The Better  student intake for US aspirants: 

Spring Vs Fall

The Better  student intake for US aspirants: 

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International students have always been perplexed by the Fall vs Spring argument. Does applying during a  particular season really  have its advantages? Or is it just a myth?  Let’s talk about which semester you should apply for and why!

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The US typically has 3 intakes, namely:

Fall:   Commences in August or September  Spring:  Commences in January. Summer:  For limited courses in May.

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Here are some factors you should keep in mind:


Many universities do not have intake for the Spring season. Suppose you wish to apply for Spring semester intake; first research to find the availability. Class sizes are large for the Fall Intake, so you might have a better chance of getting admitted.

Here are some factors you should keep in mind:

Job Opportunities

Job fairs usually occur during the second year. Generally, students complete three semesters in the fall class and two in the Spring by the second year.  The fall students will have more advantages over the Spring as an extra semester will boost your profile.

Here are some factors you should keep in mind:


Universities offer more courses for the Fall Intakes. If you are looking for a specialized course, there are chances of unavailability in the Spring.  E.g., January intake in UK 2022 has fewer subjects to choose from compared to September intake.

Here are some factors you should keep in mind:

Extracurricular Activities

If extracurricular activities are your priority, applying for the fall semester may be the best option.  Annual events usually happen in the fall. 

Here are some factors you should keep in mind:


At times, Universities are flexible enough to allow you to complete your entire post-graduate degree in three semesters. If you can do that, you can apply for jobs sooner. If you are in the fall intake, you get extra months to apply for jobs.

Choose Fall intake if…

Choose Spring intake if…

You are aiming at a particular course that many students don’t opt for

You want to take a break  after your degree to have a year gap

You want summer internships and want to apply for jobs sooner

You want to go for internships with a better experience and are willing to wait

You are interested in leadership activities at the university clubs 

If you fear competition and want a smooth admission process, go for spring

Want guidance on the different intakes in US Universities and understanding which is an  ideal choice? Learn more about it by speaking with our counsellors.

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