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Describe A Historical Place That You Know About: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • What kind of place is it?
  • What does it look like?
  • Where is it?
  • And explain how the place is related to history.
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Band 6-7

A historical place which is very close to my heart actually is near my house 35 minutes away from the town. It is situated in Nilachal Pahar. The place's name is the Kamakhya Temple. It's a very famous temple in the North East and also in India. It is a temple situated in the mountain of the North East. It looks like a tomb. The walls of the temple are made of the eggshells and a glue which was found in the earlier ancient days. It is away from the city, near to the, it's in the outskirts of the city I would say. It is related to the history because it has a very beautiful story to it. When Lord Shiva took the burning body of Goddess Parvati and went wandering around the world with her burning body, then parts of her body fell into that place and was then later considered to be a holy place. And people from all over India visit this temple because of its power they believe in and the energy it has to give to the human being. It is a very strong and, it is a very strong symbol for the women because it is all about women. The temple is about women. It gives you the values of women.

Band 6-7

A historical place I recently visited was the Kargil War Memorial. It is a place dedicated to the martyrs of the Kargil War and it is located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in the city Leh. I was there for a family trip and we went to this memorial. It is also a museum. The building takes you through the lives of these martyrs, how they were living under such harsh conditions, how they were surviving, how they were setting up tents, what kind of clothes they used to wear, what kind of equipment they used to carry and it was a very humbling experience seeing the difficult lives of people who dedicated their lives to the country and gave their lives for the country. The place in itself is located in the backdrop of the hills of Leh and it is a very beautiful backdrop. You feel a range of emotions when you see the memorial, the people, the names of the people and it was an unforgettable experience. This was during the India-Pakistan war which went on for about a year. Many people lost their lives and this place was created as a shrine to honour them. It was a very humbling experience.

Band 6

The historical place that I know about is Taj Mahal. It was constructed by Shah Jahan in the memory of Mumtaz. It is very unique and it is situated in Agra, in India. And it is one of the most beautiful structure I have ever seen, I ever came across. And also, it is made up of white marbles, which has been washed out from last couple of years with the acid rain. But still, the glory of it, it's amazing. And also, it has a historical place because it was back, it was constructed back in 2000, very, very, very way back. But now, it is a very historical place and everybody wants to visit it. It is one of the wonders of the world. And it is one of the wonders, it is one of the wonders in the world, out of seven.
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