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Bankside Recruitment Agency Listening Answers: IELTS Listening Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

Welcome to Bankside Recruitment Agency! We are a leading recruitment agency that strives to connect talented individuals with the best job opportunities in the market. We understand the importance of finding the right job that suits your skills and aspirations, so we take the time to listen to our clients and candidates to understand their needs and preferences. 

In this IELTS listening practice test, you will listen to some of our recruiters discuss our recruitment process and our services. We hope you find this practice test helpful in preparing for the IELTS listening exam. Good luck!

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1. Bankside Recruitment Agency Listening: Audio

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2. Bankside Recruitment Agency Listening: Questions & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS Listening Answers about Bankside Recruitment Agency.

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Bankside Recruitment Agency Listening: Audio

General Instructions for IELTS Listening


You'll listen to recordings of people talking or giving speeches during testing. These recordings can be anything from casual conversations to more formal lectures. Listen closely, then answer some questions about what you've heard.


This test has four sections, each containing four recordings and 40 questions, but this practice test contains one section with 10 questions of the overall IELTS Listening section.

  • You are not allowed to open this section unless asked to do so.
  • Listen to the instructions of each section carefully.
  • Answer all the questions
  • Be alert while listening to the audio
  • Take notes of the keywords while listening to the audio
  • You will be given only 10 minutes to write your answers on the separate answer sheet at the end of the test, for which you have to use a pencil.

Bankside Recruitment Agency Listening: Questions & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS Listening Answers about Bankside Recruitment Agency.

Questions and Answers 1-10
  • Complete the notes below.
  • Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands


    ●   Name of agent: Becky 1) ______________

    ●   Phone number: 07866 510333

    ●   Best to call her in the 2) _______________


    Typical jobs


    ●   Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry

    ●   Must have good 3) ________________ skills

    ●   Jobs are usually for at least one 4) _______________

    ●   Pay is usually 5) £ ______________  per hour


    Registration process

    ●   Wear a 6) ______________ to the interview

    ●   Must bring your 7) _____________ to the interview

    ●   They will ask questions about each applicant’s 8) _______________

    Advantages of using an agency

    ●   The 9) ______________ you receive at the interview will benefit you

    ●   Will get access to vacancies which are not advertised

    ●   Less 10) ______________ is involved in applying for jobs


    Bankside Recruitment Agency Listening Answers: Explanations


    Type of question: Note Completion

    Note completion is a task in IELTS Listening where candidates fill in blanks in notes or summaries based on information from the recording. It requires careful listening and note-taking of keywords to succeed.

    How to best answer:


    • Make sure you know what information is needed to complete the notes.
    • To get an idea of the contents and types of information missing, you can easily review the messages provided to find out.
    • In the recording, look for keywords or phrases that match what's lacking in your notes. It could be names, dates, numbers, places, or specific details.


    Question 1
    Answer: Jamieson



    Amber calls William, a man who told her to call if she wanted to get more information on the job agency. William tells Amber that the Agency he was talking about is called Bankside, it is based in Dockland. Amber asks William if there is anyone in particular she needs to speak to in the Agency, to which William says that there is Becky Jamieson, whom he always deals with. 

    Question 2
    Answer: Afternoon



    William tells Amber not to call her until the afternoon as she is generally busy in the morning.


    Question 3
    Answer: Communication



    William tells Amber they will probably hire her as a receptionist at the start, but Amber says she does not have much experience. William replies that for this type of role, she does not need business skills; she needs communication skills, so he thinks she would be fine. 


    Question 4
    Answer: Week



    Amber asks William how long they keep the temporary staff, as she would like them to last at least a month. William replies that she might first be off at something for a week, which might get extended. 

    Question 5
    Answer: 10/Ten



    William tells Amber that the hourly pay is about 10 pounds if she is lucky. 


    Question 6
    Answer: Suit



    Amber discusses with William that she should dress smartly for the interview, like wearing a suit she can borrow from her mother.

    Question 7
    Answer: Passport



    Amber asks William if she needs to bring a copy of her exam certificate, to which William says it won’t be necessary. Then Amber asks about her passport, which William says will be necessary. 

    Question 8
    Answer: Personality



    William tells Amber that there is nothing to stress about as the interview is basically a chance to build a relationship with her to help her get the job that suits her, and they will probably ask questions related to her personality and nothing difficult.


    Question 9
    Answer: Feedback



    William tells Amber that there are many benefits of using an agency. For example, the interview will be useful as they will give feedback on her performance so that she can improve next time.


    Question 10
    Answer: Time



    Amber tells William that applying for a job via an agency takes less time and is much easier than ringing up individual companies.

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    Q. How much time is given to listening in IELTS?

    Ans. The IELTS listening section lasts around 30 minutes and consists of four recordings by native English speakers. Candidates must answer questions about each recording, covering various topics encountered in everyday situations, academic contexts, or workplace settings. Effective time management is essential, and candidates should practice active listening skills such as note-taking and predicting what might come next to understand and answer questions accurately.

    Q. How is IELTS listening calculated?

    Ans. IELTS listening test scores are based on the candidate's number of correct answers. Incorrect or incomplete answers do not attract penalties. The total number of correct answers is converted into a band score ranging from 0 to 9, with 9 being the highest possible score. This score reflects the candidate's ability to understand spoken English across various contexts and accents.

    Q. How are the IELTS listening recordings structured?

    Ans. The IELTS listening test consists of four recordings, progressively more challenging. These recordings may include conversations, monologues, and academic or workplace-related discussions. They cover various topics such as travel, education, health, and technology. Candidates must answer questions related to each recording as they listen to it.

    Q. Can I wear headphones during the IELTS listening test?

    Ans. During the IELTS listening test, candidates are provided with headphones. These headphones help ensure clear audio reception and minimise distractions. However, it's recommended that the specific test centre's policies be checked beforehand. Some test centres may allow candidates to bring their headphones if preferred.

    Q. What types of accents should I be prepared for in the IELTS listening test?

    Ans. The IELTS listening test features a range of accents from English-speaking countries worldwide. Common accents include British, American, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealand. Additionally, accents from non-native English speakers might appear, reflecting the global diversity of English learners and speakers. 

    Q. What are the different question types in the IELTS Listening test?

    Ans. The IELTS Listening test includes various question types that evaluate different aspects of listening comprehension. These questions include multiple choice, matching, labelling diagrams or maps, completing forms or tables, sentence completion, and short answer questions. Each question assesses different listening skills, such as understanding main ideas, specific details, and logical connections between information presented in audio recordings. 

    Q. What kinds of recordings will be played in the IELTS Listening test?

    Ans. The IELTS Listening test comprises various recordings, including conversations between two or more people, monologues such as lectures or speeches, and audio passages such as radio broadcasts or news reports. These recordings cover different topics, from everyday social situations to academic or professional contexts, providing candidates with exposure to different accents, speech patterns, and vocabulary. 

    Q. Can I write on the question paper?

    Ans. Yes, candidates can write on the question paper during the IELTS Listening test. They can use the question paper to make notes, underline key points, or jot down answers as they listen to the recordings. However, the final answers should be transferred to the answer sheet provided within the allocated time. Writing on the question paper helps candidates organise their thoughts and aids in answering questions accurately during the test.

    Q. How should I approach different question types?

    Ans. To effectively approach different question types in the IELTS Listening test, it's crucial to read instructions carefully, identify key information, and develop efficient strategies. Scanning options before listening and focusing on the main ideas during the recording can help with multiple-choice and matching questions. Predicting answers based on context and listening attentively for specific details can aid in completing tasks. Using abbreviations and symbols to jot down essential information quickly can help with note-taking tasks. 

    Q. What strategies can I use during the test?

    Ans. Effective strategies for the IELTS Listening test include reading questions carefully before listening, anticipating key information, and staying attentive throughout the recordings. Taking quick notes to capture important details and actively listening for context clues like tone and emphasis can also enhance comprehension. Finally, managing time wisely by moving on from challenging questions and returning to them later can maximise overall performance.

    Q. What should I do if I miss an answer?

    Ans. During the IELTS Listening test, it's important to focus on the ongoing recording and listen attentively if you miss an answer. Attempt to answer subsequent questions to the best of your ability since each question carries equal weight. Remember that you can come back to unanswered questions later if time permits. Maintaining composure and concentration throughout the test can help maximise your overall score.