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Describe A Happy Memory From Your Childhood: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • What is that happy memory?
  • Who did what and why?
  • Why do you remember it so fondly?
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Band 6-7

I still remember when I was 10 years old, my father bought me a new cycle, that was the most happiest moment I ever experienced. That was my first huge gift from my father. It was a Sunday morning, we are sitting in a relaxed mode. He called me and asked me to come to the street roadside. I went there and he was waiting there with my new cycle. I was so excited because I didn't expect that gift. That time I don't know how to ride the cycle also. My father took me to a ground and he asked me to sit on the cycle and he teached me to learn that cycle. That was the most happiest moment in my life and I will cherish forever.

Band 6-7

The happiest memory of my childhood was when my father had gifted me a bicycle. The occasion was 8th birthday of mine and he has gifted me such a beautiful bicycle. It is of green color and it is one of the most advanced cycle of that time. I think it was around the year 2001. The bicycle is having gears not only 1 or 2 but 18 gears. A combination of 6 front and 3 back gears and a cycle is having the central shocker as well as front shocker. And everyone whenever I go with that particular my bicycle all my friends they just look at my cycle and they also feel like they must also have one like that. But unfortunately someone stole my bicycle within 20 days of that and I felt very bad about that. But fortunately my father he is a very good person and he gifted me one more cycle. The another one was a racing bicycle with a very thin tires and it is very fast cycle. So I again felt very happy and I am proud of my father and sometimes he is like extra one person and I felt very ecstatic when I received gift from my father. Thank you.

Band 6

My happy memory of childhood is when my father bought me a bicycle. I was so fond of bicycles, but at the same time my parents were overprotective at that time. Now they are fine, but at that time they were very overprotective. Extremely overprotective and they were just not ready to get me a bicycle because they were afraid that I might get hurt or something worse might happen. So I tried a little, just something basic which every child does. So I did that and then finally they agreed to buy me a bicycle and then when I got it, I was on the 9th grade. My father only taught me how to ride a bicycle. There were two attached wheels on left and right side on the back of the bicycle which was to help me learn how to ride a bicycle in the beginning. And then again I had to struggle to convince them to just remove those two wheels as I know how to ride a bicycle now properly. So that was also a struggle. So they removed it and finally I became pro in riding a bicycle. After that I was upgraded to a bike, but the bike of children. And why I remember it so fondly is because my parents were involved in it. They were hardly even involved in any of the activities that I did in my childhood because they were very busy. My father was a businessman and an advocate. He was extremely busy in his work. My mother was also working. So she was also very busy all the time. Most of my time used to go in school and then tuitions and then swimming class or there is some other class, dance class, computer training, anything but not home. I used to come at 9.30 at home and then just sleep because I used to get so tired. A happy memory from my childhood is when I got my bicycle. Why is it a happy memory is because my father bought it for me after so much struggle I had to do or convincing I have to. And how I convinced my parents to just buy me a bicycle because I was old enough to have a bicycle. But they were just not ready because they were so scared that something will happen to me or I will get hurt somehow or I will maybe ride it fast. And there used to be a lot of rush on roads so they were very sceptic about getting me a bicycle in the beginning but then after convincing them they did buy me a bicycle and I was so happy about it that I got it because all my friends had it at that time and only I was the person, the only person who got it late. So when I got it I did ride it but at the same time there were two wheels attached to it to which they said they will not remove it until and unless they will feel like there needs to be removed. So once I had to convince them to even remove those wheels also because I did practice the whole bicycle riding thing and then I told them that now I know how to ride it and I had to also tell them that see after riding it so much the wheels have already gone up. They are not actually helping me, they are just worsening the situation because sometimes they just get stuck somewhere and then it can hurt them. So then finally they removed it and why I am so fond of it is because the personal touch was involved in it.

Band 6

I have many happy memories from my childhood but the one that stands out the most is playing with my friends in scorching summer heat on an afternoon in the months of May when we had our summer vacations we would get up early and start playing cricket or football mostly on the streets of our neighborhood when the scorching heat came at around noon or in the afternoon you would still be playing outside full of sweat and drenching after a while our parents would start scolding us mostly for being out in the sun for so long and not being hydrated but those days were one of the best days of my life when we would just play so much and enjoy things not take stuff very seriously then once a while after playing we would go and have some juice nearby or go out for a soda after a while when we began to study more these things kind of got sidelined but whenever we got the chance to play again in the summer months during our vacations we would always get together and play

Band 5-6

I have a lot of memories in my childhood and if you ask me for pick up one I will choose the memory on my I think 15th birthday and the memory was my parents gift me a cycle and the first gift from my parents until that time because we are a middle-class family so we don't have enough money to money form our daily routines but they they wish me on that day and say this you should you should have a cycle for traveling to school and for playgrounds so they by a by afternoon we go to Malpe town and they surprisingly visited a cycle shop and asked me to pick one one cycle and one cycle and they bought for me and I really happy at that moment also I never forget that moment because my parents are my father and mother always struggles to look me on me and my sister for for our education because it is a
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