympathize with the boy because I kind of see myself in a similar situation, and there are many great characters in the story, from which I have learned many things, and there's, like, and even from other characters, I can learn many things that can be put into the book.

Band 5-6

I am going from airport to airport. It seems interesting. While I am sitting there, there is a book which has got my eye on that book. But it seems like good and I cover the index page of the book. It looks like interesting. I went to there and I take the book and it spent a lot of time to read the book. It was really amazing. At that time, when I was going through my journey, I read that book entirely. Later, I fell in love with that book which was an author, Chetan Bajaj. I like to more interesting on it. I am going from airport to airport. One of my favorite books in recent time was Hopculture. I saw this book in an airport while I am going from Hyderabad to Delhi. I was in the airport. There was a book which got my eye on it. Index page was interesting. I went to there and I bought a book. It makes me around 200 rupees. I think this is a book worth for it. After that, my journey was interesting with that book. While I am traveling, I suppose to read that book. The book was already amazing when I started reading. The first page of the book was interesting. After that, the book was written by Chetan Bajaj. He is one of the famous author in the recent times. I started reading the book. The topic was really interesting. The book tells about a girl and a boy while they were traveling in a particular place. The boy fell in love with that girl. After a long back, they found that girl again. At that time, they met and unfortunately, they broke up with each other. The girl also fell in love with the boy. The main interesting point I like in this book is the way the author describes the person and the way of understanding the love and affection with her. I like more in this book interesting facts that are near to my heart. Like, suppose something happens in my life, I like that the most important fact. One of the most important thing I also like in this book. There was something like that. However, the book was very very interesting to me. It is one of the biggest book.
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