
Keck Graduate Institute

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Ranking of Keck Graduate Institute

University Ranking

The Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) is a private graduate school in Claremont, California, specialising in the life sciences. Founded in 1997, KGI is part of The Claremont Colleges, a consortium of seven independent colleges. KGI offers a variety of degree programs, including a Master of Science in Applied Life Sciences, a Master of Science in Health and Science Policy, a Master of Science in Human Genetics and Genomics, and a Doctor of Pharmacy. KGI is ranked among the top graduate schools in the United States. According to U.S. News & World Report, KGI is ranked #13 in the Applied Life Sciences program and #20 in the nation for its Master of Science in Health and Science Policy program.

KGI is ranked #7 nationwide for its Doctor of Pharmacy program. KGI is also highly rated for its research. According to the National Science Foundation, KGI is ranked #1 in the nation for its study in the life sciences. Additionally, KGI is ranked #2 in the country for its research in the health sciences. KGI is also highly rated for its faculty. According to the National Research Council, KGI is ranked #1 in the nation for its faculty in the life sciences and #2 in the country for its faculty in the health sciences. KGI is also highly ranked for its student outcomes. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, KGI is ranked #1 in the nation for its student success rate.

KGI is an excellent choice for students pursuing a degree in the life sciences or health sciences. With top-ranked programs, research, faculty, and student outcomes, KGI is an excellent choice for students pursuing a career in the life sciences or health sciences. Additionally, KGI is ranked #2 in the nation for its job placement rate.


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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Keck Graduate Institute
What is Keck Graduate Institute known for?
Keck Graduate Institute is known for the diverse programmes and certifications it provides with hands-on experience and team collaborations
How to enrol in courses at Keck Graduate Institute?
Students can apply to the courses online by visiting the official application portal of the college.
How to change course in Keck Graduate Institute?
To request to add or drop a course, the student needs to fill out a form available on the official website. The registrar's office will send you a confirmation email after the form has been processed
Is Keck Graduate Institute good for international students?
Keck Graduate Institute is a wise choice for international students because of the diverse programmes and a competitive, inclusive environment.
What are the application deadlines for applying at Keck Graduate Institute?
The application deadlines can vary according to different courses at Keck Graduate Institute.
What is the minimum GPA requirement to get into Keck Graduate Institute College?
A GPA of 2.5 is the minimum requirement in order to be eligible to get into Keck Graduate Institute.
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