
TOEFL Speaking Practice 2024: How to use fillers effectively?

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Updated on Aug 30, 2024, 12:33

The Speaking section is one of the most important in the TOEFL exam. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your English abilities by answering 4 questions on various topics. This section includes four tasks to be completed in approximately 16 minutes

Before responding to each task, you will have a short preparation period of 15-30 seconds. Each task response will have a specific time limit (45 or 60 seconds) for speaking. Your entire speaking section will be recorded for scoring. 

During the TOEFL Speaking section, you will be asked to discuss various topics, including personal experiences, familiar situations, and academic content. The topics can range from everyday activities to more abstract ideas. To excel, regular TOEFL Speaking practice is essential. 

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1. TOEFL Speaking Practice: Question 1

In the first question, you will be given a familiar topic to speak on and scored based on your fluency and clarity in English.

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2. TOEFL Speaking Practice: Question 2

The second and third questions will be based on your reading and hearing. First, you will read a short text about a campus-related change or academic topic. 

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3. TOEFL Speaking Practice: Question 3

In the final question, you will listen to a part of the lecture on an academic topic. You will then be asked to summarise the main points of what you heard.

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TOEFL Speaking Practice: Question 1

In the first question, you will be given a familiar topic to speak on and scored based on your fluency and clarity in English.

Remember for 1st question:


  • Preparation time- 15 sec
  • Record time- 45 sec
Question 1

Question Type: Agree/ Disagree


Question: State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.
                Then explain your reasons, using specific details to the explanation.


Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.


TOEFL Speaking Practice: Question 2

The second and third questions will be based on your reading and hearing. First, you will read a short text about a campus-related change or academic topic. 

The text will disappear, and you will either listen to the conversation about campus change or a short lecture on an academic topic. 


Then, you will be asked about what you have read and heard. You need to combine appropriate answers with talking to provide a complete answer.


Question no


Part 1Preparation time- 30 sec
Record time- 60 sec
Part 2 Preparation time- 30 sec
Record time- 60 sec
Question 2, Part 1

Question 2, Part 1: Read the article from a university newspaper. You will have 50 seconds to read the article. Begin Reading Now 

University to Prohibit Bicycles on Campus

Beginning next semester, the university will not allow the use of bicycles on Campus. The campus sidewalks are intended for pedestrians and receive heavy pedestrian traffic. Several minor accidents have resulted from people on bicycles, posing a safety risk. Furthermore, prohibiting bicycles will not be a problem for students since the university currently operates a convenient alternative: the free campus bus system, which runs between all campus buildings.

Question 2, Part 2

Question 2, part 2: The woman expresses her opinion of the proposed policy change. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


TOEFL Speaking Practice: Question 3

In the final question, you will listen to a part of the lecture on an academic topic. You will then be asked to summarise the main points of what you heard.

Remember for 4th question:


  • Preparation time- 30 sec
  • Record time- 60 sec
Question 3


Directions: Read the transcript. 

Narrator: Now listen to part of a lecture in a business class. 

Professor: Today, we’ll talk about how companies determine the initial price for their products, by that I mean, when they first introduce a product in the market. There are different approaches, and today we’ll discuss two of them. They are quite different … each with their own advantages. One approach or strategy sets the initial price of the product high, followed by a lower price at a later stage. Why? Well, … when introducing a new product, companies want to build a high-quality image for it. Products that cost more are believed to be of higher quality. So, during the early stages of the product life cycle, companies can make very high profits from consumers willing to pay more for a high quality product, and although consumers know that prices will eventually go down, they’re also willing to pay more to get the product sooner. This approach works very well with … oh … innovative, high-tech products, for example. Now, just think about when video recorders, or … video cameras … or even cell phones … first came out. 

They were very expensive, but then they became much more accessible. Another very common strategy sets an initial price low. Now this happens when the market is already saturated with the product and the strategy is to undercut its competitors. Say, there’s a newly starting computer maker trying to gain market share. So what do they do? Well, they offer a computer at an affordable price, lower than existing brands. By doing this, the company appeals to new consumers who weren’t probably even interested in getting a computer and … well, of course … to existing consumers who might now be tempted to switch brands. Now, how does this company make profits with its low-priced computer? Well, one thing that’s often done is to encourage their customers to buy accessories also manufactured by them, like printers, or software, for example. 

Using the example from the lecture, explain what behaviour modification is and how it works. Explain the two major factors of product quality and how their role in consumer decision-making has changed.

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Q. How do I practice TOEFL speaking?

Ans. To practice TOEFL speaking, you can utilise various resources such as TOEFL preparation books, online speaking forums and language exchange programs. Additionally, you can record yourself responding to TOEFL speaking prompts and listen to identify areas for improvement. Engaging in regular conversations in English with native speakers or language partners can also help improve your speaking skills. 

Q. How can I improve my speaking in TOEFL?

Ans. To improve your speaking in TOEFL, you can practice speaking English regularly with native speakers or language partners. Utilise TOEFL preparation materials and practice speaking prompts to enhance your speaking skills. Additionally, recording yourself and identifying areas for improvement can be beneficial. Engaging in language exchange programs and online speaking forums can also provide valuable practice opportunities.

Q. Is TOEFL speaking difficult?

Ans. The difficulty of the TOEFL Speaking section may vary for different individuals. Some find it challenging due to the time constraints and the need to articulate their thoughts clearly within a limited timeframe. However, with regular practice and familiarisation with the question types, many test-takers find the TOEFL Speaking section manageable.

Q. What are the common mistakes to avoid in the TOEFL speaking section?

Ans. In the TOEFL speaking section, common mistakes to avoid include speaking too fast, not fully addressing the prompt, using repetitive language, and not utilizing the full response time. It's important to pace yourself, clearly address the question or topic, vary your vocabulary, and make the most of the allotted time for each task. Practising these skills can help improve performance in the TOEFL speaking section.

Q. How can I build my confidence in speaking in English during the TOEFL exam?

Ans. To build confidence in speaking English for the TOEFL exam, practice speaking regularly with native English speakers or language partners. Additionally, record yourself speaking and listen to identify areas for improvement. Finally, familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked in the TOEFL Speaking section and practice responding within the time limits.

Q. What are the best resources for TOEFL speaking practice?

Ans. The best resources for TOEFL speaking practice include official TOEFL preparation materials, such as practice tests and sample questions provided by ETS, the organization that administers the TOEFL. Additionally, you can use speaking prompts from English language learning websites and apps to practice speaking on various topics. Furthermore, recording and reviewing your own responses can be a helpful way to identify areas for improvement in your speaking skills.