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Secrets of the Swarm Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The Secrets of the Swarm reading passage is a fascinating text that explains the community culture in animals. The passage gives the example of insects such as ants and honey bees. 

The Reading passage contains 13 questions and is part of the IELTS Academic Reading test. The passage is sourced from IELTS Cambridge Official Guide Test 3 Passage 1.

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Secrets of the Swarm Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.






Secrets of Swarm Reading Passage


Paragraph 1: Insects, birds, and fish are often the species that people feel the most distanced from. Unlike many animals, they do not participate in human-like behaviour. The method in which they swarm or flock together is also hardly covered by the culinary press. The picture of city commuters marching like worker ants is a frequent one, but it is not a good one. Yet, according to a new school of scientific thought, these swarms may have much to teach us.

Paragraph 2: American author Peter Miller writes, ‘I used to believe that individual ants understood where they were heading and what they were meant to accomplish upon arrival. Deborah Gordon, a scientist at Stanford University, demonstrated to me that nothing ants conduct makes sense outside of the context of the colony as a whole. Which makes you question whether, as people, we don't serve a comparable purpose for the organisations where we work and the societies in which we reside.’ Ants lack intelligence on their own. However, as a colony, they make prudent choices. And, as Gordon discovered through her research, no ant makes decisions or issues orders.

Paragraph 3: Take food collection, for instance. No ant determines, "There is a lot of food available today; many ants should go out to get it," when there is an abundance of food available. Instead, some forager ants go out, and as soon as they locate food, they return to the colony. At the entryway, they transmit a "go out" signal to the reserve foragers by brushing by them. The quicker foragers return, the more food there is, and the quicker other foragers go till the quantity of food brought back eventually decreases. An organic computation was performed to answer the query, ‘How many foragers does the community need today?’ And if anything goes wrong - for instance, a hungry lizard hunting for an ant lunch - a swarm of ants returning without food sends a “Don’t go out” signal to the waiting reserves.


Paragraph 4: But could this kind of decentralised control function in a human organisation? Miller visited a Texas gas firm that has effectively employed calculations based on the behaviour of ant colonies to optimise its plants and transportation routes. They invented a computer model based on the principles of self-organisation observed in ant communities as Miller says, “If ant communities have evolved a method for establishing the most effective routes between their nests and food sources, company management reasoned, why not make use of that information? The model is supplied with information about deliveries that must be done the next day, as well as weather conditions, and it generates a simulation identifying the optimal path for delivery vehicles.

Paragraph 5: Miller notes that it was not until he read a honeybee study by Tom Seeley, a scientist at Cornell University, that he recognised the influence that swarm behaviour may have on people. The honeybees decide together which new nest to migrate into. Initially, scouts fly to different locations to study them. When they return, they perform a "waggle dance" for their location, prompting further scouts to investigate. Numerous bees leave their hives, but none compares all locations. Each gives feedback on just one. The more they enjoyed their nest, the more energetic and prolonged their waggle dance would be, and the more bees would visit it. The volume of bees increases up toward a certain location; it assures that support for the best location snowballs and that the choice is made in the most democratic way possible.

Paragraph 6: Through a variety of information and a little bit of healthy competition, humans can also make intelligent judgements. Miller states, "The greatest example of shared decision-making I saw during my research was a town meeting in Vermont where people argued their annual budget face-to-face.” For group decision-making to be effective, it is necessary to have a method for filtering through the many possibilities proposed by group members and a method for narrowing these options. Vermont residents govern their local affairs by submitting ideas or supporting the proposals of others until a vote reaches a consensus. As with bees, a wide sample of choices prior to making a decision will often result in an agreeable compromise for everyone. The 'wisdom of the multitude' produces intelligent judgments for the benefit of the collective and leaves people feeling informed and appreciated.


Paragraph 7: Without physical interaction, we are increasingly demonstrating swarm behaviour on the internet as well. For instance, Miller compares a wiki website to a termite hill. Information-sharing websites are based on the fundamental idea of indirect cooperation, exactly as termites develop their intricate structures. Termites lack a plan from an architect or a great building design. They merely detect changes in their surroundings, such as when the mound's wall has been damaged, changing the airflow. They go to the location of the change and put a grain of dirt there. When another termite discovers the grain, it, too, will discard it. When another termite discovers the grain, it, too, will discard it. A termite mound is comparable to a Wiki website in this regard. Instead of discussing what we want to share online in person, we just add to what someone else, perhaps a stranger on the other side of the world, has already written. This indirect knowledge and skill-sharing is now reaching the halls of power.


Secret of Swarm Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Secret of Swarm.

Questions and Answers 1-4
  • Complete the flowchart.
  • Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.


How honeybees choose a new nest

Honeybee 1. _______ research potential online locations

Upon their return, they perform 2.  ________

Other bees are active and report back

Enthusiasm and 3.  ________ increase for one particular site

A decision is made utilising a 4.  ______ procedure


Secret of Swarm Reading Answers with Explanation 1-4


Question Type: Flow-chart Completion 

The Flowchart Completion task provides you with an incomplete flowchart based on the content explained in the reading passage. You must find words from the passage to fill in the blanks and complete the flowchart. 

You have to fill in the blanks to form meaningful sentences in their logical order. 

How to Answer Flowchart Completion Task:

  • Read the incomplete sentences first
  • Note the keywords or key points discussed in the sentence
  • Scan the passage and locate where the information is mentioned
  • Read the part and find appropriate words to fill in the flowchart

Check out the answers now. 


1. Scouts




From paragraph 5:  Miller notes that it was not until he read a honeybee study by Tom Seeley, a scientist at Cornell University, that he recognised the influence that swarm behaviour may have on people. The honeybees decide together which new nest to migrate into. Initially, scouts fly to different locations to study them. 


The given paragraph explains how swarms of insects live and perform together. According to the passage, honeybees decide on their new nests together. The scouts fly to a new location and inspect the area first. Then they inform the others. 


2. Waggle dance




From paragraph 5: When they return, they perform a "waggle dance" for their location, prompting further scouts to investigate.  


The given passage explains that after inspecting a new location, the honeybee scouts return to their nests and perform the waggle dance. This is to demonstrate that the new location is suitable for migration. 


3. Volume




From paragraph 5: The more they enjoyed their nest, the more energetic and prolonged their waggle dance would be, and the more bees would visit it. The volume of bees increases up toward a certain location; it assures that support for the best location snowballs and that the choice is made in the most democratic way possible.


According to the paragraph, the scouts will perform their waggle dance if the new site is good. The duration of the dance increases as they enjoy the site more. If the duration of the dance is longer, then the volume of bees going to that particular site also increases. 


4. Democratic




From paragraph 5: The volume of bees increases up toward a certain location; it assures that support for the best location snowballs and that the choice is made in the most democratic way possible. 



According to the narrator, the decision-making process opted by the honeybees is democratic as the method considers the majority opinion of the honey bee swarm in moving to a new location. 

Also Read: IELTS Pattern and Format

Questions and Answers 5-10
Answer the question using True/False or Not Given.

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this


5. Commuters are sometimes likened to worker ants in a positive light.

6. Certain ants within a colony have leadership positions.

7. Forager ants communicate the distance to the food source.

8. Forager ants can respond rapidly to potentially threatening circumstances.

9. Wind may cause damage to termite mounds.

10. Termites construct their nests without interacting directly with one another.


Quick Tip:

Improve your vocabulary. Learn new words, their meaning and usage. Try using them in your speech and writing. This will help you identify keywords and their synonyms easily.


Secret of Swarm Reading Answers with Explanation 5-10


Question Type: Identifying Information

The Identifying Information task provides you with a set of information based on the reading passage. You have to verify if the given information is True, False, or Not Given in the context of the information provided in the passage. 

The Identifying Information Task analyses your ability to understand a text's claims. It also assesses your ability to locate an idea and understand its details. 


How to answer the Identifying Information task:

  • Read the question statements 
  • Find the keywords in the question statement
  • Scan the passage for the keywords
  • Locate the keyword or its synonyms
  • Read the sentence/paragraph containing the keyword
  • Verify the information with the question statement

Check out the answers now. 

5. False




From paragraph 1: The picture of city commuters marching like worker ants is a frequent one, but it is not a good one 


The starting paragraph of the passage compares the group of travellers in a city to a swarm of ants. However, the passage itself claims that this comparison is not in a positive light. So, the question statement is false as the passage contradicts the information. 


6. False




From paragraph 2: Ants lack intelligence on their own. However, as a colony, they make prudent choices. And, as Gordon discovered through her research, no ant makes decisions or issues orders. 


The above lines denote that ants lack the intelligence to make collective decisions or lead a group. So, claiming that certain ants within a colony have leadership positions is false.


7. Not Given




From paragraph 3: Take food collection for instance. No ant determines, "There is a lot of food available today; many ants should go out to get it," when there is an abundance of food available. Instead, some forager ants go out, and as soon as they locate food, they return to the colony. At the entryway, they transmit a "go out" signal to the reserve foragers by brushing by them…And if anything goes wrong - for instance, a hungry lizard hunting for an ant lunch - a swarm of ants returning without food sends a “Don’t go out” signal to the waiting reserves.


According to the passage, the forager ants signal to go out and not go out. The text does not mention any information to claim that forager ants communicate the distance to the food source.


8. True




From paragraph 3: And if anything goes wrong - for instance, a hungry lizard hunting for an ant lunch - a swarm of ants returning without food sends a “Don’t go out” signal to the waiting reserves. 


The forager ants that went to fetch food and returned without any will send a don't go out signal to the waiting ants. The information affirms that the statement that forager ants can respond rapidly to potentially threatening circumstances is true


9. Not Given




From paragraph 7: Termites lack a plan from an architect or a great building design. They merely detect changes in their surroundings, such as when the mound's wall has been damaged, changing the airflow. They go to the location of the change and put a grain of dirt there. When another termite discovers the grain, it, too, will discard it. When another termite discovers the grain, it, too, will discard it.  


The above-mentioned lines explain how termites work as a group. Their work is uncoordinated. Even if any damages appear on the mound’s wall, they go unnoticed by them. The passage does not provide any information to claim that wind may cause damage to termite mounds.  


10. True




From paragraph 7: Termites lack a plan from an architect or a great building design. They merely detect changes in their surroundings, such as when the mound's wall has been damaged, changing the airflow. They go to the location of the change and put a grain of dirt there. When another termite discovers the grain, it, too, will discard it. When another termite discovers the grain, it, too, will discard it. 


The passage explains that termites lack proper design or coordination in their work. They often do not even notice changes in their surroundings. So, it is true that termites construct their nests without interacting directly with one another.

Questions and Answers 11-13
  • Complete the sentence with the correct ending, A-F , below.


11. Citizens in an annual Vermont meeting   

12. Managers working for a Texas gas company   

13. Some internet users  

  1. To develop vast and complex systems, use descriptive comments.
  2. Provide support for each other’s ideas in order to reach the best outcome.
  3. Communicate with each other to determine who the leader will be.
  4. Repair structures they have built without directly communicating with one another.
  5. Use decision-making processes based on insect communities to improve their service.
  6. Contribute independently to the thoughts of others they do not know.


Pro Tip:

Stick to the word limit mentioned in the question. Exceeding the word limit can make your answers invalid. Read the question instructions carefully before start answering.



Secret of Swarm Reading Answers with Explanation 11-13


Question Type: Matching Sentence Endings 

The Matching Sentence Endings task provides you with a set of incomplete sentences and a set of sentence endings. You are supposed to match them with each other to form meaningful sentences. 

How to answer the Matching Sentence Endings task:

  • Read the incomplete sentences first
  • Then, read the given sentence endings
  • Match the sentences that sync each other in terms of content and grammatical structure, considering other sentence structures.

Check out the answers now. 


11. B




From paragraph 6: Through a variety of information and a little bit of healthy competition, humans can also make intelligent judgements. Miller states, "The greatest example of shared decision-making I saw during my research was a town meeting in Vermont where people argued their annual budget face-to-face.” For group decision-making to be effective, it is necessary to have a method for filtering through the many possibilities proposed by group members and a method for narrowing these options. Vermont residents govern their local affairs by submitting ideas or supporting the proposals of others until a vote reaches a consensus. As with bees, a wide sample of choices prior to making a decision will often result in an agreeable compromise for everyone. The 'wisdom of the multitude' produces intelligent judgments for the benefit of the collective and leaves people feeling informed and appreciated. 


The above-mentioned paragraph explains how citizens in an annual Vermont meeting support each other’s ideas to reach the best outcome. They sit together, discuss, and make final decisions


12. E




From paragraph 4: But could this kind of decentralised control function in a human organisation? Miller visited a Texas gas firm that has effectively employed calculations based on the behaviour of ant colonies to optimise its plants and transportation routes. They invented a computer model based on the principles of self-organisation observed in ant communities as Miller says, “If ant communities have evolved a method for establishing the most effective routes between their nests and food sources, company management reasoned, why not make use of that information? The model is supplied with information about deliveries that must be done the next day, as well as weather conditions, and it generates a simulation identifying the optimal path for delivery vehicles. 


The above-given lines depict how the Texas gas firm utilised the self-organisation methods deployed by ant communities for their internal communication purposes. It is clear from the passage that managers working for a Texas gas company use decision-making processes based on insect communities to improve their service.


13. F




From paragraph 7: A termite mound is comparable to a Wiki website in this regard. Instead of discussing what we want to share online in person, we just add to what someone else, perhaps a stranger on the other side of the world, has already written. This indirect knowledge and skill-sharing is now reaching the halls of power. 


The passage compares the work of termites to that of internet users. We share information and skills through online platforms, not knowing what others already shared. So, it is possible to claim that some internet users contribute independently to the thoughts of others they do not know.


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Q. What are some IELTS books for IELTS Reading preparation?

A. Some good books to start your IELTS Reading test preparation are: 

  • IELTS Superpack by Barron's Educational Series
  • Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic by Cambridge University Press
  • Focus on the IELTS Foundation
  • Mometrix IELTS Books for General Academic Training
  • Road to IELTS
Q. How many questions are there in the IELTS Reading test?

A. There are 40 questions in the IELTS Reading test. The questions are based on three or more reading passages and are divided into three sections. These questions are of different types, including Matching Features, Matching Sentence Endings, Sentence Completion and Summary, Note, Table, and Flow-chart Completion.

Q. What is the difference between the IELTS Academic Reading and the IELTS General Training Reading tests?

A. The IELTS Academic Reading test is part of the IELTS Academic test. It is taken by those who plan to apply for a foreign university or professional registration. The IELTS General Training Reading test is part of the IELTS General test, which is attended by individuals who intend to work or migrate to an English-speaking country.

Q. How long is the IELTS Reading test?

A. The IELTS Reading test is one hour or 60 minutes long. There are no breaks allowed in between the tests. You have to answer 40 questions within this time. To ensure you cover all the questions within this time, divide your time equally between all three test sections.

Q. What is the lowest score for the IELTS Reading test?

A. The lowest score to achieve in the IELTS Reading test is a band score of 0. It is unlikely to get a band score of zero unless you marked all your answers wrong or failed to appear for the test. The highest score to achieve is 9. The skill level attributed to a band score of 9 is ‘expert.’ Getting this score denotes that the student has complete operational knowledge of English and that their language usage is accurate, fluent, and comprehensive. Getting a high band score can help you get into several top universities worldwide.

Q. Is grammar important for the IELTS Reading test?

A. Yes, grammar is crucial for your IELTS Reading test. You must understand basic grammar usages such as subject-verb agreement, active and passive voice, proper tense usage, and gerunds or ‘-ing’ forms. Good grammar skills will also help you write clear and concise responses to the test questions.

Q. Is there a fixed time limit for each section in the IELTS Reading test?

A. No, there isn’t any specific time limit to attempt each section in your IELTS Reading test. The total duration of the Reading test is 60 minutes. You can divide this time according to your preferences. It is recommended to divide the time equally between each section. It is better to save more time for your final section since each section's passage gets more difficult.

Q. What can I do if I don't know the answer to my IELTS Reading test question?

A. If you don't know the answer to your IELTS Reading test question, try to guess a suitable answer instead of skipping the question. For example, if it is a multiple-choice question, you can omit the less probable options and filter out the most appropriate one from the available options. If the question seems too difficult to answer, do not spend too much time on it. You can skip the question and move to the next.

Q. How long are the IELTS test scores valid?

A. The validity of your IELTS score is two years. After this, your IELTS certificate is outdated, and you must retake the test. The validity period ensures that your knowledge is intact. It can be easier to retake your test since you are already aware of the test details, format, and question types. However, do not overlook the test and take essential preparation.

Q. Are there special facilities available for differently abled test-takers for the IELTS test?

A. Yes, the IELTS test centres provide special services for the differently-abled test-takers. The facilities include:

  • Modified and enlarged print papers
  • Extra time for the Reading and Writing test or use of a computer 
  • Scribe to write answers on your behalf or a special Listening Test 
  • Braille papers, braille, and enlarged print versions of the Speaking test
  • The lip-reading version of the Listening test
Q. What are the different types of questions in the IELTS Reading Test?

A. There are various questions on the IELTS Reading test, including questions requiring you to complete sentences, tables, and other material. They are:

  • Sentence Completion
  • Summary, Note, Table, Flow-chart Completion
  • Diagram Label Completion
  • Identifying Information
  • Identifying a Writer's Views/Claims
  • Short-answer questions
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Matching Information
  • Matching Headings
  • Matching Features
  • Matching Sentence Endings
Q. Will I lose marks for punctuation mistakes in my IELTS Reading test?

A. Yes, you will lose marks for punctuation mistakes in my IELTS Reading test. IELTS is a language proficiency test; details such as punctuation marks, spelling, tense format, vocabulary, and grammar play an important role in displaying your proficiency in a language. Make sure you remember and misuse punctuation in your Reading test.