

Describe a Person You Admire: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 11, 2024, 11:14


In the IELTS Speaking test, you'll encounter a cue card in Part 2, where you're asked to speak on a specific topic for one to two minutes. This part tests your ability to organise your thoughts and speak fluently on a given subject. The cue card will present a topic along with some prompts to guide your response.


One such topic you might encounter is "Describe a Person You Admire." This task requires you to talk about someone who inspires you, whether they are a public figure, a family member, or a friend. On this page, we'll explore sample answers to help you structure your response effectively and confidently.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Person you Admire

You should say

  • Who is he or she?
  • What does he or she do for a living?
  • What characteristics does this person have?
  • Explain why you admire this person.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is he or she?):


  • The person I admire the most is my grandmother. She has been a constant source of wisdom and strength in my life.
  • She’s in her seventies now but has lived through so many experiences that have shaped her into the remarkable person she is today.
  • I chose to talk about her because she has always inspired me with her resilience, kindness, and unwavering support.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does he or she do for a living?):


  • My grandmother spent most of her life working as a school teacher, dedicating herself to educating young minds.
  • Even though she’s retired now, she remains active in her community, volunteering at local charities and helping children with their studies.
  • Her commitment to helping others and her passion for learning have always been evident in everything she does.


Key Highlights (Covers: What characteristics does this person have?):


  • One of the qualities I admire most about my grandmother is her patience. She has a calm and composed nature, even in challenging situations.
  • She’s incredibly wise, always offering advice that seems to be just what I need to hear. Her life experiences have given her a deep understanding of people and situations.
  • Her kindness is unmatched; she goes out of her way to help others, often putting their needs before her own without expecting anything in return.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain why you admire this person?):


  • I admire my grandmother because she embodies the values I strive to live by—kindness, patience, and wisdom.
  • She has taught me to stay positive in difficult times and to treat everyone with respect and compassion.
  • The lessons I’ve learned from her continue to guide me, and her example is a constant reminder of the person I aspire to become.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is he or she?):


  • The person I admire most is my high school teacher, Mr. Johnson. He had a profound impact on my education and personal growth.
  • Mr. Johnson taught mathematics but went beyond the subject to instil values of perseverance and critical thinking in his students.
  • I chose to talk about him because he played a significant role in shaping my academic journey and outlook on life.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does he or she do for a living?):


  • Mr. Johnson has been a mathematics teacher for over 20 years, known for his innovative teaching methods and dedication to his students' success.
  • He not only teaches the curriculum but also encourages students to explore real-world applications of mathematics, making the subject both engaging and practical.
  • Even after retiring, he continues to tutor students and give motivational talks at educational institutions, sharing his passion for learning.


Key Highlights (Covers: What characteristics does this person have?):


  • One of the qualities I admire most about Mr. Johnson is his passion for teaching. He brings enthusiasm to every lesson, making complex concepts easier to understand.
  • He’s incredibly patient, taking the time to ensure every student grasps the material, no matter how long it takes.
  • His ability to inspire and motivate students is unparalleled. He always pushed us to think critically and never settle for mediocrity.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain why you admire this person?):


  • I admire Mr. Johnson because he made a lasting difference in my life by teaching me to believe in myself and strive for excellence.
  • His dedication to education and his students' success has left a lasting impression on me.
  • The lessons I learned from him go beyond mathematics—they are lessons in life, resilience, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is he or she?):


  • The person I admire the most is Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India and renowned aerospace scientist. He is often referred to as the "People’s President" due to his humble background and inspiring achievements.
  • Dr. Kalam’s life story is incredibly motivational, as he rose from a small village in Tamil Nadu to become a leading figure in Indian space research and politics.
  • I chose to talk about him because his dedication to education, innovation, and service to the nation has greatly inspired me.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does he or she do for a living?):


  • Dr. Kalam served as the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Indian Government and was instrumental in India’s missile development programmes, including the Agni and Prithvi missiles.
  • After his scientific career, he became the President of India from 2002 to 2007, where he focused on enhancing educational opportunities and encouraging youth participation in nation-building.
  • Even after his presidency, he continued to engage with students and young professionals through lectures and motivational talks, sharing his knowledge and vision for a better India.


Key Highlights (Covers: What characteristics does this person have?):


  • Dr. Kalam’s humility and dedication are qualities I deeply admire. Despite his high-profile roles, he remained approachable and grounded.
  • His passion for education and his belief in the potential of young people were evident in his efforts to promote scientific research and innovation.
  • He was a visionary leader who inspired countless individuals through his writings and speeches, always emphasising the importance of hard work and perseverance.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain why you admire this person?):


  • I admire Dr. Kalam because he exemplified how dedication, hard work, and a commitment to serving others can lead to remarkable achievements.
  • His life and work continue to motivate me to pursue my goals with determination and to contribute positively to society.
  • The values he stood for, including integrity, innovation, and inspiration, are lessons I strive to apply in my own life.


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Knowing how to effectively answer IELTS cue card topics is crucial for achieving a high score in the Speaking test. It helps you to structure your thoughts, stay on topic, and use your time wisely. When you know how to approach these questions, you can speak more confidently and clearly, ensuring that you cover all the necessary points within the time limit.


When the cue card section begins, the examiner will give you a card with a topic and a minute to prepare your answer. The best way to approach this is by breaking your response into small, manageable pieces: an introduction, a description of your experience or opinion, key highlights, and a conclusion.

Here’s how you can structure your response:


Introduction (Covers: Who is he or she?): 


  • Start with a brief statement introducing the person you admire.
  • Mention your relationship with this person or how you came to know them.
  • Highlight why you chose to talk about this person.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does he or she do for a living?): 


  • Explain what qualities or achievements of this person you admire.
  • Share a specific experience or moment that made you admire them even more.
  • Reflect on how this person has influenced you or others.


Key Highlights (Covers: What characteristics does this person have?): 


  • Discuss the main reasons why this person stands out to you.
  • Provide examples or anecdotes that showcase their admirable qualities.
  • Highlight any challenges they overcame or significant contributions they made.


Conclusion (Covers: Explain why you admire this person?): 


  • Summarise your thoughts by reiterating why this person is a source of admiration for you.
  • End with a final statement about the impact this person has had on your life or society.
  • Mention any lasting lessons or inspiration you’ve gained from them.

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after you finish your cue card response in Part 2, you'll enter Part 3, which is a two-way discussion with the examiner. This section lasts 4-5 minutes and involves answering follow-up questions related to the topic you spoke about. It’s designed to assess your ability to discuss ideas and express opinions in greater depth. You’ll be expected to expand on your initial response, providing more detailed explanations and discussing broader aspects of the topic.


Here’s how you can answer some common follow-up questions for the cue card topic "Describe a Person You Admire"

Q1. What qualities do you think are necessary for a respected person?

Answer 1: To be respected, a person should possess integrity, empathy, and reliability. Integrity ensures that they act with honesty and uphold strong moral principles. Empathy allows them to understand and connect with others on a personal level, while reliability ensures they follow through on their commitments, earning the trust of those around them.


Answer 2: Essential qualities for a respected person include fairness, humility, and consistency. Fairness ensures that they treat everyone equally and justly, while humility helps them remain grounded despite their achievements. Consistency in their actions and beliefs builds a solid reputation and makes them dependable in the eyes of others.

Q2. Which celebrity do you think deserves more admiration? Politician, author, athlete, movie star?

Answer 1: I believe authors deserve more admiration because they have the power to influence and inspire through their writing. They tackle complex ideas and convey profound messages that can shape societies and cultures. Their work often goes unnoticed compared to more glamorous professions, yet their impact can be lasting and significant.


Answer 2: Athletes are often underappreciated despite their dedication and discipline. They train for years, pushing their physical limits to achieve excellence. Their achievements not only bring pride to their country but also inspire others to pursue their own goals with determination and perseverance.

Q3. Do you think scientists and soldiers deserve more praise?

Answer 1: Yes, scientists deserve more praise because their work leads to breakthroughs that can transform lives, from medical advancements to technological innovations. Their contributions often go unnoticed despite their crucial role in advancing society and solving global challenges.


Answer 2: Soldiers also deserve significant praise for their bravery and sacrifice. They put their lives on the line to protect their country and uphold peace, often dealing with extreme conditions. Their courage and commitment to their duties are deserving of greater recognition and appreciation.

Q4. Do you think people who are famous are more admired than others?

Answer 1: Sometimes, famous people receive more admiration due to their visibility and the influence they have on public opinion. Their achievements are often highlighted in media, leading to greater recognition and respect, although it doesn’t always reflect their true contributions or character.


Answer 2: Fame can indeed lead to more admiration, but it doesn’t always equate to genuine respect. While famous individuals might attract more attention, true admiration is often reserved for those who demonstrate real impact and integrity, regardless of their public profile.


Q. How to make notes for a cue card IELTS?

Ans. To make effective notes for a cue card, briefly jot down key points from the prompts. Use keywords or short phrases to capture your main ideas and structure your response. Focus on including an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Keep your notes organised and concise to help you speak smoothly and stay on track during your one to two-minute response.

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Yes, eye contact is important in IELTS Speaking. It demonstrates confidence and engagement with the examiner, helping you to appear more fluent and natural. Maintaining good eye contact also shows that you are actively listening and responding to the questions, which can positively impact your overall speaking score.


Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Common mistakes in IELTS Speaking include speaking too briefly without elaborating on answers, using incorrect grammar or vocabulary, and failing to address all parts of the question. Additionally, speaking too fast or too slow can affect clarity, and over-reliance on memorised answers may come across as inauthentic. Practising fluency and coherence can help avoid these issues.


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