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Public Library Listening Answers: IELTS Listening Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

Welcome to the IELTS Listening Practice Test for Public Library. In this test, you will listen to recordings and answer questions based on the information provided. The recordings will cover various topics related to public libraries, including library services, programs, and policies. 

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1. Public Library Listening: Audio

By practicing with this test, you can improve your listening skills and prepare for the IELTS exam. It includes instructions and tips to help you get the most out of the test and a detailed explanation of the correct answers to the questions. 

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2. Public Library Listening: Questions & Answers

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Public Library Listening: Audio

General Instructions for IELTS Listening


You'll listen to recordings of people talking or giving speeches during testing. These recordings can be anything from casual conversations to more formal lectures. Listen closely, then answer some questions about what you've heard.


This test has four sections, each containing four recordings and 40 questions, but this practice test contains one section with 10 questions of the overall IELTS Listening section.

  • You are not allowed to open this section unless asked to do so.
  • Listen to the instructions of each section carefully.
  • Answer all the questions
  • Be alert while listening to the audio
  • Take notes of the keywords while listening to the audio
  • You will be given only 10 minutes to write your answers on the separate answer sheet at the end of the test, for which you have to use a pencil.

Public Library Listening: Questions & Answers

Questions and Answers 1-10
  • Complete the notes below.
  • Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.




    The library re-opened last ……month…….

    The library now has

    ●   a seating area with magazines
    ●   an expanded section for books on 1) …………….
    ●   a new section on local 2) ……………
    ●   a community room for meetings (also possible to 3) ……………. there
    ●   a new section of books for 4) …………….

    For younger children

    ●   the next Science Club meeting: experiments using things from your 5) ……………

    ●   Reading Challenge: read six books during the holidays

    For adults

    ●   this Friday: a local author talks about a novel based on a real 6) ……………

    ●   IT support is available on Tuesday – no 7) ……………. is necessary

    ●   free check of blood 8) …………… and cholesterol levels (over 60s only)

    Other information

    ●   the library shop sells wall charts, cards, and 9) ……………

    ●   evenings and weekends: free 10) …………… is available

    Public Library Listening Answers: Explanation


    Question 1
    Answer: Travel/travel(l)ing



    Paul calls his friend Suzy to ask for information on the public library. As they are catching up on their lives, Paul tells her he plans to travel to Greece with his family for a vacation. 


    Question 2
    Answer: History



    Paul tells Suzy that his wife Carol is organising a project for the history class she teaches at the school. He asks if she can get any related books, to which Suzy says they now have a whole new section on the town's history.

    Question 3
    Answer: Study



    Suzy tells Paul they have a community room in this public library, which people use for meetings. Sometimes, they also use it to study, so Paul says that he can use that room as he finds it hard to get a quiet place at home.

    Question 4
    Answer: Teenagers



    Suzy says to Paul that she cannot remember how his son and daughter are. They have a new section of fiction in the library for teenagers, but Paul says that they are a bit young for that. 

    Question 5
    Answer: Kitchen



    Suzy tells Paul that they now have lots of activities for younger children, including a science club where they can do experiments in the kitchen with things like sugar, flour, and so on. 

    Question 6
    Answer: Crime



    Suzy tells Paul that they have a special activity for adults on Friday. A new local author will be among them in the library, and she will talk about her new novel, ‘Catch the Mouse,’ based on a crime that happened there years ago. 


    Question 7
    Answer: Appointment



    Suzy also gives Paul some information about IT support, which is available on Tuesday mornings for those who want to get up to speed with computer technology. Nobody needs to book an appointment, as they just turn up casually, but Paul suggests that his mother might be interested in this programme. 


    Question 8
    Answer: Sugar



    Suzy also gives Paul some information about IT support, which is available on Tuesday mornings for those who want to get up to speed with computer technology. Nobody needs to book an appointment, as they just turn up casually, but Paul suggests that his mother might be interested in this programme. 


    Question 9
    Answer: Stamps



    Suzy tells Paul there is a little shop with wall charts, greeting cards, and stamps, so if he wants to post something, he can do it directly from the library.  

    Question 10
    Answer: Parking



    Paul asks Suzy if parking is available, to which Suzy replies that it is available and is free in the evening and on the weekends.

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    Q. What is the format of the IELTS Listening section?

    Ans. Listen to various audio sources, such as podcasts, audiobooks, and TED Talks, to improve your listening skills. To improve retention and comprehension, practice focusing on essential information, taking notes, and summarising key points. In addition, speak with native speakers regularly to improve your ability to understand various accents and speech patterns.

    Q. What are the different question types in the IELTS Listening test?

    Ans. The IELTS Listening Test includes different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, matching, labelling diagrams or maps, completing forms or tables, completing sentences, and answering short questions. Each type of question assesses different listening skills, such as understanding the main ideas, specific details, and contextual meaning, to give you a comprehensive assessment of your listening ability.

    Q. What kinds of recordings will be played in the IELTS Listening test?

    Ans. You will be able to hear a wide range of recordings, including conversations between people in everyday situations, monologues such as lectures or seminars on academic and general topics, etc. In the IELTS listening test, you are expected to listen to discussions or presentations about academics. On these recordings, you will be tested to understand spoken English in a variety of accents and situations.

    Q. Can I write on the question paper?

    Ans.  Yes, you can write a question paper on the IELTS Listening test. To help you accurately answer the questions, you may write notes, highlight key facts and make any required corrections. However, you won't have extra time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet, so managing your time effectively during the test is essential.

    Q. What kind of skills are assessed in the IELTS Listening section?

    Ans. The IELTS Listening section assesses a range of listening skills, including understanding the main ideas and specific details, identifying speaker attitudes and opinions, following the development of an argument or discussion, and distinguishing between facts and opinions. It also assesses the ability to follow directions, understand relationships between ideas, and recognise tone and attitude in spoken language.

    Q. How do you effectively solve sentence completion questions in the IELTS Listening section?

    Ans.  It is important to listen attentively during the recording for keywords and context so that you can efficiently solve sentence completion problems in the IELTS Listening section. To predict the missing information, focus on understanding the central concept of a conversation or monologue. Based on the context provided, predict what type of word or phrase is required to complete a sentence.


    Q. How are the IELTS listening recordings structured?

    Ans. The IELTS listening recordings typically have four sections, each of which is progressively more difficult. They cover a wide range of spoken material, such as conversations between two people, monologues, and lectures in the field of education and training. Each section is played only once, and there are various question types, including multiple-choice, matching, and note completion.

    Q. Are there any tips for the practice test?

    Ans. Here are some tips to prepare for the IELTS Listening Practice Test for Public Library: practice listening to different audio sources, take note of keywords, read the instructions carefully, answer all the questions, manage your time wisely, and review the correct answers and explanations after completing the test.

    Q. What should I do if I miss an answer?

    Ans. If you miss an answer in the IELTS Listening Practice Test for Public Library, don't worry. Move on to the next question and try to answer the remaining questions. Listen carefully to the following recordings and review your answers at the end of the test if you have extra time. Let one missed answer affect your performance—answer as many questions as possible.


    Q. What are the skills of listening?

    Ans. Listening skills include focusing, comprehending, remembering, and responding appropriately to the speaker or audio recording. They also involve identifying purpose, tone, and context and recognising verbal and nonverbal cues. Effective listening skills are critical for communication and can be improved through practice and active engagement with listening material.

    Q. What types of questions can be asked in the library information section?

    Ans. The library information section of the IELTS Listening Practice Test for Public Library includes questions related to library services, programs, and policies. Questions may also cover book sections, upcoming events, IT support, medical checkups, and parking availability. To answer accurately, read the instructions and questions carefully and listen attentively to the recordings.