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Describe A Person You Admire: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • Who is he or she?
  • What does he or she do for a living?
  • What characteristics does this person have?
  • Explain why you admire this person.
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Band 6-7

The person I admire the most is Colonel Harland Sanders. He is none other than but the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC and it is one of the largest food chain of the world. And I love the qualities of his sheer will, commitment and hard working. He was born in 1890 and his father expired at a very young age. So Harland Sanders needed to work more and his mother was a single parent and she also worked very hard. Additionally he had three siblings and he had to take care of them and he used to cook food for them. Later at the age of 40 he opened a restaurant and then he made his spices very great and he wanted to sell it everywhere but none had experienced the taste and also finally he got an opportunity to open a restaurant and then he made it world famous and I admire him the most because of his great qualities like hard work, commitment and he proved us that he won't stop until he wins and also age is just a number.

Band 6-7

The person that I admire most is my maternal aunt. Her name is Cynthia Mark. She is currently residing in Abu Dhabi. She is a nurse by profession. The main reason for my admiration towards her is the dedication and the amount of care that she gives to her patients. Being a nurse, she has to be extremely careful and she should have a great amount of patience. And she is one person that keeps up the spirit. The other reason for me admiring her is her hard work and determination. She is also someone whom I look forward to from a very young age. She is kind of like my second mother, the one who has literally grown, has been growing up with me. Her growth is something that I look forward to. She is very inspiring and whenever I am in trouble, she would be the first person that I would call and she would give me the perfect guidance. There are times when she had faced difficulties but this is one quality of hers that is greatly admirable that she will overcome the difficulty. Along with that, she will motivate others also when required. As a professional nurse, she is doing a wonderful job. All her patients would definitely love her. She is a mother of a child and she is a really great mother, even to her son and to me. Whenever I am facing any difficulties, she will be the first person that I would approach. I am 100% sure that she will be the one who will give me all my guidances and I love her a lot. Even though she stays far away from me, I am still connected with her through phone calls and video calls.

Band 6-7

Well, the person I admire most is my mother. I really love her so much and I can't think of a day I exist without her. For people, my mother is an IT employee, but for me, she is my everything. Right from my hairstylist, my chef, my lifestyle expert, my designer, to the only person I look up to when I am in a big mess. She is the one who always clears my messes. And more importantly, she is the person I look up to when I need to get inspired with or when I need suggestions. I admire her not just for her beauty, but also for her great personality because she chooses her family every single day, despite all the other things she has to face. She manages work and the house like it's a cakewalk. And I think, however hard it would be, she never made it look on her face. She has been through many things as far as I know, but I've never seen her vexed up with what her life has given her or everything life gives her, she accepts it with a smile. And the most important characteristic about my mother is patience. However, I irritate her or trouble her, she always answers with patience and clarifies all my doubts. She gives me boost and encouragement to go forward in my life. Whatever I do, even if the whole world is against me, I am sure the only person standing right with me is my mother. She will do everything for me and I know she loves me so much. So I really admire her for everything she is and not just because she

Band 6

I always admire a person who is my mother and I admire her for many reasons. I admire her mainly for her qualities that she possess. She has a wonderful quality of discipline and purity, virginity and she guides me in an excellent way that any other mother could guide a child in that way. She teaches me many things which is useful for my life and which makes me to go in the right path. The lessons that she has taught me was never a waste, it was always useful in my life. I like her so much and I admire her and I love her so much and she is a housewife and that doesn't make her low or anything but she prepared, she spent all the days of life for us, for the betterment of us. She is a well-wisher of us, of the father, of my mother, of my grandmother and my sister. She is a well-wisher and she does and tailoring works when she is having leisure times.

Band 6

The person is my dad actually. He's a doctor, laparoscopic surgeon in Kammam, Telangana. He's a very honest, straightforward person at the same time. The reason why I admire him is because he's always himself. The bond I have with him is so pure and adorable at the same time. I just love him so much. He takes out time for our family even though he's a doctor and has a lot of stuff to do, surgeries at the same time. He's my role model and he always makes me proud. It just makes me sad that he's growing old every day. But at the end of the day, I'm gonna make him proud. I'm gonna make him say that my daughter has done it. She achieved in her life. I'm gonna do it and make everyone prove wrong about whatever allegations that people have put on my dad. He's such a sweetheart and so cute.

Band 5-6

Assalamu alaikum, I am reciting a poem that I have admired is my friend Bilal. See, Bilal is an extraordinary person. That's why his friend, he has fluent in Arabic, spoken Arabic, as well as knowledge. He is doing Tarawih like Imam. They will follow it as a back side of the Muslim list. And see, what I have described him means that he has the full of platform of the Arabic career. His character wise, what I am telling means that if we do any comedy or cheating, we get angry. We have told him, Bilal, don't get angry, don't get jealousy of people. Why are you getting jealousy? We have told him a lot, but he is not listening us. I don't know why. If we are doing him as a funny, he will react as an angry. Why I am describing means, he is not having any fun. If you do a fun of him, he can do angry easily. So, I want to be like for him, if we get angry, we should not expose to others. Why I am telling means that for Bilal, if I am doing a fun of him, he makes fun of me, I cannot do angry.
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