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Transport Survey Listening Answers: IELTS Listening Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

Welcome to the Transport Survey Listening answers for the IELTS Listening Practice Test. In this section, we will provide detailed explanations of the answers to the questions in the Transport Survey Listening audio. 

We will also answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the IELTS listening test to help you prepare effectively. So, let's get started and explore the answers to the Transport Survey Listening questions.

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1. Transport Survey Listening: Audio

Practising this skill will improve your listening skills and help you understand information in different contexts. Let's start with this family excursion and tune up our listening abilities.

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2. Transport Survey Listening: Questions & Answers

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Transport Survey Listening: Audio

General Instructions for IELTS Listening


You'll listen to recordings of people talking or giving speeches during testing. These recordings can be anything from casual conversations to more formal lectures. Listen closely, then answer some questions about what you've heard.

This test has four sections, each containing four recordings and 40 questions.

  • You are not allowed to open this section unless asked to do so.
  • Listen to the instructions of each section carefully.
  • Answer all the questions
  • Be alert while listening to the audio
  • Take notes of the keywords while listening to the audio
  • You will be given only 10 minutes to write your answers on the separate answer sheet at the end of the test, for which you have to use a pencil.

Transport Survey Listening: Questions & Answers

Questions and Answers 1-10
  • Complete the notes below.
  • Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Travelled to town today: by …….. bus…….

    Name: Luisa 1…….
    Address: 2……. White Stone Rd
    Area: Bradfield
    Postcode: 3……. 
    Occupation: 4…….
    Reason for visit to town: to go to the 5…….

    Suggestions for improvement:

    • Better 6…….
    • Have more footpaths
    • More frequent 7……..

    Things that would encourage cycling to work:

    Having 8…….. Parking places for bicycles
    Being able to use a 9……… at work
    The opportunity to have cycling 10…….. on busy roads


    Transport Survey Listening Answers: Explanations 


    Question 1
    Answer: Hardie



    The man asks the woman what is her name, to which she replies Luisa Hardie 


    Question 2
    Answer: 19



    The man then asks the woman what her address is, which the woman replies is 19 White Stone Road. The man says he knows the area, which would be Bradfield.

    Question 3
    Answer: GT8 2LC



    The man asks the woman whether the postcode is GT7, and the woman says it is GT8 2LC.


    Question 4
    Answer: Hairdresser



    The man asks Luisa what her job is, and she says that she has just finished her training and that she is a hairdresser.


    Question 5
    Answer: Dentist/Dentist’s



    The man asks Luisa why she visited the town that day, to which she replies that it is not for shopping but to see the dentist.


    Question 6
    Answer: Lighting



    The man asks Luisa if she has any suggestions for improving the facility and arrangements, to which she replies that she thinks that the lighting should be better as when she comes back late from work, the lighting is a bit bad.

    Question 7
    Answer: Trains



    Luisa says that she thinks there are not enough trains because of the long waiting time. 


    Question 8
    Answer: Safe



    The man asks Luisa about her thoughts of cycling, to which she says that she thought about it but thinks that there are no safe places to park the cycles.


    Question 9
    Answer: Shower



    Luisa says that due to hot weather, if she cycles up the hill all the way to her office, then because of sweat, she would need a shower somewhere at work.

    Question 10
    Answer: Training



    Luisa says to the man that it is a bit difficult to cycle on busy roads, so it would be better if they provided training to drive a bicycle on busy roads.

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    Q. Can I wear headphones during the IELTS listening test?

    Ans. Yes, you will be provided with headphones during the IELTS listening test to listen to the audio recordings. It is important to ensure that the headphones are working properly before the test begins.

    Q. Are there any tips for the IELTS Listening practice test?

    Ans. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the IELTS Listening practice test:

    1. Practice with sample tests.
    2. Improve your vocabulary.
    3. Pay attention to instructions.
    4. Use your time wisely.
    5. Take notes.
    6. Don't leave any questions unanswered.
    7. Stay calm and focused.

    Remember, practice is key to success. The more you practice, the more confident you'll be on test day.

    Q. How should I approach different question types?

    Ans. There are three main types of questions: open-ended, closed-ended, and probing. Open-ended questions require detailed answers, closed-ended ones require direct answers, and probing questions encourage deeper thinking.

    Q. Is there time to check answers at the end of the test?

    Ans. It depends on the test format and the time allotted for it. Some tests allow extra time at the end to review and check answers, while others do not. It's always a good idea to manage your time wisely during a test so that you have enough time to review your answers. If you're unsure about the test format or time constraints, you can always ask your teacher or test administrator for clarification beforehand.

    Q. What should I do if I miss an answer during the test?

    Ans. If you miss an answer during a test, don't panic. Just skip it and move on to the next question. You can always come back to it later if you have time left. It's important not to get stuck on one question and waste time that could be used to answer other questions. If you're running short on time, make an educated guess and move on. Remember, it's better to answer as many questions as possible than to leave them unanswered.

    Q. How can I sharpen my listening skills?

    Ans. One way to sharpen your listening skills is to practice active listening. This means giving your full attention to the person speaking, making eye contact, and asking questions for clarification. You can also try listening to different types of media, such as podcasts or audiobooks, and summarising what you hear to yourself or someone else. Additionally, it can be helpful to practice mindfulness and being present in the moment, which can improve your ability to focus and truly hear what others are saying.

    Q. What are the skills of listening?

    Ans. The skills of listening include paying attention, showing interest, asking questions, being patient, not interrupting, reflecting on what is being said, and providing feedback. Active listening is an effective way to practice these skills, which involves giving your full attention to the speaker, making eye contact, and asking questions to clarify any doubts. Additionally, it is important to be mindful and present in the moment, which can help you focus on what is being said and understand the speaker's perspective better.

    Q. What types of accents should I be prepared for in the IELTS listening test?

    Ans. In the IELTS listening test, you may encounter different accents from English-speaking countries such as the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It is important to be familiar with different accents and dialects. Practice listening to different accents by watching movies, and TV shows, or listening to podcasts and audiobooks in English. Find sample listening tests online to improve your listening skills.

    Q. How do you effectively solve sentence completion questions in the IELTS Listening section?

    Ans. To effectively solve sentence completion questions in the IELTS Listening section, it is important to carefully listen to the audio recording and take notes. Try to anticipate what words might be missing from the sentence and pay attention to any clues provided in the surrounding context. Focus on the meaning of the sentence and use your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to make educated guesses.

    Q. How much time is given to listen to IELTS?

    Ans. In the IELTS exam, the Listening section lasts for around 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes given for test takers to transfer their answers to the answer sheet. The audio recordings played during the Listening section are typically divided into four sections, with each section featuring one or more speakers discussing a particular topic or theme. Test takers are given time to read the questions before each section starts, and there is a short pause between each section to allow them to review their answers.

    Q. How is IELTS listening calculated?

    Ans. In the IELTS Listening section, test takers receive a score based on the number of correct answers they provide. Each question is worth one mark, and there are a total of 40 questions in the section. The raw score is then converted to an IELTS band score, which ranges from 0 to 9. The final band score is calculated based on a conversion table that takes into account the difficulty of the questions and the overall performance of test takers.