Purpose Of SAT Exam 2022: Top 5 Advantages Of Giving Test

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If you are looking for college admissions across leading universities in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, India, and others, SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test) exams can be helpful. Admissions officers from universities like Princeton University, Harvard University, and other Ivy league members consider SAT scores for the admission process. The Purpose Of SAT Exam is to assess the capabilities of students in English speaking, grammar, and solving mathematical problems. It is a standardised test with sections like Evidence-based reading, writing, and mathematics. In the early 20th century, college presidents from 12 top universities formed the College Entrance Examination Board, which is now known as the College Board. This organisation developed a standardised test for the assessment of English language and Mathematics students, now known as the SAT exam. There are many benefits of appearing for an SAT exam. Here we are discussing the benefits, the SAT exam is for what purpose, and everything you need to know about the standardised test.

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SAT Exam: The Main Purpose & Overview

When it comes to University admissions across the United States and other countries, admission officers require higher scores in the entrance exams. The SAT Test is one of the most standardised and reputed exams designed specifically to assess applicants’ readiness for academic studies. The purpose of the SAT exam is to not only assess language proficiency but measure overall capabilities. The test includes questions from maths, social studies, and science, also providing an overview of the applicant’s ability. However, there is one section of the SAT exam that does not make a significant impact on the final score- the essay section. Applicants need to write an essay on a specified topic which takes about 50 minutes. The total time allotted for the SAT exam is 3 hours and 50 minutes. The exam has a total of five sections as follows:

  • Reading section
  • Writing section
  • Mathematics section with calculator usage
  • Mathematics section without a calculator

Evidence-based reading and writing exams comprise 52 standard multiple-choice reading questions. It also has 44 multiple choice questions for the writing section. Further, for the math section, there are 45 multiple-choice questions. Math test includes a question on topics like the heart of algebra, Geometry, Problem-solving methods, data analysis, and advanced mathematics. The SAT test is designed specifically for admissions decisions of top universities and is held at different sites every year. International students and applicants can take the test multiple times. However, most universities consider a composite score or “super score,” which is a combination of two subject tests. Here it is important to note that SAT essay score is optional for many universities, and it depends on the individual admission requirements of an institute. Now that we have an idea about the SAT exams, let’s discuss some of the key benefits.

The Benefits of the SAT Exam

When you think of SAT exam benefits, college admissions are the first thing that comes to your mind. However, there are several other advantages that you get with the standardised test. Let’s discuss some of them:

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Purpose Of SAT Exam 2022: Top 5 Advantages Of Giving Test

Admission Eligibility

Many colleges and universities consider SAT exam scores for admission eligibility apart from other requirements. For example, the California Institute of Technology, with an acceptance rate of 7%, requires SAT scores between 1530-and 1580. Similarly, Harvard University requires students to submit SAT scores between 1400-and 1600 for a better chance at admission at a 5% acceptance rate. However, many colleges, including the famous Harvard University, have made the SAT test-optional due to COVID 19 impact on 2023 admissions. Yet, there is a better chance of acceptance at such prestigious universities with the SAT score submission.

Subject Choice

There is a reason why the SAT exam has different sections for critical reading, maths, and writing. It allows colleges to understand students’ capabilities in these subjects. Apart from these, there are questions on social studies and science which helps them assess applicants’ aptitude in a specific field or subject. So, one of the key benefits of the SAT exam is a subject choice. Students can design their SAT preparation in such a way that the score reflects their capabilities in the designed subject. It will enhance your chances of getting admission into the specific subject in the desired college.

Scholarship Advantage

Studying abroad can be costly as there are several costs associated with it. Right from the visa application fees to airfare, tuition fee, and accommodation costs, there are several of them. Financial aid becomes quintessential for studying abroad. This is where you will experience the true SAT exam importance. According to a survey, 10% of students who take standardised tests get $20,000 every year. So, there is no denying that taking the SAT test can help students get scholarships for studying abroad. Here are some of the scholarships that consider SAT scores for financial support,

  • Pacific Gas and Electric Company Asian ERG Scholarship(SAT Score 1500, Scholarship amount $2,000)
  • Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship(SAT Score 1000, Scholarship amount $30,000)
  • Deana’s Wish Memorial Scholarship(SAT Score 1100, Scholarship amount $2,000)
  • Lloyd M. Fujie Scholarship for Accounting Major Students(SAT Score 1500, Scholarship amount $2,500)
  • Matt Logies Memorial Scholarship(SAT Score 1500, Scholarship amount $5,000)
  • Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program(SAT Score 1070, Scholarship amount $4,000)
  • CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program(SAT Score 1000, Scholarship amount $18,000)

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Career Planning

Mere registration for the SAT test does not ensure a bright career, but it certainly opens doors to several possibilities. Right from the start, applicants can plan their careers by focusing on the preferred SAT subject test. Further, students can look for undergraduate programs accordingly and plan their careers in the relative field. Apart from the admissions, the financial aid to support your study abroad can be achieved through a higher test score.

Reduced GPA Gap

Many universities consider SAT scores in scenarios where students have lower GPAs. Universities require minimum GPA scores for Indian students and other applicants. If they don’t meet the minimum GPA requirements, the University can reject the application. However, some universities consider higher SAT scores to compensate for lower GPA scores. For example, Harvard University provides admissions for students with a minimum of 4.8 GPA in high school. However, if you have scored higher in the SAT exams, it can compensate for a lower average GPA. Now that we have some idea about the purpose of the SAT exam and its benefits, let’s discuss the application process.

SAT Exam: Application Process, Test Date & More

Students who want to appear for the SAT exam are required to register on the official website. They can also register for exams through email or by filing a form offline at the local College Board centre. Another way to apply is by using coalition or common apps. These are online platforms that allow international students to apply across multiple schools and universities. Here are the steps for exam registration:

  • Visit the College Board website
  • Create a College Board account
  • Fill in all the details and submit all the required documents
  • Choose the type of exam and the nearest centre
  • Upload the photograph and pay the application fees

SAT Exam Registration For 2022


There is no denying to SAT exam importance. However, it is not that easy to crack. There are multiple-choice questions with main sections of critical reading, writing, and maths. So, it is not just a test of your language skills but also your analytical abilities. Fortunately for you, LeapScholar has got you covered with sample tests, tutorials, exam guides, and expert mentors. So, book a consultation now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the age criteria for SAT exams?

There are no specific age criteria defined by the College Board for students who want to appear for the SAT exam. However, most universities consider SAT scores for admission to undergraduate programs, so students who have passed 12th or have completed 11th can apply for it.

What is the difference between SAT & ACT?

SAT exams have major sections of event-based reading, writing and maths. On the other hand, the ACT includes science as one of the major sections.

How can I send SAT scores to colleges?

Students can send SAT scores while registering for the test or after the announcement of official scores. They get four free scores during the registration process, which they can send to college. Further, if students fail to send scores after nine days of taking the test, $12 is charged for each new report sent to a college.

lalitha manjunath
Lalitha Manjunath

My 8-year long journey as a SAT trainer has been paved with considerable success, excellent feedback, and extremely satisfactory learning outcomes.

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