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What's so Funny Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

You can ace your IELTS Reading test with ample preparation and constant practice. Start your journey with What's So Funny Reading Answers and see how the section works. 

The What's So Funny reading passage below explains the function and purpose of humour. It explains how the human brain interprets laughter and responds to it. 


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1. What's So Funny Reading Passage

Given is What's So Funny Reading Passage.

Read the passage carefully and answer Questions 1-14 based on the passage. Compare and analyse your answers with the help of the answer key attached after each question set. 


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2. What's so Funny Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about What's so Funny.

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What's So Funny Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.






What's so Funny? Reading Passage


John McCrone reviews recent research on humour.


Paragraph 1: The joke comes over the headphones: ' Which side of a dog has the most hair? The left.' No, not funny. Try again. ' Which side of a dog has the most hair? The outside.' Hah! The punchline is silly yet fitting, tempting a smile, even a laugh. Laughter has always struck people as deeply mysterious, perhaps pointless. The writer Arthur Koestler dubbed it the luxury reflex: 'unique in that it serves no apparent biological purpose'.

Paragraph 2: Theories about humour have an ancient pedigree. Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others. Kant and Freud felt that joke-telling relies on building up a psychic tension which is safely punctured by the ludicrousness of the punchline. But most modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle's belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity when the punchline is either nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning.

Paragraph 3: Graeme Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humour but language understanding and reasoning in machines. He says that while there is no single format for jokes, many revolve around a sudden and surprising conceptual shift. A comedian will present a situation followed by an unexpected interpretation that is also apt.

Paragraph 4: So even if a punchline sounds silly, the listener can see there is a clever semantic fit and that sudden mental 'Aha!' is the buzz that makes us laugh. Viewed from this angle, humour is just a form of creative insight, a sudden leap to a new perspective.


Paragraph 5: However, there is another type of laughter, the laughter of social appeasement and it is important to understand this too. Play is a crucial part of development in most young mammals. Rats produce ultrasonic squeaks to prevent their scuffles from turning nasty. Chimpanzees have a 'play-face' - a gaping expression accompanied by a panting 'ah, ah' noise. In humans, these signals have mutated into smiles and laughs. Researchers believe social situations, rather than cognitive events such as jokes, trigger these instinctual markers of play or appeasement. People laugh on fairground rides or when tickled to flag a play situation, whether they feel amused or not.

Paragraph 6: Both social and cognitive types of laughter tap into the same expressive machinery in our brains, the emotion and motor circuits that produce smiles and excited vocalisations. However, if cognitive laughter is the product of more general thought processes, it should result from more expansive brain activity.

Paragraph 7: Psychologist Vinod Goel investigated humour using the new technique of 'single event' functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). An MRI scanner uses magnetic fields and radio waves to track the changes in oxygenated blood that accompany mental activity. Until recently, MRI scanners needed several minutes of activity and so could not be used to track rapid thought processes such as comprehending a joke. New developments now allow half-second 'snapshots' of all sorts of reasoning and problem-solving activities.


Paragraph 8: Although Goel felt being inside a brain scanner was hardly the ideal place for appreciating a joke, he found evidence that understanding a joke involves a widespread mental shift. His scans showed that at the beginning of a joke, the listener’s prefrontal cortex lit up, particularly the right prefrontal, which is believed to be critical for problem-solving. But there was also activity in the temporal lobes at the side of the head (consistent with attempts to rouse stored knowledge) and in many other brain areas. Then, when the punchline arrived, a new area sprang to life -the orbital prefrontal cortex. This patch of brain tucked behind the orbits of the eyes is associated with evaluating information.


Paragraph 9: Making a rapid emotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding job for the brain, animal or human. Energy and arousal levels may need to be returned in the blink of an eye. These abrupt changes will produce either positive or negative feelings. The orbital cortex, the region that becomes active in Goel's experiment, seems the best candidate for the site that feeds such feelings into higher-level thought processes, with its close connections to the brain's sub-cortical arousal apparatus and centres of metabolic control.

Paragraph 10: All warm-blooded animals make constant tiny adjustments in arousal in response to external events, but humans, who have developed a much more complicated internal life as a result of language, respond emotionally not only to their surroundings but to their own thoughts. Whenever a sought-after answer snaps into place, there is a shudder of pleased recognition. Creative discovery being pleasurable, humans have learned to find ways of milking this natural response. The fact that jokes tap into our general evaluative machinery explains why the line between funny, disgusting, or funny and frightening can be fine. Whether a joke gives pleasure or pain depends on a person's outlook.

Paragraph 11: Humour may be a luxury, but the mechanism behind it is no evolutionary accident. As Peter Derks, a psychologist at William and Mary College in Virginia, says: 'I like to think of humour as the distorted mirror of the mind. It's creative, perceptual, analytical and lingual. If we can figure out how the mind processes humour, then we'll have a pretty good handle on how it works in general.


What's so Funny Reading Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about What's so Funny.

Questions and Answers 1-7
Do the following statements agree with the information given in What's So Funny Reading Passage?
For the questions 1-7 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this


1. Arthur Koestler considered laughter biologically important in several ways.  


2. Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average intelligence.  


3. Kant believed that a successful joke involves the controlled release of nervous energy.  

4. Current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle's view on the subject.  

5. Graeme Ritchie's work links jokes to artificial intelligence.  


6. Most comedians use personal situations as a source of humour.  

7. Chimpanzees make particular noises when they are playing. 

What's so Funny Reading Answers with Explanations 1-7


Question Type: Identifying Information

The Identifying Information task provides you with a set of information based on the reading passage. You have to verify if the given information is True, False, or Not Given in the context of the information provided in the passage. 

The Identifying Information Task analyses your ability to understand a text's claims. It also assesses your ability to locate an idea and understand its details. 


How to answer the Identifying Information task:

  • Read the question statements 
  • Find the keywords in the question statement
  • Scan the passage for the keywords
  • Locate the keyword or its synonyms
  • Read the sentence/paragraph containing the keyword
  • Verify the information with the question statement

Check out the answers now. 

1. False




From paragraph 1: The writer Arthur Koestler dubbed it the luxury reflex: 'unique in that it serves no apparent biological purpose'. 



The given reading passage explains the function and impacts of humour on the human body. The introductory paragraph of the passage clearly explains biologist Arthur Koestler’s view on laughter. According to him, laughter does not have any biological purpose to fulfil. So, the claim that Arthur Koestler considered laughter biologically important in several ways is false


2. Not Given




From paragraph 2:  Theories about humour have an ancient pedigree. Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others.  


The given paragraph explains the various theories on humour proposed by ancient thinkers. According to Plato, humour is a fleeting feeling of superiority over fellow people. The passage does not provide any information to claim that Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average intelligence. 


3. True




From Paragraph 2: Kant and Freud felt that joke-telling relies on building up a psychic tension which is safely punctured by the ludicrousness of the punchline.  



The passage explains that Emmanuel Kant and Sigmund Freud shared the same theory on the idea of humour. According to them, a successful joke involves the controlled release of nervous energy. So, the given statement is true


4. False




From Paragraph 2: But most modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle's belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning. 



According to the passage, most modern theorists on humour accepted Aristotle’s belief on the subject. So, the statement current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle's view on the subject is false


5. True




From paragraph 3: Graeme Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humour but language understanding and reasoning in machines. He says that while there is no single format for jokes, many revolve around a sudden and surprising conceptual shift. 



Modern thinker and linguist Graeme Ritchie analyses the linguistic structure of jokes and links it with language understanding and reasoning in machines. So, it is true that Graeme Ritchie's work links jokes to artificial intelligence.  


6. Not Given




From paragraph 3: A comedian will present a situation followed by an unexpected interpretation that is also apt. 



The passage explains that comedians use humour and present certain situations for the audience. Later, they provide an unexpected explanation for the situation, which evokes laughter and excitement in the viewers. The passage does not provide information to claim that most comedians use personal situations as a source of humour. 


7. True




From paragraph 5: Play is a crucial part of development in most young mammals. Rats produce ultrasonic squeaks to prevent their scuffles from turning nasty. Chimpanzees have a 'play-face' - a gaping expression accompanied by a panting 'ah, ah' noise. In humans, these signals have mutated into smiles and laughs.  



The passage explains that chimpanzees have a gaping expression, followed by a noise resembling a human smile. So, it is true that Chimpanzees make particular noises when they are playing.


Quick Tip:

Do not exceed the word limit. If the question asks you to answer within TWO WORDS, limit your answers to TWO WORDS. Exceeding the word limit can make your answers invalid.

Questions and Answers 8-10
  • The diagram below shows the areas of the brain activated by jokes.
  • Label the diagram.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
  • Write your answers for 8-10 on your answer sheet.




What's so Funny Reading Answers with Explanations 8-10


Question Type: Diagram Label Completion

The Diagram Label Completion task provides you with a diagram and asks you to label certain parts of the diagram. The diagram and its labelling will be based on the given reading passage. 

How to answer the Matching Sentence Endings task:

  • Observe the diagram and find out the key aspects it describes
  • Check out the areas mentioned to label
  • Go through the passage and find appropriate words to fill in the blanks

Check out the answers now. 

8. Problem-solving




From paragraph 8:  His scans showed that at the beginning of a joke, the listener’s prefrontal cortex lit up, particularly the right prefrontal, which is believed to be critical for problem-solving. 



As per Psychologist Vinod Goel’s research, the prefrontal cortex is the part that lights up when hearing a joke. This part is also essential for problem-solving abilities in humans. 


9. Temporal lobes




From paragraph 8: But there was also activity in the temporal lobes at the side of the head (consistent with attempts to rouse stored knowledge) and in many other brain areas.



The passage explains that other parts of the brain and the prefrontal cortex are also activated while hearing a joke. This includes the temporal lobes. 


10. Evaluating Information




From paragraph 8: Then, when the punchline arrived, a new area sprang to life -the orbital prefrontal cortex. This patch of brain tucked behind the orbits of the eyes is associated with evaluating information. 



As the passage suggests, the orbital prefrontal cortex activates as a joke is finished. This area is located behind human eyes and is also associated with evaluating information. 


Quick tip

While answering, skim and scan the passage instead of reading it more than once. Quickly read through the passage to get the main idea (skim), then go back to find specific details (scan) when answering questions.

Questions and Answers 11-14
  • Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-G below.
  • Write the correct letter A-G for questions 11-14 on your answer sheet.


11. One of the brain's most difficult tasks is to  

12. Because of the language they have developed, human

13. Individual responses to humour  

14. Peter Derks believes that humour 

  1. React to their own thoughts.
  2. Helped create language in humans
  3. Respond instantly to whatever is happening.
  4. May provide valuable information about the operation of the brain.
  5. Cope with difficult situations.
  6. Relate to a person's subjective views.
  7. Led our ancestors to smile and then laugh.


What's so Funny Reading Answers with Explanations 11-14


Question Type: Matching Sentence Endings 

The Matching Sentence Endings task provides you with a set of incomplete sentences and a set of sentence endings. You are supposed to match them with each other to form meaningful sentences. 

How to answer the Matching Sentence Endings task:

  • Read the incomplete sentences first
  • Then, read the given sentence endings
  • Match the sentences that sync each other regarding content and grammatical structure, considering other sentence structures.

Check out the answers now. 

11. C




From paragraph 9: Making a rapid emotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding job for the brain, animal or human. Energy and arousal levels may need to be returned in the blink of an eye. 



The passage claims that the most important task for the human brain is to provide rapid emotional evaluation of the events taking place. So, it is right to say that one of the brain's most difficult tasks is to respond instantly to whatever is happening.


12. A




From paragraph 10: All warm-blooded animals make constant tiny adjustments in arousal in response to external events, but humans, who have developed a much more complicated internal life as a result of language, respond emotionally not only to their surroundings but to their own thoughts. 



According to the passage, all warm-blooded animals respond to external stimuli. This response is heightened in humans due to the function of well-structured human languages. It is right to say that because of the language they have developed, human react to their own thoughts.


13. F




From paragraph 10:  The fact that jokes tap into our general evaluative machinery explains why the line between funny, disgusting, or funny and frightening can be fine. Whether a joke gives pleasure or pain depends on a person's outlook. 



According to the passage, jokes are a kind of external stimuli that evoke our general evaluative machinery. However, how we respond to humour relates to a person's subjective views.


14. D




From paragraph 11: As Peter Derks, a psychologist at William and Mary College in Virginia, says: 'I like to think of humour as the distorted mirror of the mind. It's creative, perceptual, analytical and lingual. If we can figure out how the mind processes humour, then we'll have a pretty good handle on how it works in general. 



The conclusion of the passage explains that, according to psychologist Peter Derks, unravelling the complete function of humour in the human brain will subsequently help in understanding the overall functioning of our brains. 

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Q. Can I prepare for my IELTS Reading test on my own?

A. Yes, you can prefer your IELTS Reading test on your own. However, if you are planning for self-study, ensure you get proper resources for your preparation. Get reliable text material, practice papers and sample tests. Draft a study plan and be consistent with your preparation. Make sure you assess your progress with mock tests. In between, if you feel like getting help, feel free to reach out to our  IELTS experts.

Q. What are some good books for IELTS Reading test study?

A. Below are some of the most recommended books to prepare for the IELTS Reading test: 

  • Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic by Cambridge University Press
  • Improve Your IELTS Reading Skills By Sam McCarter & Norman Whitby
  • Focus on the IELTS Foundation
  • Collins Reading For IELTS By Els Van Geyte (Ebook)
  • IELTS Superpack by Barron's Educational Series
Q. Can I skip questions in my IELTS Reading test?

A. Yes, you can skip questions in your IELTS Reading test. It is not compulsory to attempt all the questions. However, IELTS trainers suggest attempting all the questions in the test. Since you do not have a negative marking system for the IELTS Reading test, attending more questions will increase your scoring chances.

Q. Can I cancel or reschedule my IELTS Reading test?

A. Yes, you can reschedule or cancel your IELTS test. However, you cannot reschedule the Reading module alone. If needed, you have to reschedule your entire IELTS exam. You can reschedule your test through the official website of IELTS IDP India.

Q. Is there a negative marking in the IELTS Reading test?

A. No, there is no negative marking for the IELTS Reading test. Since there is no negative mark, it is better not to skip questions. Answer as many questions as possible to increase your chances of scoring better. You can receive one mark for each of your correct answers and zero marks for your wrong answers in your IELTS Reading test. 

Q. Will I lose a score for punctuation errors in the IELTS Reading test?

A. Yes, you will lose marks for punctuation mistakes in the IELTS Reading test. Given that IELTS is a language test, factors such as punctuation marks, spelling, tense, vocabulary, and grammar are crucial in demonstrating your language skills. It is essential to be mindful of them and avoid punctuation mistakes during your Reading test.

Q. How long are the IELTS test scores valid?

A. The validity of your IELTS scorecard is two years. After this, your IELTS certificate is outdated, and you must retake the test. The validity period ensures that your knowledge is intact. You can apply for another IELTS test slot from the official IELTS IDP India website.

Q. Are there special facilities available for differently abled test-takers for the IELTS test?

A. Yes, the IELTS test centres provide special services for the differently-abled test-takers. The facilities include:

  • Extra time for the Reading and Writing test or use of a computer 
  • Modified and enlarged print papers
  • Braille papers, braille, and enlarged print versions of the Speaking test
  • The lip-reading version of the Listening test
  • Scribe to write answers on your behalf or a special Listening Test 
Q. What are the different types of questions in the IELTS Reading Test?

A. There are various questions on the IELTS Reading test, including questions requiring you to complete sentences, tables, and other material. They are:

  • Matching Information
  • Matching Headings
  • Matching Features
  • Matching Sentence Endings
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Sentence Completion
  • Summary, Note, Table, Flow-chart Completion
  • Diagram Label Completion
  • Identifying Information
  • Identifying a Writer's Views/Claims
  • Short-answer questions


Q. How many reading passages are there in the IELTS Reading test?

A. The IELTS Reading test consists of three or more passages. The number of passages differs according to the test type you opt for. The IELTS Reading Academic test consists of three long passages. One passage is distributed into each section.  The number of passages in the IELTS Reading General test varies across each section. 

  • Section 1 consists of 2-3 passages.
  • Section 2 consists of 2 passages.
  • Section 3 consists of 1 long passage. 
Q. What are some practices for IELTS Reading test preparation?

A. Some practices to follow while preparing for your IELTS Reading test are

  • Read everyday
  • Read different types of texts
  • Practice IELTS Reading sample passages
  • Attempt IELTS Reading mock tests
  • Mark and analyse your answers
  • Work on your difficult areas 
Q. Can I get extra transfer time for the IELTS Reading Test?

A. No, the extra transfer time is unavailable for the IELTS Reading test. It applies only to the paper-based Listening test. You have to finish your IELTS Reading test within 60 minutes. No extra time is allocated after the one hour. So, divide the given time appropriately between all three sections. It is recommended that each section be completed within a maximum time of 20 minutes.