
University of the Highlands and Islands

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Graduate recruitment and student engagement


Graduate recruitment


UHI Careers is the university's devoted career service. The agency includes dedicated employees who assist all university students and graduates in obtaining acceptable employment following graduation. The service maintains a jobs database where you can post your criteria for free and have the proper students matched to your openings.


Student engagement


You can work with the University of the Highlands and Islands students in a variety of ways to meet your skill and employee needs. These are some of them:


  • Student Work Placements or Internships


A period of time in the workplace that a student spends as part of their education is usually related to their academic discipline. Work placements for students can last anywhere from two weeks to a year and can be done part-time or full-time. Unless the placement provider is a charity, a voluntary organisation, and allied fundraising group, or a statutory body, national minimum wage legislation applies.
Student work placements are aided by a designated placement coordinator who will collaborate with the company to scope the placement and, if necessary, assist with the recruitment process. Throughout the placement, the coordinator will keep in touch with the student and the business and will pay visits to both to assess progress.


  • Student Work Experience


An unpaid length of time spent in the workplace by a student that is not directly related to their education or an accredited module or programme.


  • Work Shadowing


When a student observes a member of staff working in an organisation in order to obtain a better knowledge of what that employment entails, the activity is usually unpaid and offered on a short-term basis (i.e. 3–5 days).


  • Employer-generated Student Project


When an employer gives a student a brief for a specific project that requires certain knowledge or skills, this is known as a project brief. Student projects can be done singly or in groups, and they do not require the student or students to be on the premises of the company. Lecturers assist with projects, which can be paid or unpaid.


  • Volunteering


A period of unsupported time spent by a student on an activity that benefits society or the environment. Volunteering is an activity that a student engages in without receiving any compensation.


  • Graduate Internship


A period of work experience that a student undertakes after graduation, usually full-time and lasting for at least 6 months to a year. Graduate internships are usually offered for a set period of time and are governed by national minimum wage laws.




















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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about University of the Highlands and Islands
Where is University of the Highlands and Islands located?
University of the Highlands and Islands is located in Perth, UK
How much does it cost to study in University of the Highlands and Islands?
The average first year cost to study in University of the Highlands and Islands is INR 1214093
What is the acceptance rate for University of the Highlands and Islands?
University of the Highlands and Islands has an acceptance rate of 12.5%
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