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Describe Your Dream House: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • Where is your dream house located?
  • What would it look like?
  • When would you like to live in your dream house?
  • Why is this house perfect for you?
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Band 6-7

I personally wanted my dream house to be in a hill station instead of a city or town. A hill station where no one is around me. So that I can have my personal space. I am basically an introvert person. So I like to be alone. Not only that, in a hill station I like the climate. The climate won't be so cold and sometimes it won't be so hot during the summer. And I want a cozy place as my house. A cozy place with my own chimney and a TV plus a kitchen. Which is incorporated with my hall. So that I can just cook and I can watch TV directly from my kitchen. I have a habit of cooking. I love cooking. So that is my kind of place. And I don't want my house to be so big and huge. No. I just want a single bedroom home for a small family. It should just fit me and my wife and my child. That's it. Simple living. I prefer a simple living over a luxurious lifestyle. And I want more like an environment friendly place. I don't want a polluted place. Usually in a station where no one is around it would be very environment friendly. And I want to see a lot of animals around me. I am basically an animal lover. So a dog plus a house which is my kind of cup of tea. I would say. Apart from that I would definitely hope if there is a lake beside me. That would be a very good thing. Because basically I am a swimmer. So that would go good with my house.

Band 6

My dream house is located in the heart of Ernakulam, which is the central city of Kerala. So I have visited Ernakulam in the month of November and I have an opportunity to visit an honorable person and philanthropist Mr. Kochaosev Chittarapalli, who is the owner of Wanderla Homes and at that time he is building something incredible called Wanderla Homes. It is a flat property and the main features of that building is that each floor consists only one flat. Only 7 story is the building and only 7 people can buy that house. I was stunned by the interior as well as the exterior quality and I think this building has got one of the prestigious award that it is made up of biodegradable materials and the house is surrounded by a vast amount of plants and trees. So it is one of the most ideal places to live in and I have a vision in myself that I will be a customer of Wanderla Homes in the next 10 years and I would like to purchase this property and move my family from Trivandrum to Ernakulam. Basically, I think that it is helpful for my sister's higher education also. So, that's it.

Band 6

If I want to describe about my dream house, it is located in my hometown which is constructed by my father recently. My dream house is a type of duplex which consists of 3 bedrooms and 2 big halls and a kitchen. In the ground floor, there is a hall and kitchen and a bedroom and in the first floor, it consists of 2 bedrooms and a hall and outside the house, there is a big garden area which can be used to relax and also can play some games. Currently I am planning to pursue my masters in abroad so when I get back to my home country, I want to live in my dream house. My dream house consists of a wide space where I can live with my whole family of my father, mother and also with my brother's family so it is very helpful and I love being with my family so that we can have at the same time and also it is accessible for everyone.

Band 6

Since my childhood, I always wanted to have an apartment, because I don't like the big massive fancy houses, because sometimes I feel that it makes me quite lazy because if I need anything and it is kept in the other side of the house, so it makes me difficult to walk over there and then get those things again back. So for that matter, I always wanted to have a well sufficient four bedroom apartment so that I can live with my family as well. And I like apartment because in apartment there are many amenities and it has way better security as compared to the bungalows. So I just wanted to have an apartment that was on the top floor. And if I ever wanted an apartment, definitely I would get in Mumbai, because Mumbai is a place where there is much more amenities as compared to any other cities in India. So I always wanted to be there. So that's the reason I always wanted to have an apartment and also along with apartment, I would also like to have some three to four car parking space as I am car enthusiast. So I would always like to have more than two cars. And in my dream house, there should be the amenities like indoor swimming pool, gym and the cafeteria and having a walking space along with the garden and the temple. So that's the reason that all those things I wanted at one place. So it will be beneficial for me if I live in an apartment and I wanted to live in apartment up to my mid thirties. So that's the target I have set. So that's the reason that I always wanted to have an apartment rather than having a bungalow.
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