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Guarantee a 1500+ SAT Score with LeapScholar's Training

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5000+ Latest SAT Questions

100+ Mock Tests

Personalised Feedback for Every Mock Test

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12,156+ Students Got Admits From Top Ivy League Colleges

What makes LeapScholar the right choice for you?

1:1 SAT Live Classes

Get a dedicated expert tutor for 1:1 sessions as part of the personalised learning experience with LeapScholar.

1:1 SAT Live Classes

100+ Mock Tests

Practice with 100+ mock tests designed by our expert tutors to replicate the SAT test environment.

100+ Mock Tests

Personalised Tutor Feedback

Get detailed feedback and analysis on test responses across all sections by the assigned SAT tutor.

Personalised Tutor Feedback

Flexible SAT Prep Schedule

Schedule your weekly classes & mock tests across 3-8 weeks to curate a customized learning plan.

Flexible SAT Prep Schedule

Guidance from Top SAT Tutors in the Industry

SAT Expert
Lalitha Manjunath

Lalitha Manjunath

19+ Years of teaching experience

SAT Expert
Peeyush Awasthi

Peeyush Awasthi

9+ Years of teaching experience

SAT Expert
Bharath Sundar

Bharath Sundar

9+ Years of teaching experience

SAT Expert
Naina Arora

Naina Arora

8+ Years of teaching experience

Your Journey to Achieve SAT Success

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Enrol in SAT course to achieve 1500+ score in 5 weeks

Driving SAT Success for Students Worldwide


LeapScholar helped me raise my SAT score by identifying and improving my weak areas.

Thanks to Leap's personalised strategies and practice tests tailored to my needs, I raised my overall SAT score to 1480, including a 60-point increase in my English score.

- Saanvi Zutshi, Dubai American Academy


LeapScholar made getting a 1500+ on the SAT a breeze.

The teachers at LeapScholar’s SAT Course were instrumental in my SAT success. Their practice resources helped me gain 70 points on my second attempt, leading to a 1540 SAT score.

- Akshat Rai, Gems Modern Academy


LeapScholar’s personalized approach made all the difference in my SAT prep.

I can't thank Leapscholar enough for their phenomenal SAT training program, giving me a strong start on my college journey.

- Aryan Dubey, DPS Modern Indian School


I couldn't have scored 1500 without LeapScholar's guidance and strategies.

The tutors at Leap’s SAT course provided me with clear explanations and effective tactics in both English and Math which were key to my success.

- Yousef Yasser, Shorouq Al-Mamlakah International School


LeapScholar gave me the right tools to achieve my SAT goal.

Their motivating teachers and extensive practice tests helped me secure a 1500 SAT score.

- Avanee V Sangam, DPS Modern Indian School

Why trust LeapScholar for SAT Prep?

50,000+ Students
Tutored in SAT
12000+ Ivy League Admissions
450,000+ Classes
4.7 Average
Student Rating

Frequently asked Questions

Will the classes be online?
The classes will be conducted entirely online at times agreed upon mutually by the tutors and the students.
Is there a 1:1 class available?
There are options for both 1:1 classes and group classes. You can choose the mode of class according to your needs.
What is the duration of the course?
The duration of your course depends on your mode of class and your availability. Our academic experts will provide you with an estimated duration during your consultation session.
Are there any offers available for the course?
We do have certain exclusive offers for students. You will get to know more about this during the consultation session.
What study materials are included in the course apart from live classes?
The course offers live classes, mock tests, a comprehensive student manual, supplementary materials for homework, and vocabulary-building resources.
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KHDA Permit: 631133

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