How do Indian graduates who return with degrees from other countries benefit India?

An international degree can advance students' careers by granting them access to the Indian and global  employment markets. When assessing job applications in India, resumes with foreign degrees are given preference.

Key Tidbits:  In the first three months of 2022, 133,135 students left India for academic pursuits, an increase from 2020 when 259,655 students studied abroad. In 2021, there were 4,44,553 Indians – an overall increase of 41% in just one year.

of having a foreign degree in India: 1. Indian companies are eager to hire Indians with foreign degrees who are flexible, multilingual, and already have some work experience along with their studies.

Benefits : 

2. Students with foreign degrees have experienced a multicultural ambiance so that they can adjust to any situation.

Benefits : 

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3. These students represent better knowledge of the global market, technology, and products. Most companies in India look for human resources that can interact with global culture.

Benefits : 

4. 31% of Indian companies hire only from the top 10 institutes in the world. So, while two students may have the same degree, depending on where they earned those degrees, Indian companies may judge them differently while making a job offer.

Benefits : 

5. Returning students may boost export revenue. This income is essential to protect domestic economies from global fluctuations. They create products that meet international needs since they are accustomed to overseas markets & customers.

Benefits : 

6. An international degree demonstrates a student's soft skills. Many organizations look for applicants with new ideas and industry knowledge.

Benefits : 

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