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Describe An Interesting Tradition In Your Country: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • What does it look like?
  • When did you see it?
  • Where did you see it?
  • Explain why it is interesting.
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Band 7

In my country, India, the tradition which is very interesting is Diwali. Diwali is also called the festival of lights. Diwali is celebrated by many people like Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. Diwali marks a victory of light over the darkness. During Diwali, people decorate their homes with lights or with oil lamps which are called as Diya. And the colorful rangoli at the entrance of the home. People also light fireworks during Diwali. The main day during the occasion is the Lakshmi Puja. Lakshmi Puja. Lakshmi is also called the... People also exchange gifts during this occasion and people celebrate it with joy. The entire atmosphere during this occasion is filled with joy, laughter and the sense of togetherness.

Band 6-7

Every year before Eid al-Fitr, my people and individuals in this country start going around, running over malls, shops and stores to find specific ingredients that they would need to bake biscuits known as kahak. You may ask, why is it this important? Why do people go out of their way just to bake some biscuits? Simply, it's just biscuits. And the thing behind it would be the gathering. What really makes it special is how you see the whole family member just coming together, spending quality time chatting and laughing and joking while creating some delicious homemade desserts. It's a moment or it's a way to send joy and good vibes around. It helps us to connect and get away from our busy life and take a break for a while. It gives the holidays meaning, it's magic. And honestly, it's my favorite thing out of the whole thing. I tried learning how to join this event since last year and eventually I got better, gradually better. I started creating new styles and she is with the biscuit and even maybe picked up a new hobby.

Band 6

groom's house and they are staying there and one of the very interesting tradition in my country is based on Hindu cultural wedding and traditionally something which is very close to a person's heart and it shows really the culture of a particular country and basically speaking about Hindu traditional weddings there are ceremonies where bride and bridegroom get married and there is one of the most interesting thing we can see at the end of that particular wedding ceremony is Kanyadaanam which means that right hand of bride is given to the groom's right hand and it was done by father and it's particularly like the bride is moving to the groom's home and she is completely out of her family and she will be visiting only for holidays and all and it's basically after that Kanyadaanam it's a very common tradition we can see in Hindu cultures and it's basically for devotion, love, empathy and every mixture of feelings can be seen in that particular occasion and it's like then after the Kanyadaanam only the bride and the bridegroom will rotate the one fire which was continuously lighting on the stage and they will rotate continuously and after that only the wedding ceremony is completed so it's only can be witnessed in South India I think which is very interesting actually we can see and at that particular event happens there is a mixture of emotion in brides and her father's mind and the time from her birth to her marriage ceremony will be seen in the mind of father and he is gradually giving her child to some other family and she

Band 5-6

India is the land of festivals and my favorite festival of all is Holi and I would like to consider it my favorite tradition as well because it makes everything look so beautiful and enchanting with colors flowing in the air and people just having fun, dancing on music, playing with water and just enjoying themselves. There are some bad things about this festival as well when people just throw water balloons on vehicles while traveling which is not safe at all. I remember when I was walking on the road and somebody randomly threw a water balloon at me and I had something very important to be and well, I was wet. That sounds wrong.

Band 5

Hi, so an interesting tradition in our country is that I feel oiling, hair oiling is a very interesting tradition, so even I follow that one, so oiling, oiling reduces stress, so every day, so I follow this practice every day, so by following this, my body balances, okay, the body temperature balances and then, so it reduces the hair fall and yeah, by applying oil every day, so it will give smooth and shiny hair, so yeah, that is the one thing, I just think that is the most traditional thing.
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