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Describe An Invention That Is Useful In Daily Life: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • What is the invention?
  • What can it do?
  • How popular is it?
  • Is it difficult or easy to use?
  • And explain why it is useful.
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Band 6-7

The invention that I use in my daily life that I chose was a smartphone. I chose the invention of smartphone because it has majorly changed how the world moves around. I'm pretty sure that everyone in the world, almost everyone in the world has a smartphone with a screen on it. It has multiple functions, it can call a person from around the world, it can text a person from any place you are.

Band 6

One of the greatest inventions of all time for me is the invention of light, particularly the electric light bulb invented by Thomas Edison, revolutionized the world. It extended productive hours beyond sunset, improving work efficiency and allowing people to engage in activities after dark. In addition, it enhanced safety by reducing the risk associated with open flames from candles or oil lamps. The invention also paved the way for advancement in technology, industries, and communication, contributing significantly to modern society. For instance, today I am improving my communication skills or my skill development through a mobile phone. The mobile phone will not have life if there is no light. So this is one important thing that I can speak about. It is how useful it is. And if there is light, everything comes easy. And I can't imagine our world, our human life, without light. Light is the source of happiness. Light is the source of everything.

Band 6

The invention that is useful in our daily life would be a smart phone. So smart phones or telephones are something that we cannot live without. I don't recall any day living without my smart phone. I would need it to get updated with the current trends for my job. I need it to call my parents, to connect to my relatives. And smart phones are gadgets that are most useful for humans. From waking up till sleeping, you use smart phones every time.

Band 6

The invention which we use daily is smartphones. It is used by everyone in the world. It can be useful for everything like ordering food and booking a taxi. At first it will be difficult to use because not everyone is used to it. By using regularly we can make a habit of using it. But using it more can cause problems like eye problems and brain. It can be used for getting information online which we don't know. And ordering groceries and items online. It is very useful for people who are very busy at home doing work from home. And there are some features like we can take photos and it is very good. And we can also watch movies, web series in the phone. And we can also read books in the phone. It is very useful and invention in the daily life.

Band 5-6

I think smartphone. It can access information, communication and entertainment at your fingertip and the most I would say the technology. It would be great for the development for person and I would say the technologies can access to anybody because and it would be so great. you you you you you you you you you you it access information, communication, entertainment at your fingertip. audiodescribes do you you you you do you you thank you pela you you it can assess information communication entertainment at your finger trip and it enables global connectivity and allow allowing people to stay in touch with friends and family and the best thing is that it provide access to education because nowadays the education is very important so it is easy to use for all those things and nowadays smartphone is popular because of the accessible usage at your fingertip in moreover it is so useful

Band 5-6

The invention that is used in Google Earth is the smartphone. It is very useful device and it is a great invention. With the help of smartphone we can talk, communicate with others. It also have access of the internet. We can access Instagram, all the social media platforms. We can read news. Nowadays people don't have time to read the newspapers. Because we have everything in our phone. Every news we get a pop-up notification on our phone. It is very helpful for us. It is very convenient. It is a very great invention. It eases the life and it saves the time. It also have the calculator and everything we can do in our phone. Even nowadays the work which was done by the laptop can be done by the smartphone.

Band 5-6

Invention is something which we create or something which we make it from our own skill which will be useful for us in day to day life, moreover it also helps us to save our time as well as energy for example juicer or a mixer grinder where we can save our time and also we can do the work fast and produce it and also helps us to work more faster and so that we can save our time and also we can, yes sometimes inventions are important in our daily life because it is a time consuming and also helpful for us to.
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